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UN Nuclear Watchdog Wants Iran Visit

Jul 11, 2011
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The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog wants to send a high-level mission to Iran to seek "clarifications regarding possible military dimensions" to its nuclear program.

International Atomic Energy Agency's chief Yukiya Amano said Thursday he put the request in writing to Iran's top nuclear officials earlier this month and that he hoped a date could be agreed upon soon.

Amano spoke Thursday at the opening of a two-day meeting by the IAEA's 35-nation board of directors in Vienna. The meeting is the first for the agency since it alleged last week there is "credible" evidence Tehran is trying to build nuclear weapons.

The United States and several European countries have been pushing for the nuclear watchdog to come down hard on Iran for its nuclear program.

Diplomats negotiated throughout the day Wednesday on a resolution on Iran's nuclear activities. Western diplomats have been pushing for a strongly worded condemnation of Tehran but say they have run into resistance from Russia and China.

Both Moscow and Beijing have expressed skepticism of last week's IAEA report, with Russian officials dismissing the findings as nothing new.

Iran itself rejected the report and has continually denied allegations it is pursuing nuclear weapons.

Recent reports in the Israeli media said Israel's government has been considering a military strike on Iran's nuclear sites. And Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned during a U.S. television interview, with PBS's Charlie Rose, that Iran could spark a new, nuclear arms race if it gets a nuclear bomb.

Last week, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for Iran's nuclear dispute with the West to be resolved through negotiations. Mr. Ban's spokesman said diplomacy is the "only way" to settle the issue.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said Tehran will respond to any military strike by Israel or its main ally the United States with "strong slaps and iron fists."

Britain, France and Germany have warned Iran will face additional sanctions if it refuses to address international concerns about its nuclear work.

The U.N. Security Council has passed four sets of sanctions on Iran for refusing to stop nuclear activities that have both civilian and military uses.

UN Nuclear Watchdog Wants Iran Visit | News | English
I think Iran should not confront US now if don't have great support from Russia or China . If US fight seriously like in VN , drop Napalm , CUB 55 , bunker buster bomb, spray agent Orange to Iran soil etc it will be a tremendous disaster and it will take very long time to recover
I think Iran should not confront US now if don't have great support from Russia or China . If US fight seriously like in VN , drop Napalm , CUB 55 , bunker buster bomb, spray agent Orange to Iran soil etc it will be a tremendous disaster and it will take very long time to recover

possibility for this kind of attack is not zero, but has huge consequence for US and Iran will fight with FULL capacity that will take down US from three dimension Supper power to Russia level which for US is equal to death
possibility for this kind of attack is not zero, but has huge consequence for US and Iran will fight with FULL capacity that will take down US from three dimension Supper power to Russia level which for US is equal to death
You know , 2 CBU-55 is enough to destroy a city , so to detroy completely Iran, US maybe only need 20 CBU-55 and it cost only about 40-50 million USD ( US will rob your Oil after that and earn billion $$$ from it). It's much cheaper when using Tomahauk missile to destroy Libya.

Hope I can help you to understand how powerful US is . when US fight seriously , you will have No chance to fight back if you don't have huge support from Russia or CHina.
UN nuclear watchdog are the puppets of USA .... Iran should not allow them
You know , 2 CBU-55 is enough to destroy a city , so to detroy completely Iran, US maybe only need 20 CBU-55 and it cost only about 40-50 million USD ( US will rob your Oil after that and earn billion $$$ from it). It's much cheaper when using Tomahauk missile to destroy Libya.

Hope I can help you to understand how powerful US is . when US fight seriously , you will have No chance to fight back if you don't have huge support from Russia or CHina.

Are you feeling okay bro? so usa could destroy Tehran with 2 of them bombs?
I don't know how small you cities are but Iran is not Vietnam.
Are you feeling okay bro? so usa could destroy Tehran with 2 of them bombs?
I don't know how small you cities are but Iran is not Vietnam.
Each fireball over a 4-acre (16,000 m2) , so do you think how many CBU-55 US need to destroy Tehran ??
he 750 pound CBU-55 was fueled primarily by propane. Described as a "the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal,"[1] the device was one of the more powerful conventional weapons designed for warfare.

The first generation of the CBU-55 was used during the Vietnam War. By April 21, 1975, South Vietnam had largely been conquered by the invading military from the north. Earlier in the month, a single BLU-82 "daisy cutter" had been flown from Thailand to the Bien Hoa airbase. The senior military officer in Vietnam, Major General Homer Smith, cleared the way for the Saigon government to use the weapon against the North Vietnamese Army. A Vietnamese C-130 transport plane circled Xuan Loc at 20,000 feet (6,100 m), then dropped the bomb. The contents exploded in a fireball over a 4-acre (16,000 m2) area. Experts estimated that 25 soldiers had been killed, primarily by the immediate depletion of oxygen rather than from burns. The CBU-55 was never used again in the war, and South Vietnam's government surrendered on April 30.[1]
CBU-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think Iran should not confront US now if don't have great support from Russia or China . If US fight seriously like in VN , drop Napalm , CUB 55 , bunker buster bomb, spray agent Orange to Iran soil etc it will be a tremendous disaster and it will take very long time to recover
Yes! war is never a solution to any problem but itself is a bigger problem. The education teaches pplz to refrain from wars....find alternative solutions. The wars are realli a crime against humanity....:smokin:
My friend total area of tehran= 18,814 km2=188 142 000 000 m2

142000000/16,000=8875 bombs.
that is not 2 is it?
Yep, but US only need to Drop 2 CBU 55 to 2 important targets in Tehran such as Military base or City hall, and don't forget the damage of Shock wave from the bomb too .

One Nuke bomb to center of Hirosima with the fires across about 11,000 m2 was enough to Destroy a city , bro.

The radius of total destruction was about one mile (1.6 km), with resulting fires across 4.4 square miles (11 km2).[33] Americans estimated that 4.7 square miles (12 km2) of the city were destroyed. Japanese officials determined that 69% of Hiroshima's buildings were destroyed and another 6–7% damaged.[34]

regular said:
Yes! war is never a solution to any problem but itself is a bigger problem. The education teaches pplz to refrain from wars....find alternative solutions. The wars are realli a crime against humanity.
I just hope Iran people have more understanding what US can do when he fight seriously , so they can find the way to stop US to drop CBU-55 like US did during VN war.
We should allow them into the country, once their plane touched down on our soil we should arrest the entire UN/IAEI delegation and put them on trial for lying, spreading Iranophobia. When their trial is ended, execute them, burn their bodies and spread their ashes in the Tehran reactor
Yeah but if usa used a single one if these weapons, Iran will get a nuke if it already has not.
Vietnam won againat usa, even though they were much more advanced.
true weapons are peoples hearts and mind.

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

We should allow them into the country, once their plane touched down on our soil we should arrest the entire UN/IAEI delegation and put them on trial for lying, spreading Iranophobia.

Then we should hang them in public.
My friend total area of tehran= 18,814 km2=18 814 000 000 m2

18 814 000 000/16,000=1175875 bombs
that is not 2 is it?

Not that it matters but Wiki says its around 1200 Km[SUP]2[/SUP]. 18000 Km[SUP]2[/SUP] would make Tehran the Worlds largest city.
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