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Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)

Earlier there was a case of Australian SAS killing unarmed civilians
Here is a video:

Australian soldier simply executes unarmed 20 year old Afghan civilian

Before this the same soldier killed a handicapped Afghan teen just for fun----calling that video----village idiot shooting.

These soldier were just not lucky enough because the video became public.

These atrocities are just 0,000001% of evil that is being done in Afghanistan by NATO troops

australians were doing the above to the Aborigines for over 300 years.
US threw MOAB on an ISIS hideout in Tora Bora mountain region in 2017, not on Afghan civilians.

It is true that some foreign troops exceeded their mandate and committed crimes in Afghanistan from time-to-time - the dark side of occupation(s).

However, every combatant force have killed civilians in Afghanistan. Afghans kill each other more often than others.

Nobody can claim high moral ground in this matter.

But these people have done this to 100s of millions of non-Whites for over 500 years. However, the tables will DEFINITELY being changing in our lifetime as the birth rate of non-whites greatly exceed that of whites in the western nations.
Earlier there was a case of Australian SAS killing unarmed civilians
Here is a video:

Australian soldier simply executes unarmed 20 year old Afghan civilian

Before this the same soldier killed a handicapped Afghan teen just for fun----calling that video----village idiot shooting.

These soldier were just not lucky enough because the video became public.

These atrocities are just 0,000001% of evil that is being done in Afghanistan by NATO troops
This is sickening.
I read a long account of this in the Sunday times. A unit of SAS was basically murdering civilians in Helmand in 2011, sometimes in the presence of Afghan units, despite their protests and reports by family members the killings were covered up by the British MoD.

They would raid homes and compounds, tell the men to lead them through the house, shoot them or just kill them elsewhere wherever convenient before planting weapons on their bodies and then leave.
I read a long account of this in the Sunday times. A unit of SAS was basically murdering civilians in Helmand in 2011, sometimes in the presence of Afghan units, despite their protests and reports by family members the killings were covered up by the British MoD.

They would raid homes and compounds, tell the men to lead them through the house, shoot them or just kill them elsewhere wherever convenient before planting weapons on their bodies and then leave.

Those afghan units were comprised of northern alliance scumbags who were happy to participate in the killing of unarmed Pushtun civilians.
Those afghan units were comprised of northern alliance scumbags who were happy to participate in the killing of unarmed Pushtun civilians.
Those Northern Alliance types used to go to Helmand and say in Farsi "where's the Taliban?", but now the Taliban are taking over Badakhshan and entering their doorsteps.
Those Northern Alliance types used to go to Helmand and say in Farsi "where's the Taliban?", but now the Taliban are taking over Badakhshan and entering their doorsteps.

They will definitely pay for their crimes against humanity once their american and british gods leave Afghanistan which they are now in the process of doing.
I read such articles with interest also. The reality is that there is a psyche entrenched deeply within the Indian and Afghan subconscious, and to a lesser extent within the Pakistani one, that worship of pale skin is a must. This is why such acts committed by a white skinned army in Afghanistan are forgiven or draw less condemnation because they're perceived as "overall trying to help Afghanistan", whereas Pakistan, who feeds, clothes, employs and educates a vast proportion of the Afghan population will always be condemned for carrying out security ops.

I honestly think it's a simple racism issue, perhaps a perceived "superiority complex" and sustained bitterness towards a relatively more successful neighbour in Pakistan, which is contrary to the proud and indomitable history of the Afghan people. There is overlap with the inferiority complex that Indians suffer with, but in the case of the Afghans, their history is a genuinely noteworthy one, hence the psychology is slightly different.

Pakistan truly is a moderately enlightened nation trapped between a pair of nutcases.

Gents i went to the world cup match last year in Leeds Afghan v Pak - My god i have never seen such a ferocious response anger and aggression to Pakistanis - the Afghanistan supporters went on a rampage.
Dont understand after all Pakistan has done in recent years the Afghan that i encountered were simply raging.
I share no animosity with these people - they have suffered atrociously recently but biting the hand thats feeding it - creates anger and frustration i guess.
Gents i went to the world cup match last year in Leeds Afghan v Pak - My god i have never seen such a ferocious response anger and aggression to Pakistanis - the Afghanistan supporters went on a rampage.
Dont understand after all Pakistan has done in recent years the Afghan that i encountered were simply raging.
I share no animosity with these people - they have suffered atrociously recently but biting the hand thats feeding it - creates anger and frustration i guess.

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with these people. They show rage towards us but WHERE is that SAME rage when their unarmed innocent men, women and children are being massacred by the whites:


These guys have NO logic, rationality, intelligence or ANY sense whatsoever.
Those afghan units were comprised of northern alliance scumbags who were happy to participate in the killing of unarmed Pushtun civilians.
In one case that I read, the family whose men were butchered by these thugs turned out to be relatives of one Afghan soldier embedded with the SAS. The soldier protested and said that his slain relatives were ordinary civilians and not talibs etc. Presumably it's not all just Northern Alliance people who saw this go on.

Anyway, the soldiers who did this are being actively helped by the MoD and British Army. I hope they and their protectors pay for their crimes.
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with these people. They show rage towards us but WHERE is that SAME rage when their unarmed innocent men, women and children are being massacred by the whites:


These guys have NO logic, rationality, intelligence or ANY sense whatsoever.
Yes, it's a blatant double standard, taliban blow up occupying soldiers? Bad!
Our soldiers murder civilians? See no evil, hear no evil. :whistle:
Yes, it's a blatant double standard, taliban blow up occupying soldiers? Bad!
Our soldiers murder civilians? See no evil, hear no evil. :whistle:
The point is also that there seem to be double standards applied by the Anglo-American perpetrators and also by the Afghan victims (towards Pakistanis vs. Anglo-Americans).
The point is also that there seem to be double standards applied by the Anglo-American perpetrators and also by the Afghan victims (towards Pakistanis vs. Anglo-Americans).

I think that this phenomenon can be broken down into two separate types. The first group are those Afghans who are equally opposed to both our interference historically but more opposed to the American occupation, these folks had been sidelined. Speaking about it in the west in these terms would get you branded as a taliban sympathiser etc. Then other group are those that are as you describe, those who apply the double standard to us, while it seems they don't think too badly of American occupation. These latter are the NA types who benefited from it.
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