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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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Middle Eastern press :rofl::rofl: the shyt on earth..and that too Sudan the super power.:rofl::rofl:
anyways dude good going Indeed the whole world is after the innocent:undecided: muslims.Infact its true muslims are the most holiest and peace loving community in the world.See how peacefully they live.

All this crap sunni,shia,ahmadhi,jizya,jehad,terrorism heck how can jihad be called terrorism??im sorry guys its a muslim's birth rite to peacefully slice off a non muslims head,how can the rest of the world deny a muslim of his birth rite??

So RAW hijacked the plane and CIA blasted twin towers,raw was behind bangladesh mutiny good keep them coming....dude dont stop

@ I told you I read in an editorial but from today I will search for you. It was a detail description, how RAW organised. It does not mean that RAW itself had done it. By the way, so far we have seen so many plane hijakking once this IC-814 was hijjacked from Kathmandu, than landed at Amritsar, Lahore, Dubai and finally landed at Kandhahar, their initial demand was release of 35 Islamic militants and ransom of about $ 200 million to the Indian authorities. Indian govt released only three militants and what about the money(ransom) ? Not a single passengers were killed only one injured(died later) The hijjakars were in save heaven than why the militants were so liberal ? Even the hijjaked aircraft itself was handed over safe and sound. What a drama ?

@ You remember, the same drama you made in January 1971, when an Indian Aircraft was hijjacked and landed at Lahore airport and the ring leader called on Bhutto and altogether gave a "Narre, Azad Kashmir ZindaBad". The duffer Bhutto then requested the hijjakers to release passengers and the militant at once blew the plane after releasing the passengers. So, under that plea India stopped the East West air link. Though that inccident help us to stop the transportation of troops from West to East.
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@ Some of the points I do agree with you. I know that from the begining when these14 trucks load of armament were loaded somewhere in golden triangle countries, RAW was in close picture, once it landed to Bangladesh, RAW manipulated some elements of the local media and administration to seized it.
Please provide some sources for the claim.I all sounds like a conspiracy theory....
@ You said something like, that it was the RAW who themselve were involved in buying and transportation these to ULFA ? Here I am having doubts ? What do you want to say ? "Khule bolen, khol kar bolia".

Why would RAW do that???To get some Security personnel killed??The track record of India dealing with ULFA points towards opposite direction.

What was the interest of RAW ? Only to malaign the BNP govt ?
Well, RAW can do that ? They have lot of such records ? If RAW can hyjek a India passenger plan from Katmondu and land it a Kabul and than blow it, they can do hell anything ?
I need your valuable comment again.

You believe that??You seriously believe that??
The entire event got a few Indians killed and India had to release three terrorists who are now making India bleed.Now why would one country bring such a danger upon itself???This is by any margin,a bit too much.Let me tell you the Indian security agencies stand for anything and everything against the taliban.Out of all the places RAW would get the plane in taliban controlled Afghanistan???I am sorry,but who ever is the person who is propagating this theory has got bricks inside his head.....

Don't take it so seriously,there once an article in an Middle-eastern magazine by an Egyptian writer claiming the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was because of a secret Indo-US-Israeli joint nuclear test.

Middle-east has a substantial audience of "Enemies of Islam" conspiracy theory lovers.
@ I told you I read in an editorial but from today I will search for you. It was a detail description, how RAW organised. It does not mean that RAW itself had done it. By the way, so far we have seen so many plane hijakking once this IC-814 was hijjacked from Kathmandu, than landed at Amritsar, Lahore, Dubai and finally landed at Kandhahar, their initial demand was release of 35 Islamic militants and ransom of about $ 200 million to the Indian authorities. Indian govt released only three militants and what about the money(ransom) ? Not a single passengers were killed only one injured(died later) The hijjakars were in save heaven than why the militants were so liberal ? Even the hijjaked aircraft itself was handed over safe and sound. What a drama ?
Whatever you are smoking has to be the bestest $hit around. Are you growing it in your backyard? Can you send some to me?

@ You remember, the same drama you made in January 1971, when an Indian Aircraft was hijjacked and landed at Lahore airport and the ring leader called on Bhutto and altogether gave a "Narre, Azad Kashmir ZindaBad". The duffer Bhutto then requested the hijjakers to release passengers and the militant at once blew the plane after releasing the passengers. So, under that plea India stopped the East West air link. Though that inccident help us to stop the transportation of troops from West to East.
That incident also went a long way to ensure that you have a flag of your own.
I told you I read in an editorial but from today I will search for you. It was a detail description, how RAW organised. It does not mean that RAW itself had done it. By the way, so far we have seen so many plane hijakking once this IC-814 was hijjacked from Kathmandu, than landed at Amritsar, Lahore, Dubai and finally landed at Kandhahar, their initial demand was release of 35 Islamic militants and ransom of about $ 200 million to the Indian authorities. Indian govt released only three militants and what about the money(ransom) ? Not a single passengers were killed only one injured(died later) The hijjakars were in save heaven than why the militants were so liberal ?

These are all argument for argument's sake,not argument leading to exposing that RAW was involved.

How do you actually perceive that these arguments stand a chance??

1.IC-814 was hijacked from Kathmandu, than landed at Amritsar, Lahore, Dubai and finally landed at Kandhahar---So RAW must be involved...

2.Their initial demand was release of 35 Islamic militants and ransom of about $ 200 million to the Indian authorities.---so RAW must be involved.

3.Indian govt released only three militants and what about the money(ransom)---So RAW must be involved...

Let me ask you,is there any hard and fast rule for hostage negotiation,any common pattern,upon which your claim is based??

4. Not a single passengers were killed only one injured(died later)---So RAW must be involved...

Would you liked to have some more killed so that it might have seemed not an involvement of RAW???
How do you even think that this claim stands??Okay...what is the normal number of people that should get killed during a hijack??

5.The hijackers were in save heaven than why the militants were so liberal ?--So RAW must be involved...

Just think about what you are saying.The hijackers are bargaining on the basis of the hostages.Do you possibly think killing those very hostages will increase their bargaining potential???What was they looking for afterall?Killing some hostages or freeing the terrorists??

All that you have said does not show that RAW was involved.You have just assumed that.Where is the direct link??
Md. Akmal:

So basically, it is just a big conspiracy theory. Calling it 'drama', simply because 3 were released instead of all 26, and just because you don't know about the ransom. This is a typical, complete, 100% conspiracy theory. It fits all the definitions of conspiracy theory.

Please argue with facts and established reports. Even I can start raising questions about bomb blasts and Bangladeshi involvement out of thin air. Because, I see that some Bangladeshis are anti-India, and some people actually wish that the NE is split away from India. So why should I believe that Bangladeshis are not involved in terrorism in India?

You ought to stop making unsubstantiated conspiracy comments.
These guys are beyond hopeless..Eastwatch and those guys who says Assamese loves u and ready to become the part of your country should visit that place and tell them this and let us know whats their reaction
These are all argument for argument's sake,not argument leading to exposing that RAW was involved.

How do you actually perceive that these arguments stand a chance??

1.IC-814 was hijacked from Kathmandu, than landed at Amritsar, Lahore, Dubai and finally landed at Kandhahar---So RAW must be involved...

2.Their initial demand was release of 35 Islamic militants and ransom of about $ 200 million to the Indian authorities.---so RAW must be involved.

3.Indian govt released only three militants and what about the money(ransom)---So RAW must be involved...

Let me ask you,is there any hard and fast rule for hostage negotiation,any common pattern,upon which your claim is based??

4. Not a single passengers were killed only one injured(died later)---So RAW must be involved...

Would you liked to have some more killed so that it might have seemed not an involvement of RAW???
How do you even think that this claim stands??Okay...what is the normal number of people that should get killed during a hijack??

5.The hijackers were in save heaven than why the militants were so liberal ?--So RAW must be involved...

Just think about what you are saying.The hijackers are bargaining on the basis of the hostages.Do you possibly think killing those very hostages will increase their bargaining potential???What was they looking for afterall?Killing some hostages or freeing the terrorists??

All that you have said does not show that RAW was involved.You have just assumed that.Where is the direct link??

The points above were my arguments, I did not say directly that there was RAW's involvement. I only referred that I read in an article that it was RAW's involvement. It all revealed from an American post, that may be complete bulshit, may be to malign India who knows. You see in the present global politics there are lot of intellegence are working. Some of the important agencies are CIA, KGB, RAW, ISI, Modas or some think like that. The involvement of all these agencies in any particular inccident can not be proved. The agencies are made in that direction to kill or omit all evidences. Whatever, we hear is are all assumption or arguments of the generalists or collumist.
^^ Actually if they visit Assam and identify themselves as Bangladeshi, I wonder if they will be able to escape their (Assamese) 'love' with their (Bangladeshis) clothes intact.

Nangto kore dour korabe.:rofl:

Don't take it so seriously,there once an article in an Middle-eastern magazine by an Egyptian writer claiming the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was because of a secret Indo-US-Israeli joint nuclear test.

Middle-east has a substantial audience of "Enemies of Islam" conspiracy theory lovers.

lol. this really cracked me up. It is true, we as muslims pretty easily believe conspiracies and there are reasons for that. Now, it is sinfully, wrong to take one extreme conspiracy case and debunk all of them. And you are right, some of the conspiracies are so ridiculous, it is not believable at all, but you have to understand the root of all this conspiracies. Theres a saying in bangla "ek hathe talli bajhe nah", and specially when you have illilerate and uneducated leaders like khaleda zia and sheikh hasina, it is not hard to believe that india is trying to use dominant force for its own benefit. I, personally, think it would be insane for India not to take advantage, therefore I firmly believe about half the conspiracies I come across.
Thanks Bangladesh for teaching these terrorist a lesson.
lol. this really cracked me up. It is true, we as muslims pretty easily believe conspiracies and there are reasons for that. Now, it is sinfully, wrong to take one extreme conspiracy case and debunk all of them. And you are right, some of the conspiracies are so ridiculous, it is not believable at all, but you have to understand the root of all this conspiracies. Theres a saying in bangla "ek hathe talli bajhe nah", and specially when you have illilerate and uneducated leaders like khaleda zia and sheikh hasina, it is not hard to believe that india is trying to use dominant force for its own benefit. I, personally, think it would be insane for India not to take advantage, therefore I firmly believe about half the conspiracies I come across.

Use of dominant force can hurt in the long run.Look what happened with the Farakka dam.In my opinion,it was a blatant example of use of dominant force.And now Farakka has turned to be a real thorn in the relations.
The points above were my arguments, I did not say directly that there was RAW's involvement. I only referred that I read in an article that it was RAW's involvement. It all revealed from an American post, that may be complete bulshit, may be to malign India who knows. You see in the present global politics there are lot of intellegence are working. Some of the important agencies are CIA, KGB, RAW, ISI, Modas or some think like that. The involvement of all these agencies in any particular inccident can not be proved. The agencies are made in that direction to kill or omit all evidences. Whatever, we hear is are all assumption or arguments of the generalists or collumist.

Absence of evidence does not boil down to the conclusion that any security agency that you may think of is involved in any particular incident.
Use of dominant force can hurt in the long run.Look what happened with the Farakka dam.In my opinion,it was a blatant example of use of dominant force.And now Farakka has turned to be a real thorn in the relations.

Farakka is the only reason Calcutta port is surviving!
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