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Uncle Sam's War-Mart

Uncle Sam's War-Mart - Special Report - Sunday TOI - Home - The Times of India

What is the implication of this in indian subcontinent, and in particular india vs china.

I want to see a prosperous indian subcontinent and a healthy relation with china and our neighbours.

Healthy relations does not mean that one has to disband its armed forces and military capabilities.

France, UK, Italy all have good and healthy relations but they have also maintained strong military capacities. See Australia it has no enemy but still having holding to its military capabilities.

Army, Navy Air Force, Aircraft Career, Submarines, Nukes etc. etc. are for deterrence. So that u can live in peace and prosper.

Also, as per article Bush have seeded "China is threat to India". By doing this Bush has proved himself a true friend of India. Because our politicians and babus are known for deep sleeps. One day China again surprises and back stab us, but it will be not possible thank to the Bush. Give Bharat Ratan to him for this and opening gates of latest higher technologies for India.
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