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Uniform prayer timings in capital under consideration, govt tells NA

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Uniform prayer timings in capital under consideration, govt tells NA
By Qamar Zaman
Published: March 26, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Government informed the National Assembly on Thursday that it was consulting religious scholars from all sects to introduce uniform prayer timings in the federal capital.

“We are making efforts to introduce uniform timings for Azaan (call for prayer) in Islamabad and a decision is likely to come through in a week, over which the nation would be happy,” Minister of State for Religious Affairs Pir Aminul Hasnat said.

Responding to a question, Hasnat said a meeting in this regard had taken place on Wednesday with scholars from all the sects and an agreement was reached over timings of four prayers.

As per details, the government has decided to implement a uniform system in the federal capital under which Azaan (call of prayers) timings will be fixed while Salat (prayers) would be also offered at one particular time throughout the capital.

“Once an agreement is reached, after consultation with the scholars we will bring it to the National Assembly,” Hasnat added.

However, the state minister said that there were some forces that wanted to sabotage the effort by propagating a negative impression in the media.

Referring to media reports that “the move was aimed at bringing the Saudi system” the minister said it was not the factual position.

“After the success over uniform timings in Islamabad, we will replicate it in other cities,” he added.

Addressing the concern of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz MNA Major (retd) Tahir Iqbal regarding rumours in his constituency Chakwal that loud speakers for Azaan will be banned, Hasnat said, “There is no such proposal under discussion.”

Further, regarding registration of seminaries, the minister added, “Registration of Madrassas is not something new as it has been in practice since 2005.”

However, he said that the representatives of seminaries have suggested there should be one consolidated form about information the authorities need, instead of many.
maybe the software can send cell phone alerts rather than announce on loudspeakers.


‎Please launch this software. It'll be highly appreciated by the people and win their confidence to curb loudspeakers.
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‎@Horus please launch this software. It'll be highly appreciated by the people and win their confidence to curb loudspeakers.

horus seems to be banned... his user-name didn't appear as link. :D

and thanks for quoting my little suggestion. :-)
Like shias and sunnis will ever agree on the same timing
Like shias and sunnis will ever agree on the same timing

Time isn't real issue whatever time they set within their mosques. Use of loudspeaker that results one after the other. It's not like village where houses're at one kilometer distance. City population is congested. Use of loudspeakers is out of proportion and logic.
Time isn't real issue whatever time they set within their mosques. Use of loudspeaker that results one after the other. It's not like village where houses're at one kilometer distance. City population is congested. Use of loudspeakers is out of proportion and logic.
Bhai zuhar ki azaan poray ghantay chaltey hay har firkay kay molvi ki apni timing hay
Time isn't real issue whatever time they set within their mosques. Use of loudspeaker that results one after the other. It's not like village where houses're at one kilometer distance. City population is congested. Use of loudspeakers is out of proportion and logic.

i believe jamal abdul nasser had banned loudspeakers once in the 50's.
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