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UN Snubs Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir


Dec 23, 2016
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The United Nations has subbed Pakistan on Kashmir saying that its position is clear on it and 'it has been reiterated'. The development comes in response to a reply by United Nation spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric who while confirming Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's phone to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, " Our position on Kashmir has been reiterated. There is an observer group as mandated by the Security Council. The Prime Minister wanted to speak to the Secretary-General. It's only normal that the Secretary-General speak to Heads of Governments and Heads of State and, as I said, I can confirm that the call took place and that the Prime Minister raised the issue of Kashmir. "

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been raking up Kashmir many times. Earlier this week, India slammed Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to mind his own business. Ministry of external affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, “I think it will be better if they mind their own business and look at the internal affairs which are in a mess,”

2018 was a bittersweet year for India-Pakistan relations. While both agreed to build Kartarpur corridor, repatriate Hamid Nehal Ansari and Imran Warsi, Pakistan continued to provide support to terror in the region and dragged its feet on 26/11 trial. Pakistan on its part has been facing global isolation but has continued to rake up Kashmir at international forums such as the United Nations.


This guy should know his place, wasting other's time.
The United Nations has subbed Pakistan on Kashmir saying that its position is clear on it and 'it has been reiterated'. The development comes in response to a reply by United Nation spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric who while confirming Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's phone to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, " Our position on Kashmir has been reiterated. There is an observer group as mandated by the Security Council. The Prime Minister wanted to speak to the Secretary-General. It's only normal that the Secretary-General speak to Heads of Governments and Heads of State and, as I said, I can confirm that the call took place and that the Prime Minister raised the issue of Kashmir. "

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been raking up Kashmir many times. Earlier this week, India slammed Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to mind his own business. Ministry of external affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, “I think it will be better if they mind their own business and look at the internal affairs which are in a mess,”

2018 was a bittersweet year for India-Pakistan relations. While both agreed to build Kartarpur corridor, repatriate Hamid Nehal Ansari and Imran Warsi, Pakistan continued to provide support to terror in the region and dragged its feet on 26/11 trial. Pakistan on its part has been facing global isolation but has continued to rake up Kashmir at international forums such as the United Nations.


Another "Sir Jee Kal" Bull Shit By The Masters Of Bull Shit Randian Media Just For Randian Feel Good


This guy should know his place, wasting other's time.

And Randians Need To Be Shown Their Place From Time To Time




Ministry of external affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, “I think it will be better if they mind their own business and look at the internal affairs which are in a mess,”
Well, he should know that Kashmir is our business and not india's but india should look at their internal issues i.e: the fact that they are suffering from almost 67 independence movements and from which they are able to suppress the voice of 50 movements but 17 are still of high magnetude and as for Kashmir the daily slogans of 'Pakistan zindabad' and 'hindustan murdabad' are enough to tell to anybody that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan.
Even naseerudin shah told this guy to mind his own business. I guess imran khan is in habbit of embarrasing himself .
Even naseerusind shah told this guy to mind his own business. I guess mran khan is in habbit of embarrasing himself .
naseeruddin was on fire by darendar modi's nuisance and Imran khan just poured fuel on it LOL..
he had to give these remarks or your media would have eated him alive.
naseeruddin was on fire by darendar modi's nuisance and Imran khan just poured fuel on it LOL..
he had to give these remarks or your media would have eated him alive.
I simple bollywood actor is telling PM of Pakistan to mind his own business, if this is not a insult then i dont know what is for you people. May be you dont feel insults anymore.
I simple bollywood actor is telling PM of Pakistan to mind his own business, if this is not a insult then i dont know what is for you people. May be you dont feel insults anymore.
well,every indian citizen abuses Pakistan and every Pakistani citizen abuses indian so what's new in it?
of course he had to give such remarks or your media would have eaten him alive..so in simple words to maintain his honour and india's false pride he gave these remarks.
I simple bollywood actor is telling PM of Pakistan to mind his own business, if this is not a insult then i dont know what is for you people. May be you dont feel insults anymore.

you have no idea what even a Pakistani mouchi thinks about Modi...did it ever effect Modi?
I simple bollywood actor is telling PM of Pakistan to mind his own business, if this is not a insult then i dont know what is for you people. May be you dont feel insults anymore.

I call modi a chai wala add that to the insult too let's see if you feel insults such a dumb post by a dumb Indian I swear sometimes I don't know if you belive in your own garbage
Nobody gives a fk what bhrti news says. They are habitual liers. We all know that after sir ji kal.
I call modi a chai wala add that to the insult too let's see if you feel insults such a dumb post by a dumb Indian I swear sometimes I don't know if you belive in your own garbage
First of all you are Mr.Nobody. Modi will never try to adress you.
Where as imran khan tried to poke a nose as he thought he was relevant but rather was shown his place by naseerudiin shah and told to mind his business.
I hope you are not that dumb to understand the difference.

you have no idea what even a Pakistani mouchi thinks about Modi...did it ever effect Modi?
Modi will never poke his nose in pakistan's affair. Yeah, he might expose pakistan in international platform on terrorism issue, but that is not internal issue, its a global headache.
First of all you are Mr.Nobody. Modi will never try to adress you.
Where as imran khan tried to poke a nose as he thought he was relevant but rather was shown his place by naseerudiin shah and told to mind his business.
I hope you are not that dumb to understand the difference.

Modi will never poke his nose in pakistan's affair. Yeah, he might expose pakistan in international platform on terrorism issue, but that is not internal issue, its a global headache.

you my friend have your nose so far up modi's a55 that you've been turbo a55 gassed relax yourself lol naseerudiin was the one crying two days ago and got told to f off in your secular state so why dont you do us all a favour and take your nose out of modi's backside and know your on a pakistani forum where you have no business being and shut your mouth
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