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Uncertainty in Bangladesh ("incredible amount of anti-India feeling within BD")

You should probably remember that then!
And BNP never supported anti-India activities.....PRO-Assam freedom fighters used to come over our side of the border to have fish curry...that's all!

Your idea of payback is killing your own countrymen, we don't have any issues with that. Carry on :enjoy:
You should probably remember that then!
And BNP never supported anti-India activities.....PRO-Assam freedom fighters used to come over our side of the border to have fish curry...that's all!

So you shouldnt mind when Awami Leaguers come over to have Indian rasgullas.
Why do you think that happened? Because we could not afford to feed millions of your countrymen who poured across the borders to flee the mass slaughter.
I'm not talking about the War.....We officially became a state in 74......and by that time India had supported formation of a totalitarian socialist regime in BD!

So you shouldnt mind when Awami Leaguers come over to have Indian rasgullas.
I would be actually quite happy if all of them went over there.....but did you just equate your beloved secular party with people you call terrorists....interesting!!
I'm not talking about the War.....We officially became a state in 74......and by that time India had supported formation of a totalitarian socialist regime in BD!

I would be actually quite happy if all of them went over there.....but did you just equate your beloved secular party with people you call terrorists....interesting!!
Well to be honest my thinking did undergo a change when I saw people beating women with sticks. The thing is, i am being honest, it is up to you BD's to change your government and stop blaming us for all your troubles. Because from what I see as is visible from the street violence, all of those people who are killing and getting killed are your citizens.
Well to be honest my thinking did undergo a change when I saw people beating women with sticks. The thing is, i am being honest, it is up to you BD's to change your government and stop blaming us for all your troubles.
Well you would be glad to know that the women who was tortured was actually Hasina's chief adviser's own niece......We wouldn't blame you if your Foreign minister didn't go around nakedly supporting AL!
Well you would be glad to know that the women who was tortured was actually Hasina's chief adviser's own niece......We wouldn't blame you if your Foreign minister didn't go around nakedly supporting AL!

That is because they are in power. They run your country and they are the people to deal with. That's how diplomacy works. If tomorrow some BNP etc etc come to power we will have to deal with them and talk to them. What do you suggest we do, cut off ties with Bangladeshi government? You would have had the right to be outraged had we been like Saudi and sent troops into Bahrain, but we don't do that. We just deal with whosoever is in power. Every country does that.
That is because they are in power. They run your country and they are the people to deal with. That's how diplomacy works. If tomorrow some BNP etc etc come to power we will have to deal with them and talk to them. What do you suggest we do, cut off ties with Bangladeshi government? You would have had the right to be outraged had we been like Saudi and sent troops into Bahrain, but we don't do that. We just deal with whosoever is in power. Every country does that.
You government does not think like you do.....they support a specific political party....if they were doing what you are saying they do we would be the best of friends.....and we are not!
BNP does not have a history of religious extremism.....unlike its counterpart on the other side of the border(with a similar sounding name).....BNP cannot be a religious party with an old woman with tons of makeup as its head!
Do you seriously think the Western world actually cares about what reputation you give us.....open your eyes kid....they don't give a shit....they are already supporting BNP and not a giving a flying **** about what you have to say about our secular party.......and we are dirt poor third world country whose consular is NOT stripped in public in the west.....You guys just do not understand foreign policy(evident from your government's actions).....they don't care if Bangladesh does not have Hindus or Chakmas or half its population for that matter.....its all about business!
When is this project beginning btw? :azn:
When India gives the greens signal to AL.
MinorityVideo ~ Human Rights Watch Bangladesh
Did I say it matters to me - if AL wins/loses/ or is a criminal/saint? My question is specific. When is the project to clean BD going to start? And don't be defensive. You are contradicting yourself.

Ok, let me make this easier. When you come close to collapse, and when you elect 'hardcore' Islamists to power in frustration - how soon do you think the 'cleaning' is going to begin?
You government does not think like you do.....they support a specific political party....if they were doing what you are saying they do we would be the best of friends.....and we are not!

it is partially correct .....my experience is different ......i guess our foreign policy regarding Bangladesh is very specified........and i believe Indian government is little biased for Awami .....I think we give unconditional support to Awami..........in wider seance it may be same for both awami and BNP ,but for sure we have little soft corner for Awami and vise versa
why i am saying because i worked more that 4 year in Bangladesh,i was living in Chittagong
what i have experience the moment government change ,suddenly you started experience every thing has changed,visa policy become liberal,more expat going to Bangladesh,business and trad suddenly started boosting ,
in BNP government you can experience lots of harassment,
Did I say it matters to me - if AL wins/loses/ or is a criminal/saint? My question is specific. When is the project to clean BD going to start? And don't be defensive. You are contradicting yourself.

Ok, let me make this easier. When you come close to collapse, and when you elect 'hardcore' Islamists to power in frustration - how soon do you think the 'cleaning' is going to begin?

Depends on the Indian government....How long will they keep supporting Awami League??

it is partially correct .....my experience is different ......i guess our foreign policy regarding Bangladesh is very specified........and i believe Indian government is little biased for Awami .....I think we give unconditional support to Awami..........in wider seance it may be same for both awami and BNP ,but for sure we have little soft corner for Awami and vise versa
why i am saying because i worked more that 4 year in Bangladesh,i was living in Chittagong
what i have experience the moment government change ,suddenly you started experience every thing has changed,visa policy become liberal,more expat going to Bangladesh,business and trad suddenly started boosting ,
in BNP government you can experience lots of harassment,
When Awami League came to power you and other Indian businessmen experienced ease in getting Visa....When BNP comes to power Chinese businessmen find it easy to invest in Bangladesh!It depends on which party leans towards which country!
Depends on the Indian government....How long will they keep supporting Awami League??

When Awami League came to power you and other Indian businessmen experienced ease in getting Visa....When BNP comes to power Chinese businessmen find it easy to invest in Bangladesh!It depends on which party leans towards which country!
So - how long the Non Muslims in BD remain also depends on the Indian Government? :what:

AL will go out of power soon - if the BD people want it.
Then - what is the scale of the 'cleaning'? How many people are going to be 'resettled'? Are there going to be any 'Selection' or just outright 'special treatment'?
Depends on the Indian government....How long will they keep supporting Awami League??

When Awami League came to power you and other Indian businessmen experienced ease in getting Visa....When BNP comes to power Chinese businessmen find it easy to invest in Bangladesh!It depends on which party leans towards which country!
exactly what i mean to say......:-)
but to be very honest ......even during BNP government, it was pretty cool ,i stay such a long time in Bangladesh,never feel or experience any negative sentiment ,we use to move freely without tension ....even in interior place like sita kund, khumira,hooker market ect

i can't generalize,but at least my experience was really good......so i fail to understand this so called negative sentiment against Indian .......may be time has changed so people are?
So - how long the Non Muslims in BD remain also depends on the Indian Government? :what:

AL will go out of power soon - if the BD people want it.
Then - what is the scale of the 'cleaning'? How many people are going to be 'resettled'? Are there going to be any 'Selection' or just outright 'special treatment'?
There will be a selection process......anyone who remains loyal to the sovereignty of Bangladesh will remain in BD.....anyone who believes their hearts lie in other countries will be resettled.....Chakmas who want to leave will be sent to Burma...Hindus who want to leave will be sent to India....Muslims who want to leave will also be sent to India.And if anyone who does not belong here still plans to stay here will be treated.....after treatment either they will leave or will rethink about their interests!

exactly what i mean to say......:-)
but to be very honest ......even during BNP government, it was pretty cool ,i stay such a long time in Bangladesh,never feel or experience any negative sentiment ,we use to move freely without tension ....even in interior place like sita kund, khumira,hooker market ect

i can't generalize,but at least my experience was really good......so i fail to understand this so called negative sentiment against Indian .......may be time has changed so people are?
There is no negative sentiment against Indians among the general people or the politicians.....but there are 'feelings'(both positive and negative) towards GOI among the politicians!
Even Golam Azam said he like the Desai government!
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