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'UN MEDAL' for Pakistan's first-ever all-female peacekeeping team in Congo

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan's first-ever all-female peacekeeping team awarded UN Medal in Congo
APPFebruary 01, 2020
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This is the first ever Pakistani Female Engagement team in any UN peacekeeping mission around the world. — Photo courtesy of MONUSCO/Twitter
Members of the first-ever Pakistani Female Engagement Team (FET), which is deployed with the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), were recently awarded the UN Medal at a ceremony in Adikivu in South Kivu, one of the provinces of the central African country.

This team of 15 female Majors and Captains was the first ever Pakistani Female Engagement team in any UN peacekeeping mission around the world.

The officers are psychologists, stress counsellors, vocational training officers, gender advisers, doctors, nurses, operations officers, information officers and logistics officers, according to a message received at UN Headquarters in New York.

Another 17 female officers will join the team in early February, according to a report by the Associated Press of Pakistan.

UN Peacekeepers rely heavily on engaging with the local community — which feels more comfortable liaising and sharing information with military troops that include women alongside men, the mission said.

“Throughout their deployment the Pakistani female officers worked hard to win the trust of the community,” it added.

The Pakistani FET, according to the mission, has implemented many successful projects including vocational training, medical outreach, regular sessions of support for students, local women and teachers exposed to trauma; and psychological workshops for Congolese police personnel.

“This team’s extraordinary endeavours to serve the UN is worthy of praise”, read the press release.

Governor South Kivu Province Theo Ngwabidje represented the Congolese authorities at the ceremony
most will disagree with me but we have fallen prey to "their" agenda. apparently looks great but it has deep sinister agenda .
The officers are psychologists, stress counsellors, vocational training officers, gender advisers, doctors, nurses, operations officers, information officers and logistics officers, according to a message received at UN Headquarters in New York.

They are not in any danger @litman relax.
Why are we doing this for? United Nations on Kashmiris has been insulting sending our thousands of soldiers to indulge in drugs snd HIV activities!
PA trying hard to convince West that we are azad khayal--women's rights and all. Maybe that's what he's trying to say.

But an ok step if you ask me. We shouldn't try to hard to impress gora sahb. Quran and History tells us they won't be impressed until we become just like them.
What agenda?
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PA trying hard to convince West that we are azad khayal--women's rights and all. Maybe that's what he's trying to say.

But an ok stop if you ask me. We shouldn't try to hard to impress gorab sahb. Quran and History tells us they won't be impressed until we become just like them.
That's true.
PA trying hard to convince West that we are azad khayal--women's rights and all. Maybe that's what he's trying to say.

But an ok stop if you ask me. We shouldn't try to hard to impress gorab sahb. Quran and History tells us they won't be impressed until we become just like them.

How is enlisting women in the military trying to appease goras?

If anything we still have some more progress to make, so far women have been restricted to non-combat roles far from the front lines with the exception of a few pilots.
whenever the war starts, these women officers/soldiers will be given desk duties along with reserve force (retired officers/soldiers) of CORO (Corps of Reserve Officers). Its vital that these women troops get experience of all sorts.

If anything we still have some more progress to make, so far women have been restricted to non-combat roles far from the front lines with the exception of a few pilots.
Women fighter pilots are excellent assets for Escort and Air Defense roles in own airspace, so even if they get shot down, they will hopefully parachute inside Pakistan.

The officers are psychologists, stress counsellors, vocational training officers, gender advisers, doctors, nurses, operations officers, information officers and logistics officers, according to a message received at UN Headquarters in New York.
Non-combat roles.

UN Peacekeepers rely heavily on engaging with the local community — which feels more comfortable liaising and sharing information with military troops that include women alongside men, the mission said.

“Throughout their deployment the Pakistani female officers worked hard to win the trust of the community,” it added.

The Pakistani FET, according to the mission, has implemented many successful projects including vocational training, medical outreach, regular sessions of support for students, local women and teachers exposed to trauma; and psychological workshops for Congolese police personnel.
Thats not only experience when engaging with local police force, but females (civilians/uniformed) of Congo will have ease opening up, liaising and cooperating with lady officers of PA, than men. Next time, these women officers can be deployed into a Muslim country e.g. a problem gravely felt in UN Bosnian mission. In previous deployments, the lady officers were doctors who couldn't interact with female local community else than medical issues, which can be changed now since these lady officers will be undertaking several other non-combat roles to interact with community and liaise with local and other international forces, which will give them experience as staff officers.

They are not in any danger @litman relax.
Did u know that in PMA, it is very very rare to come across female cadets. Ask any male cadet who completes a tenure of 2 years, how many times did he come across or saw a female cadet in those two years.

most will disagree with me but we have fallen prey to "their" agenda. apparently looks great but it has deep sinister agenda .
Haina !

The agenda started through Lady officers in Army medical Corps and their overseas deployment, it has now spread through lady officers of Supporting arms deployed overseas.

Must stop this at all costs !

PA trying hard to convince West that we are azad khayal--women's rights and all. Maybe that's what he's trying to say.

But an ok step if you ask me. We shouldn't try to hard to impress gora sahb. Quran and History tells us they won't be impressed until we become just like them.

Bilkul G. Jinnah was also impressing gora when he mentioned women standing side by side by men for sake of country.
Women fighter pilots are excellent assets for Escort and Air Defense roles in own airspace, so even if they get shot down, they will hopefully parachute inside Pakistan.

Yes the greatest risk of putting women in combat is their potential for capture. I think we can learn from Western militaries though, and introduce them into operations with low risk of capture like raids and such.

The kurds also have female units on the frontline, but I dont know how they dealt with/mitigated this risk.
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