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UN generation assembly rejected US decision on Jerusalem

Agreed that this UNGA vote doesn't change anything on the ground. US may move its embassy to Jerusalem--eventually. But when will the rest of the world follow? As you can see, despite strong warnings and open blackmailing, an 128-9 vote is, according to Haaretz, a 'slap' on Trump's face by the world.

As for the Muslim world--until KSA and Iran bury their differences and/or until Turkey and KSA unite on the Jerusalem cause, I don't have hopes for Palestinians. When the fanatic Likudniks become civilized, when a younger generation of Israelis arise then, I believe, Palestinians will get integrated. History marches on. This is one more chapter of humans conquering and eliminating natives. But if the Israelis don't become civilized and continue to treat Palestinians as sub-humans then, one day, Uncle Sam's umbrella might not be available. A changing demographics in America may allow the Congress to be not so blackmailable by the evil Lobby. Then..another bloodbath will come.
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With the exception of the fringes of the Republican Party and Israel-firsters, the American people did NOT want this."
Americans have no truck with ex post facto laws: you can't blame the Jews of Palestine for legally re-settling the land just because "the world" a few decades later called doing so "illegal".

Agreed that this UNGA vote doesn't change anything on the ground. US may move its embassy to Jerusalem--eventually. But when will the rest of the world follow? As you can see, despite strong warnings and open blackmailing, an 128-9 vote is, according to Haaretz, a 'slap' on Trump's face by the world.
Oho! Do you read other Israeli newspapers, too? You probably know full well that the U.N. doesn't have 137 members but close to 200. So 60+ member-states didn't bother to show up to vote. (Did you think their representatives got lost in the Secretariat building?)

When the fanatic Likudniks become civilized -
Note that when I defend Israel and encourage Pakistan itself to champion the Jewish State I am making claims applying in CIVIL law but when Israel's opponents claim the Jewish State is "illegal" their claims are based on threats of force or re-definition of laws and inappropriate affixing of labels to eliminate their meanings - that is, lies. So judging by deeds the "Likudniks" you vilify ARE civilized, whereas Israel's opponents do not invoke civilized standards to attack the Jewish State.

A changing demographics in America may allow the Congress to be not so blackmailable by the evil Lobby. Then..another bloodbath will come.
I understand by this that you look forward to a real or threatened future religious war in the U.S.A., pitting Muslims against non-Muslims.

Well, the America's Founders had to deal with the British Loyalists. They were expelled and not allowed to come back.
Oho! Do you read other Israeli newspapers, too? You probably know full well that the U.N. doesn't have 137 members but close to 200. So 60+ member-states didn't bother to show up to vote. (Did you think their representatives got lost in the Secretariat building?)

I understand by this that you look forward to a real or threatened future religious war in the U.S.A., pitting Muslims against non-Muslims.

Well, the America's Founders had to deal with the British Loyalists. They were expelled and not allowed to come back.

Some very original "Chutzpah' there for the world to see! How you twist the UNGA vote! How conveniently you forget the open threats issued to ALL countries of the world they will be punished--lest they comply--which some countries did: Why lose the $ for a 'Cause', even if a just cause? You conveniently forget that those 35 Abstentions may have voted AGAINST the UNGA resolution but didn't! I think we should all learn to really, closely analyze your 'historical facts' about Israel.

As for your veiled threat of ethnic cleansing, in response to my mention of the demographic changes: I certainly didn't mean a Muslim rise of population in America. I meant, the growing Latinos, the growing Asians. I meant the African American. And I meant the millennials--the least prejudiced American generation thus far. These groups don't buy the crap about Israel much. And their numbers are rising. But only if you insist: I wish the Founding Fathers rise again and throw out Muslim fundamentalists, the Israel-Firsters, the Zionists, and the Armageddon-Seeking basal 'base' of Trump.
WOW apparently my babe Nikki has Indian roots, just read an article in turkish about it.


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