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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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Break India, says China think-tank

S: Break India, says China think-tank .:. Tibet Sun

Posted on 8 April on the website iiss.cn (International Institute for Strategic Studies), the article detailed a roadmap for breaking up India. “To split India, China can bring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support Ulfa in attaining its goal for Assam’s independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like Tamils and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km territory in southern Tibet,” the write-up said.

The article claimed that India as a nation never really existed in history. It was held together by “decadent” Hinduism which “encouraged caste and exploitation”.

”...China in its own interest and the progress of whole Asia, should join forces with different nationalities like Assamese, Tamils, and Kashmiris and support the latter in establishing independent nation-states of their own, out of India,” the article said.

The ardent hope has been sought to be justified by using the rhetoric of change. “Only after India has been broken up into 20-30 pieces will there be any real reform or social change in the country,” stressed the article meant for Chinese audience.

Hopes of a rebellion by Tamils may appear outlandish, but the article serves to corroborate fears in India about Beijing’s gameplan to encircle India in alliance with regimes in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, of its support for Ulfa and other insurgent groups in northeast and its designs on Arunachal Pradesh which the Chinese insist on referring to as south Tibet. Not amused, India’s foreign ministry cautioned China, asking it to express opinions “after careful judgments based on the long-term interests of building a stable relationship”.
Any adventure from the side of Bangladesh can be a disaster for them... Before dreaming about greater bangladesh they should think for a moment they are surrounded by 3 sides from India and third side is ocean. So Indians just need to resist them and put a naval blockade. How many days can Bangladesh economy survive without any external help?

Now what does Bangladesh has in order to settle down the conflict with India in terms of navy, army and air force.

As far as ULFA is concerned they would be running like rats as soon as the army comes into picture. There a$$ is already on fire with the special forces and public.
Any adventure from the side of Bangladesh can be a disaster for them... Before dreaming about greater bangladesh they should think for a moment they are surrounded by 3 sides from India and third side is ocean. So Indians just need to resist them and put a naval blockade. How many days can Bangladesh economy survive without any external help?

Now what does Bangladesh has in order to settle down the conflict with India in terms of navy, army and air force.

As far as ULFA is concerned they would be running like rats as soon as the army comes into picture. There a$$ is already on fire with the special forces and public.


If we cut the chicken neck then ur India will no more surround us by 3 sides.

If we cut the chicken neck then ur India will no more surround us by 3 sides.

Another joke,

And how is any one going to cut our chicken neck, by crying or by whining or by praying..!!!!

And hey one more..

Don't look at your neighbours chicken if you are hungry.. work for and get your own..!!!! :D

If we cut the chicken neck then ur India will no more surround us by 3 sides.

Do you have the slightest idea of the panic in Dhaka if Times of India publishes an article which says couple of Agni, and Bhramos are pointed towards Dhaka and ready for take off anytime.

Think about your stock market.:rofl:

Sometimes looking at the neighbours chicken is not always good. There is a saying when you live in pond dont mess around with the crocodile.

Anyways its good that you are cracking down ULFA. that is an intelligent move by your government.
You nation doesn't even form a blip on my peoples radar except when it comes to the illegal immigrant or the terrorist attack.As far as 1971go's yes if not for us you would have been enjoying a honeymoon

Talk about yourself,not about what your people think.I know what some of your countrymen think about my country,I don't need any clarification from you.

And as for 1971,What do you Indians want?That we become a slavish country to India?That we must only take decision after consulting you?

I am sorry.You didn't fight in 1971,to stop flowing of immigrants or to help your "small brother".India entered the war to divide its sworn enemy.And in this case our interest matched with yours,so we helped each other out.
For that we are thankful to you,but that doesn't mean we become a slavish country.

You people talk of us helping ULFA,then remember you started the dirty game by financing and training the Shanti Bahini way back in 1975.I hope you know about it.
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If we cut the chicken neck then ur India will no more surround us by 3 sides.

I am requestiing you not to make jokes which makes you look like a fool and also make Bangladeshis in general look like a fool.Remember that with that Bangladeshi flag,you are representing Bangladesh.So don't talk nonsense.

Even if we cut off chicken's corridor,how long are we going to hold on to that?Indian back up will soon make another corridor through Bangladesh.

Biggest question is why do we even need to cut their neck?We are a defensive nation,and we won't attack unless being attacked.

In a scenario where India-China are at war,only that time Bangladesh cutting the corridor will matter to India.Otherwise It doesn't have any value.

Indians know that and so they have strengthened the Eastern wing significantly over the years,putting a squadron of Sukhois on NE India.
I am requestiing you not to make jokes which makes you look like a fool and also make Bangladeshis in general look like a fool.Remember that with that Bangladeshi flag,you are representing Bangladesh.So don't talk nonsense.

Even if we cut off chicken's corridor,how long are we going to hold on to that?Indian back up will soon make another corridor through Bangladesh.

Biggest question is why do we even need to cut their neck?We are a defensive nation,and we won't attack unless being attacked.

In a scenario where India-China are at war,only that time Bangladesh cutting the corridor will matter to India.Otherwise It doesn't have any value.

Indians know that and so they have strengthened the Eastern wing significantly over the years,putting a squadron of Sukhois on NE India.

leonblack..I think you are only the sensible bangladesi in this fourm.Bangla desh is great nation....but person brotherbangladesh brings hate amoung us
Question about all the resident Bangladeshis verbal Diaorhea.How are you going to cut the chichken neck?
Machines do not really fight, mister. It is the men who do the fighting. You can see this happening in Afghanistan and Iraq. There people with steel balls are fighting the war against technology.
.Why were you almost crushed before india's involvement in 1971
Machines do not really fight, mister. It is the men who do the fighting. You can see this happening in Afghanistan and Iraq. There people with steel balls are fighting the war against technology.
I hate to do this, but you asked for it.

"Every time I sent them in, every time they saw a burly Punjabi or Pathan, they ran, leaving their weapons behind" - General Manekshaw

Steel balls? Or balls of raisin?
So, the question is like which one first, chicken or egg? By the time you find a solution to the quizz above, you will find NE out of the Union treaty with India.
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