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UN body moves Indian Supreme Court against contentious citizenship law

Seriously, UNHRC becoming a party to a case with supreme court is seen as audacity. Lol. Now are they going to attack us if the court decide against them? Raveesh Kumar is a press secrerary to foreign office. He'll answer question that are put to him. No one in our foreign office are going bananas over this. Lol.

your local law passed in your parliament with majority vote is challenged by international organization , no less then UN and you Indian trolls are not finding anything in this? LOL

Your foreign office spokesperson's panties are in twist for everyone to see. Look how he is barking against this citing Indian sovereignty and all. Clearly UN has stepped on the tail and its hurting.

Even the US shivers at thought of sanctioning India

hahahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Seriously, UNHRC becoming a party to a case with supreme court is seen as audacity. Lol. Now are they going to attack us if the court decide against them? Raveesh Kumar is a press secrerary to foreign office. He'll answer question that are put to him. No one in our foreign office are going bananas over this. Lol.

Where is the intervention? This is UNHRC not UN, Lol. They are pleading with Indian supreme court not threatening us. I don't see how this is complicated to understand.

LOL the shit I have been reading from Indians on PDF since the 27th is mindboggling.

Keep going on path of self-destruction. We are not complaining, but cheering you on. Don't be distracted and continue to support Modi LOL I am very happy.

1. More Modi
2. More lynchings
3. More hate and rape
4. More Modi
your local law passed in your parliament with majority vote is challenged by international organization , no less then UN and you Indian trolls are not finding anything in this? LOL

Your foreign office spokesperson's panties are in twist for everyone to see. Look how he is barking against this citing Indian sovereignty and all. Clearly UN has stepped on the tail and its hurting.

hahahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Again this is UNHRC not UN. They are challenging it infront of wait, 'Indian supreme court'. Don't they know per PDF, our highest court is GOI lackey. Then what's the point? As per your headline, how is this intervention? CAA doesn't need UN HRC to take it up with our supreme court as there is enough opposition with in India for it.

And Raveesh kumar, is putting GOI position on the matter. There is no barking over this.

LOL the shit I have been reading from Indians on PDF since the 27th is mindboggling.

Keep going on path of self-destruction. We are not complaining, but cheering you on. Don't be distracted and continue to support Modi LOL I am very happy.

1. More Modi
2. More lynchings
3. More hate and rape
4. More Modi

Its okay. You are just mindless modi-hater. Your likes are dime a dozen on PDF. I am not bothered about fools.
Again this is UNHRC not UN. They are challenging it infront of wait, 'Indian supreme court'. Don't they know per PDF, our highest court is GOI lackey. Then what's the point? As per your headline, how is this intervention? CAA doesn't need UN HRC to take it up with our supreme court as there is enough opposition with in India for it.

And Raveesh kumar, is putting GOI position on the matter. There is no barking over this.

Its okay. You are just mindless modi-hater. Your likes are dime a dozen on PDF. I am not bothered about fools.

LOL like I said, Modi ki jai!
Again this is UNHRC not UN. They are challenging it infront of wait, 'Indian supreme court'. Don't they know per PDF, our highest court is GOI lackey. Then what's the point? As per your headline, how is this intervention? CAA doesn't need UN HRC to take it up with our supreme court as there is enough opposition with in India for it.

And Raveesh kumar, is putting GOI position on the matter. There is no barking over this.

UNHRC not UN? Which planet you are living in? UN itself make up of different bodies, UNHCR is one of those body. Goes to show how illiterate you Indians are.

Whats the point you said? Lets wait and watch. I hope Indian SC throw it out. Then the real game will begin in international forums who hold power of economic sanctions.

Raveesh Kumar is crying about Indian sovereignty being raped, and its for all to see.

UN Rights Chief Files Intervention Application in SC on CAA; It’s India’s Internal Matter, Retorts Govt

Representative image

India is clear that the Citizenship Amendment Act is constitutionally valid, the Ministry of External Affairs has said in response to the move by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Maha Siddiqui
  • CNN-NEWS18
  • LAST UPDATED: MARCH 3, 2020, 3:08 PM IST
New Delhi: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has filed an intervention in the Supreme Court on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and informed India's Permanent Mission in Geneva about it, the Ministry of External Affairs said Tuesday.

The office of UNHCHR has taken a stern view on the CAA and the ongoing protests in India. In the global report at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on February 27, Bachelet had said, "Citizenship Amendment Act adopted last December is of great concern. Indians in huge numbers, and from all communities, have expressed – in a mostly peaceful manner – their opposition to the Act, and support for the country's long tradition of secularism."

She had also expressed concern about "police inaction" during the Delhi riots.

The same day that she presented this report, senior diplomat and Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs, Vikas Swarup, had met her and later tweeted, "Reaffirming India's commitment to ensuring human rights for all citizens. Had a good meeting with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights HE Michelle Bachelet."

The MEA asserted that the CAA is an internal matter of India and concerns the sovereign right of the Indian Parliament to make laws.

"Our Permanent Mission in Geneva was informed yesterday evening by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Michelle Bachelet) that her office had filed an intervention application in the Supreme Court of India in respect to the 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act," MEA Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said.

"We strongly believe that no foreign party has any locus standi on issues pertaining to India's sovereignty," he said.

India is clear that the CAA is constitutionally valid and complies with all requirements of its constitutional values, Kumar said.

"It is reflective of our long standing national commitment in respect of human rights issues arising from the tragedy of the Partition of India," he said.

"India is a democratic country governed by the rule of law. We all have utmost respect for and full trust in our independent judiciary. We are confident that our sound and legally sustainable position will be vindicated by the Supreme Court," he said.

The Supreme Court is hearing close to 144 petitions pertaining to the CAA. The court on January 22 gave the Centre four weeks’ time to file its response while not imposing any stay on the implementation of CAA. The court, however, said the cases related to Assam and Tripura would be heard separately.

UNHCR moves Supreme Court against CAA, says it lacks objectivity, not in sync with international covenants
The UNHCR has moved an intervention application in the Supreme Court criticizing the CAA, as it puts Muslim migrants at risk and also has issues of reasonableness and objectivity


NH Web Desk
Updated: 3 Mar 2020, 4:20 PM
Engagement: 4.116 K
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has filed an intervention in the Supreme Court on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and informed India's Permanent Mission in Geneva about it, the Ministry of External Affairs said Tuesday.

The application was filed by Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (the High Commissioner).

The High Commissioner has sought to intervene as amicus curiae (third-party) in the case, citing her mandate to protect and promote all human rights and to conduct necessary advocacy established pursuant to the UN General Assembly resolution.

"While reducing the risk of refoulement for certain communities, the CAA unequally places other communities at such risk. Accordingly, the narrow scope of the CAA, which extends protection from return only on religious grounds and limited to the specific ethnoreligious groups, may not be sufficiently objective and reasonable in light of the broad prohibition of refoulement under international human rights law," said the High Commissioner in the application.

The application said that for the purpose of this intervention application, in the present case, the question is therefore not a matter of the general purpose of the law, but whether the differentiations drawn within the law (CAA), namely the exclusion of persons from the scope of the law, on the basis of their religion is sufficiently objective and reasonable.

The application says the CAA protects Afghan, Bangladeshi and Pakistani Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Parsi and Sikh migrants who meet the conditions set out in the CAA from being returned to a country where they would face persecution on religious grounds, by addressing their irregular migration status by providing them with an expedited pathway to citizenship.

"While this is a worthy and commendable objective, it raises a number of issues related to India's wider human rights obligations in the context of the fundamental principle of non-refoulement," added the plea.

Meanwhile, the MEA asserted that the CAA is an internal matter of India and concerns the sovereign right of the Indian Parliament to make laws.

"Our Permanent Mission in Geneva was informed yesterday evening by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Michelle Bachelet) that her office had filed an intervention application in the Supreme Court of India in respect to the 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act," MEA Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said.

"We strongly believe that no foreign party has any locus standi on issues pertaining to India's sovereignty," he said.

India is clear that the CAA is constitutionally valid and complies with all requirements of its constitutional values, Kumar said.

"It is reflective of our long-standing national commitment in respect of human rights issues arising from the tragedy of the Partition of India," he said.

"India is a democratic country governed by the rule of law. We all have the utmost respect for and full trust in our independent judiciary. We are confident that our sound and legally sustainable position will be vindicated by the Supreme Court," he said.

We shouldn't be so foolish to expect anything from the UN against its massacres of Muslims and it's occupation of Kashmir.

They will either just do lip service or a slap on the wrist....
They have no loci standi. They must have done it through PIL or they must have joined an existing case like @Politico said. Its upto supreme court to entertain or not.

I am pretty sure supreme court will approve the law as it is constitutionally valid. May be then UN could invade India, Lol @Taimoor Khan

You are missing the whole point here, the purpose of such acts by UN is to remind the government that what they are doing is incorrect. Also, it make the case for Human Rights organization to put pressure on the government.
This might have worked earlier but no longer. Any Supreme Court judge who is anti Modi will be quickly transferred. It happened in the Delhi riots. A high court judge who ordered a police patrol to save a neighbourhood was quickly transferred.
This will go nowhere. UN is less useful than the league of nations was.

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