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UN finally grants access to Dalit rights organisation blocked for a record 15 years(Longest in history) | This is another huge setback to Brahmanism

Its not "west is waking up to" its more like indian economy is becoming large enough that west now needs to crib about the usual in India. Caste is new ground for them. So about time they start making it a noisey issue.

Small european country import more iPhones then whole of India. The reason west fear China economic might is because they buy 50k teslas every month. Its about per capita income.
So your definition of OBC is ugly sinners. Got it.
You are high on Gaumutra Sauce Samosa or what.
No, I just quoted Ved Vyas who wrote Vedic version of Mahabharat. Its his definition verbatim.
Since, I'm emancipated and don't follow Brahmani Hinduism, I'm quite proud of my fellow OBC SC ST, and don't have self hate as Brahmani Caste system expects me to have.
Most probably to support Indian government position. I mean geopolitically ( not right or wrong ), this vote will serve Indonesia interest more as we dont have any thing to do with Dalid vs Brahmin conflict in India
you guys should start worshiping money that will be better .

now where is your islam?
islam teach muslims to stand up with victims and suppressed people and not with interests .

if you fold your arms and do nothing when it comes to the plight of the oppressed, then you are also regarded as an oppressor according to the rules of Islam.
you guys should start worshiping money that will be better .

now where is your islam?
islam teach muslims to stand up with victims and suppressed people and not with interests .

if you fold your arms and do nothing when it comes to the plight of the oppressed, then you are also regarded as an oppressor according to the rules of Islam.


If those Dalits wants to leave the oppression, they can embrace Islam. No one force them to follow Hinduism.

Their Hindu society problem is not our problem

If those Dalits wants to leave the oppression, they can embrace Islam. No one force them to follow Hinduism.

Their Hindu society problem is not our problem
and same time you guys will vote for barhamnism and call yourself muslims :rofl:
Maybe India voted against because they do not know well enough about the issue to vote against India.

Don’t understand why Dalits still follow Brahministic Hinduism anyway.
Small european country import more iPhones then whole of India. The reason west fear China economic might is because they buy 50k teslas every month. Its about per capita income.
India at 113 billion is 7th largest trading partner of USA, ahead of France, UK, Italy, Holland, Switzerland and many other european countries.

Whats more important is it is GROWING much faster even when rest of the western world is stagnating.

Name trillion dollar plus economies that are growing at 6%+? India and China only figures. China ofcourse is way ahead of India at growing 6% while at size of 18 trillion dollars.

This is why India is figuring a lot in the foreign policy of these western countries.
you guys should start worshiping money that will be better .

now where is your islam?
islam teach muslims to stand up with victims and suppressed people and not with interests .

if you fold your arms and do nothing when it comes to the plight of the oppressed, then you are also regarded as an oppressor according to the rules of Islam.

Not every nation is a thekedar.
you guys should start worshiping money that will be better .

now where is your islam?
islam teach muslims to stand up with victims and suppressed people and not with interests .

if you fold your arms and do nothing when it comes to the plight of the oppressed, then you are also regarded as an oppressor according to the rules of Islam.


If those Dalits wants to leave the oppression, they can embrace Islam. No one force them to follow Hinduism.

Their Hindu society problem is not our problem

Imran saheb, you made wonderful points. Only yesterday I made this post in reply to two Pakistani paindus who derisively called me Bhangi. Imagine, Muslims propagating the Hindu caste system. :) As part of my reply I posted sections from the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad and I will post here one relevant section :
"Allah has forbidden you to take usury, therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital is yours to keep .You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequality. Allah has judged that there shall be no interest and that all interest due to Abbas Ibn 'Aal-Muttalib be waived."
Is Indos' Indonesian government following any of this ? Indonesia has an interest-based socio-economic system including having a stock exchange in Jakarta, imposes multiple taxes including on income and on water - water that Nature gives to us through the seas, rivers and skies, and Indonesia's "Islamic" government extorts tax on that water too as if the Indonesian mullahs produce water in their mosques daily whereas the Indonesian system should have delivered water to every citizen for free. And then Indos is legitimizing his government indirectly inflicting inequality by siding with the Hindutvadi government now dictating India.

How can Indos say he doesn't care and that "the problems of Hindu society is not our problem" ? Isn't he a human or a Muslim who cannot inflict inequality ? But it is automatic to him because he is a mullah. OTOH here are two Communists from old who cared about every human and spoke against every atrocity anywhere without caring what religion they were born into or their geography :

"I am a Human and all that affects Humankind affects me"
- Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Indian revolutionary hanged by the Capitalist imperialist British colonial government of India at the age of 24 in 1931.

“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.”
- Che Guevara, transnational revolutionary shot by Bolivian agents of NATO in 1967 at the age of 39.

The above statements are essentially what Islam also preaches, but they are opposite to what Indos believes in. Indos' so-called Islam is limited to imposing burqa and being joyful about the recent law against pre-marital sex and of course pride on having genocided up to three million Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers on behalf of NATO in 1965-66.

Lastly, Indos' unthinking statement "If the Dalits want to leave the oppression they can embrace Islam". Fine but how many Muslims are truly Islamic ? Take those two Pakistani paindus for example.

India at 113 billion is 7th largest trading partner of USA, ahead of France, UK, Italy, Holland, Switzerland and many other european countries.

Whats more important is it is GROWING much faster even when rest of the western world is stagnating.

Name trillion dollar plus economies that are growing at 6%+? India and China only figures. China ofcourse is way ahead of India at growing 6% while at size of 18 trillion dollars.

This is why India is figuring a lot in the foreign policy of these western countries.

Yes, India the trillion dollar plus economy is a welfare-based society with the wealth distributed equally and no one going hungry; no one living in slums or on the roads and begging to survive while Ambani ji passes by imperiously in one of his 168 cars; no one dying of disease not because the technological cure isn't there but because the sufferer has no money to pay to the hospital which is extorting from him or her and if the payment doesn't come the sufferer can go die on the road; no worker doing moonlighting to earn an extra 5000 rupees on top of the 17,000 that is not sufficient; no parent holding money from his children essentially preventing them from obtaining their material needs to their content; etc etc. No daily big and small misery at all in India. I certainly didn't find a 50-year-old married contestant on Kaun Banega Crorepati who had seen his first one lakh rupees only by playing the "Play at home jackpot question" and his first 1.5 lakhs on the sets of KBC. I certainly didn't find contestants on KBC with kidney issues and having taken loans for the treatment already but still participating on KBC as the only lottery for them so that they can pay for the remainder treatment because healthcare in India is not free.

During the COVID Lockdown months of 2020 the top Capitalists of India had a 35 percent increase in their personal bank accounts amounting to three trillion rupees. This might be your pride but none of that went to the people. More on that in this post of mine. DPRK ( North Korea ) isn't a trillion dollar plus economy like India is but the people get free basic food, free housing, free healthcare, free education and other human necessities without the citizens having to pay money to the system. The North Koreans live a cleaner and serene life than citizens of "super rich" India. :)

Not every nation is a thekedar.

Every human should be thekedar and custodian of humanity. :)
Yes, India the trillion dollar plus economy is a welfare-based society with the wealth distributed equally and no one going hungry; no one living in slums or on the roads and begging to survive while Ambani ji passes by imperiously in one of his 168 cars; no one dying of disease not because the technological cure isn't there but because the sufferer has no money to pay to the hospital which is extorting from him or her and if the payment doesn't come the sufferer can go die on the road; no worker doing moonlighting to earn an extra 5000 rupees on top of the 17,000 that is not sufficient; no parent holding money from his children essentially preventing them from obtaining their material needs to their content; etc etc. No daily big and small misery at all in India. I certainly didn't find a 50-year-old married contestant on Kaun Banega Crorepati who had seen his first one lakh rupees only by playing the "Play at home jackpot question" and his first 1.5 lakhs on the sets of KBC. I certainly didn't find contestants on KBC with kidney issues and having taken loans for the treatment already but still participating on KBC as the only lottery for them so that they can pay for the remainder treatment because healthcare in India is not free.
Yes, India is doing fine. I split my time between India and Canada and you will be surprised how much of delay one faces in the welfare state of Canada. There are NO doctors left to treat patients in most of the lower mainland and islands. Even with record spendings on welfare there is a massive homelessness problem. If you are seeking a paradise, you better die. Livings have to live in real world and no welfare state is good enough. Learn to pull your weight or get trampled in the stampede.
During the COVID Lockdown months of 2020 the top Capitalists of India had a 35 percent increase in their personal bank accounts amounting to three trillion rupees. This might be your pride but none of that went to the people. More on that in this post of mine. DPRK ( North Korea ) isn't a trillion dollar plus economy like India is but the people get free basic food, free housing, free healthcare, free education and other human necessities without the citizens having to pay money to the system. The North Koreans live a cleaner and serene life than citizens of "super rich" India. :)

What do these so called people DO to deserve prosperity?

Why they don't work hard and MAKE THEIR OWN prosperity and WHY they are always so jealous of others who HAVE worked and taken RISK and got rich in process. THERE IS NO FOUL PLAY HERE.

You know what common man wants? HE FUKKEN WANTS EQUAL SHARE IN ANY WINDFALL OF RICH. Will he be ready to take the equal fall? Most of the startups fail. What do their employees do? THEY FUCKKEN FIND THE NEXT JOB! Thats it! Do they have to explain to any one why they should get further job? The entrepenure will have to! The RICH INVESTOR will take a hit!

You know what else the piece of shit common man wants? RISK FREE PROSPERITY! YES! They want windfalls but no risk! Poonawalla took risk in that vaccine deal even before the vaccine was ready in the lab. He mass produced it before anyone has bought any does. CAN ANY OF THESE PIECE OF SHIT Common men will bet their fortunes so big? NO!

So **** COMMON MAN! **** POORS! They deserve it fully!

You always cry about corruption and unfairness? The most unfair and corrupt people are poor and common people! More woes to them!
Also, you are underestimating, International Dalit Solidarity Network, we understand the concept of 'enemy's enemy is a friend' perfectly well.
We, understood that S Jaishankar ruffled lot of feathers in the west recently. We saw the opportunity and used it to break through your Brahmani blockade at UN.
Soon, Brahmani Chaddi Baniyan will be hanging in UN for public display. If you catch my drift. ;)
Let me put it in this way, Indian diplomats are MASTERS of playing this soft pressure therapy games. These games have been ongoing for 70-75 years now and they do not challenge Indian diplomats at all. Lastly, you can get every dalit law passed every where in the world. It will not matter one single bit. Because it lacks a crucial piece of information: "What is the caste of a person?".

Indian government will NEVER relay this on passports or any international documents. So all the laws etc will be basically useless outside India. Caste outside India is a self declared thing, so carries no weight.

If you really want Indian diplomats to take you seriously, you will need help of China. China plays hardball game which none of the Indian diplomats know how to handle. Like that of Galwan. But then you can look at these results. China is least interested in social bullshit.
Why are China, Bangladesh and Indonesia supporting India?


Also, what happened to Pakistan's vote?

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