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Unarmed Palestinian woman shot by Israeli forces (VIDEO)


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Unarmed Palestinian woman shot by Israeli forces (VIDEO)​

The mother of six has been shot to death near a checkpoint in the West Bank

IDF soldiers in West Bank © Getty Images / Nasser Ishtayeh

A 47-year-old Palestinian woman has been shot to death in the West Bank after allegedly approaching Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in a “suspicious manner” on Sunday, the IDF reported.
The force opened fire as part of a suspect arrest procedure that included firing into the air. After she did not stop, the soldiers fired at her lower body,” the IDF said in a statement on Sunday.
The woman, 47-year-old Ghada Ibrahim Ali al-Sabateen, can be seen in footage posted to social media raising her hands and walking quickly at what is described as a makeshift checkpoint in the village of Husan.

#فيديو| لحظة إعدام قوات الاحــــتـــلال الإسرائيلي للــشــهــيــــدة غادة سباتين في بلدة حوسان غرب بيت لحم pic.twitter.com/DgEMMKXObF
— وكالة شهاب للأنباء (@ShehabAgency) April 10, 2022
The footage does not show the IDF soldiers firing into the air or provide any other context for the woman’s approach, and it is filmed at enough of a distance to make any exchange of words between the two parties difficult to hear. However, the Times of Israel quotes a member of the local council, who claims al-Sabateen refused soldiers’ calls to stop.
After being knocked to the ground by the bullets, al-Sabateen is initially seen sitting up before a gap in the footage ends with her lying down. The Israeli soldiers can be seen covering her with cardboard, and their statement claims they administered first aid.

READ MORE: Latest Israel shooting injures five (VIDEOS)
Palestinian medics reportedly rushed the mother of six to a hospital in Beit Jala after the shooting, which left her bleeding profusely from a torn artery in her thigh. She ultimately died of blood loss.

Elsewhere in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers carried out several large raids, arresting 20 Palestinians and wounding 11. They claimed those arrested were involved in “terrorist activities.” The country has experienced multiple shootings over the past weeks, though not all of them have been terror-related.
Very soon someone claim its edited video and the woman was tired and sit onthe ground and the soldiers were there to help him then we will have the people who claim its staged and the woman is actually Kate Winslet and the soldier Tom cruise
Ishelli coward army shooting innocents.
Ishelli pigs dropping like flies deep in ishelli territory when our mujahids carry out attacks.
These pigs can’t fight our mujahids so go after our woman, elderly and kids.
In Sha Allah Muslims will destroy this dajjali taghut state cancer of the world soon.
Middle eastern states practise brutality. Most Arabs are friends with Israel which means they approve of such brutality.
Why did she run toward the soldiers. That gave them the excuse to shoot her. Perhaps she was told to, then they shot her to make it look like they were defending themselves from an attacker, or maybe she panicked and ran toward them, in any case the soldiers seemed casual, as if sure they weren't in danger.
Why did she run toward the soldiers. That gave them the excuse to shoot her. Perhaps she was told to, then they shot her to make it look like they were defending themselves from an attacker, or maybe she panicked and ran toward them, in any case the soldiers seemed casual, as if sure they weren't in danger.
and there are peoples like you, how can always come with some excuses.
she didn`t have to do this, this act is normal, they panicked, soldiers are doing there duty,
every retarted come with excuses.
C mon guys dont waste your bandwidth. Clearly is not "civilized" enough.

From now onwards we will only be disgusted and mourn the "civilized" casualities. Who cares about a "inferior" race.
Now no one will condemn these evil scumbags. Muslims need to realize that tje west doeant care and is the enemy. Wake up, realize it and prepare to take on the enemy.
and there are peoples like you, how can always come with some excuses.
she didn`t have to do this, this act is normal, they panicked, soldiers are doing there duty,
every retarted come with excuses.
No, I spoke up and called it brutality, and got insulted by people like you, next time I will be quiet.

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