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Unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP)


Mar 8, 2019
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US Military Has “A Lot More” on UFOs Ex-Intelligence Director Confirms

In an interview with Fox News, recent former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, confirmed the U.S. Government is aware of “a lot more” sightings of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” or “UAP,” than has so far been made public.

“There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” Ratcliffe told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. “Some of those have been declassified. And when we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. Movements that are hard to replicate that we don’t have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”

Without going into specifics, Ratcliffe, who served as head of the U.S. Intelligence Community under Donald Trump from May 2020 to January 2021, confirmed multiple accounts previously reported exclusively by The Debrief.


Artist Rendition of triangular unknown aircraft claimed to have been photographed by the U.S. Navy. (Image Source: Dave Beaty/The Debrief)

In December 2020, The Debrief revealed through information obtained via the Freedom of Information Act that defense officials at the highest levels, including the Vice Chiefs of Staff for the Navy and Air Force and Secretary of the Navy, had received classified briefings on UAP in October 2019.

“Recommend you take the brief I just received from our Director of Naval Intelligence VADM Matt Kohler, on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” said then-Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Robert Burke in an email to Vice Chief of Staff for the Air Force, General Stephen “Seve” Wilson.


Copy of the email obtained by The Debrief via FOIA

Additionally, in December, The Debrief revealed officials had disseminated at least two classified intelligence reports on UAP encounters by the military to the Intelligence Community in the last two years.

Confirmed by multiple Intelligence Community members and one Federal Law Enforcement Official, one of the intelligence reports released in the fall of 2020 contained what was described to The Debrief as an “extremely clear” photograph of an unidentifiable triangular aircraft.

Officials who had seen it described the unidentified aircraft in question as a large equilateral triangle with rounded or “blunted” edges and large, perfectly spherical white “lights” in each corner.

Both The Debrief and subsequently foreign policy journalist Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner confirmed the triangular UAP photograph’s existence independently.

The Debrief also published a leaked photo taken from the cockpit of a F/A-18 fighter jet that purportedly shows what the Department of Defense (DoD) has characterized as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”

At the time of release, The Debrief expressly stated the leaked photo was not the same image of the supposed triangular object previously reported.

Nevertheless, confusion still emerged, as the leaked image shows an odd “bell-shaped” object with ridges or other protrusions along the lateral edges and extending toward its base, not a clear triangular aircraft.

A host of online pundits and avocation analysts have speculated the leaked photo depicts a 28″ mylar Batman balloon, commonly available at party supply retailers. However, The Debrief has become aware that the leaked image is one in a series of photographs captured over a period of 32 minutes by Naval aviators. The Debrief has also confirmed the photos were provided to and analyzed by the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force, being run by the Office of Naval Intelligence.

When reached for comment, Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough would not confirm nor deny the leaked photograph’s existence. “To maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of reports, observations or examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP,” Gough told The Debrief.


Photo Showing Navy Encounter with UAP leaked to The Debrief

While visions of crystal-clear high-definition images or videos of unknown aerial objects are undoubtedly enticing, another aspect of this bizarre phenomenon mentioned to Fox by Ratcliffe is far more compelling.

“When we talk about sightings, the other thing I will tell you is, it’s not just a pilot or just a satellite, or some intelligence collection,” said Ratcliffe. “Usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things.”

The former DNI’s comments on the DoD having collected multisensor data on UAP echo what has been previously reported to The Debrief by individuals working within government and who hold requisite access to information regarding UAP encounters.

“Some of the best evidence acquired has come from measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT), rather than from videos or still images,” a source speaking under the condition of anonymity told The Debrief in November.

In a January article co-authored by The Debrief’s Tim McMillan and Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner, authors revealed through multiple surveillance and reconnaissance platforms; intelligence assessments had found the objects being classified as UAP appeared to be intelligently controlled, mechanical devices, capable of performing feats beyond current technological capabilities.

Some of these extreme performances said to have been captured include:

  • “Transmedium” capabilities – Meaning capable of operating through the air and underwater.
  • The ability to anticipate the responses by those they encounter.
  • A propensity to appear with impunity near sites housing thermonuclear weapons.

Also revealed was the claim that amongst the “Five Eyes” intelligence networks – the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – intelligence intercepts show foreign countries, such as Russia and China, are experiencing the same types of encounters.

“Weather can cause disturbances, visual disturbances. Sometimes we wonder whether or not our adversaries have technologies that are a little bit further down the road than we thought or than we realized,” said Ratcliffe. “But there are instances where we don’t have good explanations for some of the things that we have seen.”

john ratcliffe

John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence

Ratcliffe also told Fox he believed it would be “healthy” to make UAP information available to the public. The former DNI acknowledged he had wanted to get out UAP information before he left office. Ratcliffe, however, said, “We weren’t able to get it down into an unclassified format that we could talk about quickly enough.”

Citing federal law and numerous Supreme Court rulings that extend privilege to recognized news organizations for access to government records that are of “unusual circumstances” of great public interest and relating to “imminent action by Congress,” The Debrief has filed formal requests with the Department of Defense for release of videos and still imagery associated with UAP. Our request includes the series of photographs that accompany the image previously leaked.

On December 7, 2020, the Staff Judge Advocate General Counsel for the Office of Naval Intelligence confirmed officials had accepted the Debrief’s request. Officials said they were currently undergoing the classification review process to determine what materials could be released.

In addition to The Debrief’s request, as a condition of the FY2021 Intelligence Authorization Act, signed into law as part of the massive omnibus bill on December 28, 2020, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to provide a comprehensive report on UAP.

The Intel Committee’s directive states the UAP report is to be provided at the unclassified level, with the exception that some information could be withheld in a classified annex. Presently, the report is expected to be completed sometime in June.

What will be provided in DNI’s report on UAP remains to be seen. Yet, according to the former head of the U.S. Intelligence Community, John Ratcliffe, when it comes to UAP incidents, “there are actually quite a few more than have been made public.”

what do you think? Are they trying to hide something?

The most explosive and credible documentary ever made about the global cover-up of unidentified aerial phenomenon is LIVE. With shocking testimony from high-ranking government and military officials, NASA Astronauts, Senator Harry Reid says, “it makes the incredible credible.” Former Senior CIA Officer Jim Semivan, calls it “the most important documentary of the year.”
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This is unbelievable. Why they prefer visiting thermonuclear weapons sites? it looks like they are watching us continuously. where are they? how is it possible for a tiny object to travel in both mediums? underwater travel is more shocking. it breaks all physics rule.
I still believe that there is another mathematics. a mathematics which we still don't know. it's impossible for a body to travel like this. no engines, no thrust, mysterious technology. all this is unbelievable but it means that they exist and they are far superior in terms of technology.
Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed By Mysterious 'Drones' Off California Over Numerous Nights
The disturbing series of events during the summer of 2019 resulted in an investigation that made its way to the highest echelons of the Navy.

By Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti March 23, 2021

In July of 2019, a truly bizarre series of events unfolded around California’s Channel Islands. Over a number of days, groups of unidentified aircraft, which the U.S. Navy simply refers to as ‘drones’ or 'UAVs,' pursued that service's vessels, prompting a high-level investigation.
During the evening encounters, as many as six aircraft were reported swarming around the ships at once. The drones were described as flying for prolonged periods in low-visibility conditions, and performing brazen maneuvers over the Navy warships near a sensitive military training range less than 100 miles off Los Angeles. The ensuing investigation included elements of the Navy, Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The incidents received major attention, including from the Chief of Naval Operations—the apex of the Navy's chain of command.
The following is our own investigation into these events, during which we discovered these events were far more extensive in scale than previously understood.

A Strange Story Emerges
Last year, documentary filmmaker Dave Beaty uncovered initial details about the events, centering on the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Kidd (DDG-100). That initial account described a tense encounter, culminating in the deployment of onboard intelligence teams.



USS Kidd.

New documents significantly expand the public's knowledge of the scope and severity of that incident and reveal others that occurred around the same time. These details come largely from our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which resulted in the disclosure of deck logs from the ships involved. Additionally, our investigation utilized hundreds of gigabytes of automatic identification system (AIS) ship location data to forensically reconstruct the position of both military and civilian ships in the area during this strange series of events.

By using the USS Kidd's position as a starting point, we were able to identify several other ships in close proximity to it during the incidents in question, including U.S. Navy destroyers USS Rafael Peralta, USS Russell, USS John Finn, and the USS Paul Hamilton. Subsequent FOIA requests for these ships' records allowed us to build a composite picture of the events as a whole.



Night One: July 14th, 2019
It appears the incidents began with an initial ‘UAV’ sighting by the USS Kidd around 10:00 PM on the night of July 14th, 2019. Deck logs like the one below provide information about the course and speed of the ship. Additionally, they record any other relevant information about unusual events or changes in the ship's behavior. This log records the first drone sighting:


Navy via FOIA

As previously reported, two drones, typically described as UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles throughout the logs, were spotted by the Kidd. The Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation team, or "SNOOPIE team," refers to an onboard photographic intelligence team tasked with documenting unknown contacts, events of interest, and other objects of interest on short order.



A member of a destroyer's SNOOPIE team with a video camera in hand.

Though an Aegis-equipped ship like the USS Kidd has some of the most sophisticated sensors on earth, sailors equipped with consumer-grade cameras act as a kind of nimble spotting and event recording team, able to quickly adapt to changing conditions while providing situational awareness and recording what they see through traditional video and photo methods.

You can see a SNOOPIE team in action and one of their products in the video below:

Moments after the sighting on July 14th, the USS Kidd entered into a condition of restricted communications designed to enhance operational security and enhance survivability. This is noted throughout many of the logs as "River City 1." During the events, the ships often engaged “emissions control,” or EMCON, protocols designed to minimize their electronic emissions profile.
Less than 10 minutes after the sighting, the USS Kidd advised the USS Rafael Peralta of the situation. The USS Rafael Peralta logs show that at around 10:00 PM it activated its own SNOOPIE team. They also show that reports of additional sightings were coming in from the USS John Finn.


Navy via FOIA

For its part, the logs of the USS John Finn simply reported possible UAV activity, and deactivation of the ship's AIS transponder system. In fact, the selective deactivation of AIS was a challenge for us in reconstructing ship positions, as we sometimes had to rely on cross-comparison of deck logs to locate the position of the ships.
Shortly after the initial sighting, a red flashing light was spotted.


Navy via FOIA

Among the more dramatic entries in the logs from this incident is the one below from the USS Rafael Peralta, describing a white light hovering over the ship's flight deck.


Navy via FOIA

The log reflects that the drone managed to match the destroyer's speed with the craft moving at 16 knots in order to maintain a hovering position over the ship’s helicopter landing pad. To further complicate what was already a complex maneuver, the drone was operating in low visibility conditions (less than a nautical mile) and at night.
By this point, the encounter had lasted over 90 minutes—significantly longer than what commercially available drones can typically sustain.



The red-lit bridge of an Arleigh Burke class destroyer at night.

According to AIS data, few civilian ships were in the immediate vicinity. AIS is not strictly mandatory in all cases, and can be turned off, so it is possible other vessels could have been nearby, as well. The civilian bulk carrier Bass Strait, cited later in the investigation, was situated towards the northern edge of the encounter area. A Liberian-flagged oil tanker, the Sigma Triumph, was just south of the position of the three destroyers. The ORV Alguita, a 50-foot catamaran, briefly a subject of interest in the official investigation that would come, was just off the western tip of San Clemente Island. Importantly, San Clemente Island is owned by the Navy and is frequently used for military training and testing purposes.
The following map shows maritime traffic around the ports of Los Angeles and San Diego on July 14th. The position of each ship at 10:00 PM is marked with a black indicator, and the track of the ship before and after the incident time is marked with colored dots. The approximate positions of each cluster of ships are numerically marked.


Author's illustration

The two groups of destroyers and the ORV Alguita form a roughly triangular shape with each side approximately 50 nautical miles long, containing an area just over 1000 square nautical miles. The Bass Strait and the USS Paul Hamilton were in relatively close proximity at marker one. The ORV Alguita was off the northern tip of San Clemente Island at marker two. The USS Kidd was at marker three, and the formation of three destroyers was at marker four. The tanker Sigma Triumph was just to the west of the formation of three destroyers, at marker five.

@SQ8 @PanzerKiel
Is it possible to ask for such kind of information from Pakistan military? Is there any freedom of Information act?

Why didn't the ships shoot them down? Would have been a good test for their defenses.
On UFOs and alien life

COWEN: Let’s say we take a concrete issue. The Navy has reported that a lot of its pilots have seen unidentified flying objects. If you’re tackling that, as a CIA director or someone who works there, what is it you would sift through and interpret? How would that go?

BRENNAN: I’ve seen some of those videos from Navy pilots, and I must tell you that they are quite eyebrow-raising when you look at them. You try to ensure that you have as much data as possible in terms of visuals and also different types of maybe technical collection of sensors that you have at the time.

Also, I believe, it’s important to reach out into other environments and find out, were there any type of weather phenomena at that time that might have, in fact, created the appearance of the phenomenon that you’re looking at? Were there some things that were happening on the ground, or other types of phenomena that could help explain what seems to be quite a mystery as far as what is there?

I think an important thing for analysts to do is not to go into this type of challenge either discounting certain types of possibilities or believing in advance that it is likely X, Y, or Z. You really have to approach it with an open mind, but get as much data as possible and get as much expertise as possible brought to bear.

COWEN: At the end of all that sifting and interpreting, what do you think is the most likely hypothesis?

BRENNAN: [laughs] I don’t know. When people talk about it, is there other life besides what’s in the States, in the world, the globe? Life is defined in many different ways. I think it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that might be is subject to a lot of different views.

But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.

COWEN: Being an agnostic, you don’t think it’s something supernatural?

BRENNAN: Well, supernatural is in the eye of the holder. Again, I’m not going to discount them. That’s why I’m an agnostic as opposed to an atheist. I just want to leave my mind open as to what something might be, but who knows what these things might be?

Pictures and video show Unidentified Flying Objects moving above U.S. Navy warships

MYSTERY WIRE — Amazing images have been leaked from a secretive Pentagon investigation of UFOs.

The UAP Task Force has been gathering evidence for a comprehensive report for Congress which is due in June that includes photographs and videos of UFO encounters with U.S. military assets, including Navy destroyers off the southern California coast.

Part of the report is to educate other military and intelligence officials about the nature of the UFO mystery.

The new images were gathered by the Task Force and obtained by investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who confirmed their authenticity. Mystery Wire has independently confirmed that the visual materials are included in the briefing presentation prepared by the UAP Task Force.

Several U.S. warships based in San Diego were repeatedly buzzed by unknown aerial intruders. Stories of strange encounters bubbled to the surface last summer, initially focused on the USS Kidd Navy destroyer.

A month ago, more documentation surfaced in the form of ships logs, which confirmed that aerial intruders were seen by crews aboard multiple warships in restricted waters off the coast of southern California.

  • 1200px-USS_Rafael_Peralta_DDG-15_leaving_for_builders_sea_trials_US_Navy_161017-N-DM751-001.jpg
    USS Rafael Peralta
  • eyJwaG90b0lkIjo5MjMsIm5hbWUiOiJwaG90b1wvMTIyMHg0MDdcL290aGVyXC8wMDAwMDkyMyJ9.jpg
    USS Kidd
  • USS-Russell.jpg
    USS Russell
  • USS-Paul-Hamilton.jpg
    USS Paul Hamilton
  • USS-John-Finn.jpg
    USS John Finn
  • 1200px-USS_Rafael_Peralta_DDG-15_leaving_for_builders_sea_trials_US_Navy_161017-N-DM751-001.jpg
    USS Rafael Peralta
  • eyJwaG90b0lkIjo5MjMsIm5hbWUiOiJwaG90b1wvMTIyMHg0MDdcL290aGVyXC8wMDAwMDkyMyJ9.jpg
    USS Kidd

USS Kidd

The objects were described as drones. But there was not any description where they came from or who might be controlling them.

One remarkable video was recorded in July 2019 by Naval officers using a night vision device, showing what appear to be pyramid shaped objects hovering 700 feet above a Navy destroyer.

“This (video) was taken on deployment from the USS Russell,” Corbell said. “It shows what they described as vehicles. And they made a great distinction. They made sure in this classified briefing, they made a great distinction that this is not something that we own either a black project, this is not something of a foreign military, that these were behaving in ways that we did not expect. And that they were you know shaped non aerodynamically. Like pyramids, these are flying pyramids!”

The video is one of several forms of visual evidence gathered by the UAP Task Force to document bizarre encounters reported by the U.S. Navy during the past two years, including photos of three stationary drones of unknown origin, reported earlier this week.

This week, Mystery Wire shared photographs taken by the crew of an F/A-18 off the coast of Virginia in March, 2019.

Some critics think they are simply drones or balloons, but the Navy and the Task Force list them as unknowns. They too are included in the Task Force briefing. The overall report is classified, but the images are not.

  • Acorn.jpg
    The Acorn
  • Metallic-Blinp.jpg
    The Metallic Blimp
  • Sphere.jpg

Corbell says the briefing lists multiple events involving several ships over a few days. “That was in July 2019. It got increasingly strange,” Corbell said. “The 14th and 15th of July, there were some like drone sightings. And by the way, on the other ships, they had different things that happened. So some were just like lights that did figure-eights and patterns and 90 degree turns. Others were like a different color light, like red.”

Still images from video recorded by the U.S. Navy showing Pyramid shaped UAPs flying above the USS Russell. (Image sourced by @JeremyCorbell)
Among the other images from the time period is a spherical object photographed by the crew of the USS Omaha as it flew nearby, then descended into the ocean. The Navy called it a trans-medium vehicle.


Navy images showing trans-medium Sphere travel from the air to underwater. (Image sourced by @JeremyCorbell)
“Where did they land? Where did they come from? How did they travel the distance?” Corbell asked during a Mystery Wire podcast recording. “How did they have the power source for the lights? How could they evade detection?”

If anyone in the Navy or the UAP Task Force knows, no one is talking on the record.

The mystery drones, the spheres, the flying pyramids, the metallic blimp are considered to be true unknowns.

Mystery Wire has reached out to the Pentagon for comment on these images and video but have not received a response.

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