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Ultimate last stand: Battle of Rezang La


Sep 9, 2011
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On the day, November 18 1962, 114 brave men of the 13th Kumaon Regiment’s Ahir Charlie company made the supreme sacrifice fighting the invading Chinese at Rezang La pass at 16000 feet near Chushul. This epic battle called the ‘last stand’ when every soldier fought to his last breath was led by the legendary Major Shaitan Singh Bhati (IC 7990) of Jodhpur Rajasthan, who was later awarded the Param Veer Chakra, India’s highest gallantry award for conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice in the face of the enemy.


Charlie Company of 13 Kumaon was tasked with the defence of Rezang La, situated on the South East approach to the valley, town and airfield of Chushul in Ladakh. The Company area was defended by three platoon positions but the surrounding terrain isolated it from the rest of the Regiment. Their defensive positions were ‘crested’ for Indian artillery, meaning, thereby that these troops could not hope for artillery fire support if and when needed as the artillery was behind a hill feature and could not train its guns on the target. The Chinese suffered no such disadvantage and brought on heavy artillery fire on the 13 Kumaon’s Charlie Company.

“It was a cold winter morning at 16000 feet with icy winds howling through Rezang La … biting and benumbing.” The expected Chinese attack came through a ‘Nullah’, a dry river bed, but was repulsed with heavy machine gun fire by the brave Ahirs(Yadavs) of Charlie Company. The enemy regrouped and attacked again and again with ever more reinforcements and finally managed to overrun the position. 114 of the 123 Jawans (soldiers) were killed. Almost everyone had fought to the last round and killed many more enemy soldiers. One estimate of Chinese casualties is close to 500 killed and wounded.

Unmindful of own safety, Major Shaitan Singh, the Company Commander, went from post to post raising the morale of his men and continued to fight even after being seriously wounded. “While he was being evacuated by two of his comrades, the Chinese brought heavy machine gun fire on them. Major Shaitan Singh sensed danger to their lives and ordered them to leave him to his fate.” They placed him behind a boulder on the slopes of a hill, where he breathed his last and this is where he was found some days after the battle.

Maj. Gen. Ian Cardozo, himself a Vir Chakra winner, writes in his Param Vir Chakra, Our heroes in Battle, that “When Rezang La was later revisited dead Jawans were found in the trenches still holding on to their weapons ... every single man of this company was found dead in his trench with several bullet or splinter wounds. The 2-inch mortar man died with a bomb still in his hand. The medical orderly had a syringe and bandage in his hands when the Chinese bullet hit him... Of the thousand mortar bombs with the defenders all but seven had been fired and the rest were ready to be fired when the (mortar) section was overrun".

Major Shaitan Singh was the second winner of the Param Veer Chakra; the first being Major Som Nath Sharma who had died on November 3, 1947 defending Srinagar airport when Pakistan invaded Jammu & Kashmir in October 1947. Both Singh and Sharma belonged to the Kumaon Regiment.

Other heroes defending Rezang La who were awarded Veer Chakras were Naik Hukum Chand (posthumous), Naik Gulab Singh Yadav, Lance Naik Ram Singh (posthumous), Subedar Ram Kumar and Subedar Ram Chander. All hailed from the Revari district of Haryana where in Gudiani village stands a memorial for these brave sons of India.

Two of the most celebrated soldiers of the Kumaon Regiment, General K.S. Thimayya and General T.N. Raina who served as Chiefs of the Indian Army, have lauded this singular achievement. Thimayya noted: "I had said many years ago that the Army must have an Ahir Regiment. The supreme sacrifice of the Charlie Company has fulfilled my expectations. I hope a suitable memorial will be built in Ahirwal in their memory so that the generations to come may seek inspiration from the immense courage and valour of their forefathers.” For his part, observed: “You rarely come across such example in the annals of world military history when braving such heavy odds, the men fought till the last bullet and the last man .Certainly the Battle of Rezang La is such a shining example."

While recalling the 1962 conflict we often refer to India’s ‘humiliating defeat’ at Chinese hands and forget that the Jawan of the Indian Army invariably fought with exceptional bravery and valour in the most trying conditions often without winter clothing and in some cases even without adequate ammunition.


which reads as
How can a Man die Better than facing Fearful Odds,
For the Ashes of His Fathers and the Temples of His Gods,
To the sacred memory of the Heroes of Rezang La,
114 Martyrs of 13 Kumaon who fought to the Last Man,
Last Round, Against Hordes of Chinese on 18 November 1962.
Built by All Ranks 13th Battalion, The Kumaon Regiment.
Another fact of History of REZANG LA Battle is that on that night of 18 November 1962,there were three AHIRS of steel, two brothers from the same mother and the third was the husband of their sister. All three provided valuable early warning about the approaching Chinese in human waves and fought bravely to their supreme end thus allowing their comrades to fight the battle to maximum possible time and imposing hundreds of casualties on Chinese. All three lay dead fighting in their Fox Hole TOGETHER.
We lost in 1962 because of our politicians and their short sightedness.

IA, nevertheless, upheld its tradition of setting the highest standards for bravery and self-sacrifice.

Salute to the IA officers and soldiers.
We lost in 1962 because of our politicians and their short sightedness.

IA, nevertheless, upheld its tradition of setting the highest standards for bravery and self-sacrifice.

Salute to the IA officers and soldiers.

Shaheedon ki chitaon par lagenge har baras mele,
Watan par marne walon ka yahee baki nisha hoga.

Politician or no politician , We remember those brave soldiers and salute them.
Don't tell to chinese they will can't fact the truth that they have attacked with 1:10 and 1:15 ratio ........
Don't tell to chinese they will can't fact the truth that they have attacked with 1:10 and 1:15 ratio ........

Let them come in 1:100 ... who cares ! :cheers:

Chinese has cover of heavy artillery cover while Indian has none.Then also Indian soldiers killed Chinese in 1:5 ratio.
Brigadier (Retired) Ved Pal Singh writes:

"As promised at 61 years of age, I was again lucky to be at REZANG LA Memorial (CHUSHUL, LADAKH)on 17 Nov 2011 along with 13 KUMAON Officers, JCO's and soldiers in addition to other invitees of Indian Army. The most honourable were Shri NARPAT SINGHJI son of Late Major Shaitan Singhji, PARAMVEER CHAKRA (POSTHOMOUS) and Havildar (Retired) Ranbir Singh,78 years old,he was in BRAVO Company of 13 KUMAON during the Battle of REZANG LA and was part of the team which in Feb 1963 brought the dead body of Late Major Shaitan Singhji from the REZANG LA Post to the base down below. On 18 Nov 2011, we kick started the GOLDEN JUBILEE Celebration of the battle which will be celebrated with full gusto at KOTA, India on 18 Nov 2012. The function started with wreath laying, followed by visiting the REZANG LA Gallery where the remains of battle equipment and clothing of some of the martyrs of 1962 were displayed . This was followed by brief motivating words by some of us. The finale was that a copper urn was solmnely filled with sacred sand collected from top of REZANG LA by Major Gussain and sand collected from the pyre site by Shri Narpat Singhji, Havildar (Retired) Ranbir Singh, myself, Col Nikhil Srivastava CO, Sub Maj and soldiers. This urn will be taken to TRIVENI and ashes of the Heroes will be immersed as part of Golden Jubilee Celebrations. The Memorial which was marbalised with white marble of Makrana (Rajasthan, India) in 1995 has been degraded by severe elements of wind, snow and minus 20 degree celsius temperature. It has been decided and Bn will soon replace the marble slabs with fresh marble with no change to design, place or size before 18 Nov 2012. The honouring of 114 VEER AHIRS MARTYRS of The Battle of REZANG LA must continue for posrerity. I hope to visit REZANG LA again till health fails me."
"When Rezang La was later revisited dead Jawans were found in the trenches still holding on to their weapons ... every single man of this company was found dead in his trench with several bullet or splinter wounds. The 2-inch mortar man died with a bomb still in his hand. The medical orderly had a syringe and bandage in his hands when the Chinese bullet hit him... Of the thousand mortar bombs with the defenders all but seven had been fired and the rest were ready to be fired when the (mortar) section was overrun"

This is called , real Last stand ... soldiers fight till last bullet and... even till last man.

It is a Shame that country has forgotten this heroic battle. None of those 114 men ever thought of abandoning their posts.... I am surprised as to why they were not given a higher honour… all of them are heroes and ALL of them need to be recognized as such ... much like what the British Govt did in the battle of Saragarhi, where all of the 21 Sikhs that died were honoured with the Highest Battle hounour available to Indian Soldiers.
*The Battle of Thermopylae in ancient Greece in 480 BCE, where 300 Spartans under Leonidas stopped a Persian army of 250,000 at a narrow mountain pass. They died to the last man, but provided enough time for the rest of the Greek army to escape to fight another day.
*The 13th Light Brigade of the British Army at Balaclava, the Crimea, in 1854. Six hundred and seventy-three men rode at Russian artillery and were decimated.
*At the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, in 1836, several hundred Texans held out against the Mexican Army before they were killed to the last man.
*Custer's Last Stand was the Battle of Little Bighorn, 1876, in Montana where the Sioux nation under Chief Sitting Bull wiped out George Custer and 265 men.

And finally:
*The C company of the 13th Kumaon Battalion, under Major Shaitan Singh (Param Vir Chakra, Posthumous) held off a fierce Chinese attack on November 18, 1962, at the Rezang La heights that they held. Massively outnumbered and outgunned, the defenders died almost to the last man, and expended their last round. All 114 men were killed or wounded. But they succeeded in blunting the Chinese assault, killing as many as a thousand Chinese in the process at Rezang La and at nearby Gurung Hill. Thereafter, the Chinese did not push further towards the Chushul plain. It was a critical checkpoint on a potential Chinese advance on Leh.

It is fact that, had Ahir charlie company choosen option to retreat then then Leh would have been on Chinese map.

Why have Indians so consistently ignored the great sacrifices made by our soldiers? Why isn't the story of the valiant 13th Kumaon a part of every child's textbooks? Why have we let these brave men die unwept, unmourned, and unsung? Just as we let thousands of soldiers die in Kashmir, in Kargil, everywhere, they are mere cannon fodder. India needs a draft, so people in power feel the pain of their children dying for the nation.

Answer is :"There is also an element of shame. Congress governments were unwilling to talk about 1962 because it brings out the fact that 'someone had blunder'd' and that was their deity, Jawaharlal Nehru, along with his defence minister, V K Krishna Menon."

Interesting read:http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/nov/19rajeev.htm
I always thought that a movie should me made on this battle for motivation but i guess no one is interested in paying tribute to our brave souls.:cry:
I always thought that a movie should me made on this battle for motivation but i guess no one is interested in paying tribute to our brave souls.:cry:

None knows anything about 1962 war apart from crushing defeat.Government is not really interested to discuss 1962 war.
This battle need recognition. Those brave lads needs to remembered who give ultimate sacrifice but not with out giving hard fight to enemy.
It's injustice to Ahir martyrs
Alas! neither has a Ahir Regiment been raised in the Indian Army, nor a suitable memorial erected in Ahirwal, the region from where the Rezang La heroes hailed. The ingratitude is also unprecedented.
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