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Ulfa chief slams planned border swap deal: report


Apr 8, 2007
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Dhaka, Sept 1 (bdnews24.com) — United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) commander-in-chief Paresh Barua says India is 'trying to please Bangladesh with a border land swap deal' to get custody of the insurgent group's general secretary Anup Chetia.

"Bangladesh is trying to hand over Chetia against his wish and India is going overboard to please the neighbouring country by signing the land swap deal in return," the Times of India has reported, quoting a statement issued by Barua.

Barua issued the statement on Wednesday.

On Aug 3, Bangladesh home minister Shahara Khatun had said the legal process to extradite Anup Chetia had begun.

"He'll be extradited following the legal process and he must be extradited," she had said.

Sahara's comment came following a request by her Indian counterpart P Chidambaram during his visit to Dhaka in July.

Officials at the home ministry in New Delhi say they are hopeful that Dhaka would hand over Chetia ahead of Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh's Sept 6-7 visit.

Chetia, whose formal name is Golap Barua, has served a prison term in Bangladesh.

Chetia was arrested in Dhaka on December 21, 1997, under the Foreigners Act and Passports Act for illegally entering Bangladesh and for illegally carrying foreign currencies and a satellite phone.

He could not be handed over to India as there was no extradition treaty between the two countries. Chetia was sentenced to jail by a court and he has already completed his term in jail.

Barua on Wednesday also criticised Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi for not protesting the proposed land agreement, which would allegedly alter the geographical map of the Indian state.

"India is quite aware that the land swap deal would alter the map of Assam and this fact is well known to Tarun Gogoi. But instead of opposing the move, he is accompanying Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to witness the signing of the agreement," Barua said.

The Ulfa commander-in-chief urged Gogoi to keep himself away from being a party to the "conspiracy" of land exchange and also asked people to protest against this move.

The swap agreement is expected to help India finally fence the international border, one of the mostly disputed ones.

Barua had used Bangladesh as his base for over a decade since the Bhutan offensive in 2003 flushed out militants of the outfit from the Himalayan nation.

Barua was known to be enjoying the patronage of the previous BNP government in Bangladesh, the Times of India has said, adding that he had to face reverses and was forced to flee during a clampdown on Indian militants by Bangladesh authorities after Awami League returned to power.

He is one of the co-accused in smuggling 10 truckloads of arms and ammunition to Bangladesh, which were seized from a jetty of Chittagong Urea Fertiliser Ltd (CUFL) in the port city on April 2, 2004. The weapons, reportedly meant for militants in the northeast, were allegedly ordered by Barua.

Ulfa chief slams planned border swap deal: report | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com
save the " krantikari"

p.s. my hindi is not that good
Why should foreign armed groups operate in Bangladesh?

They should not.Any kind of armed group that threatens the integrity and the people of Bangladesh or any of its neighbours while operating from Bangladeshi soil must be banned and strict steps have to be taken by Bangladeshi govt. as well as its neighbours to put an end to the problem.
He is stating that India & Bangladesh should not have good terms with each other ( which I understand as it will take away the sanctuary he has) , but living in Bangladesh, he is opposing India giving more land to Bangladesh and thus having a permanent irritant removed..which is like talking against the interest of country which is hosting you.

Please do note that it is not easy for India ti give favorable terms to BD ...
That's one thing we can agree with.

I really do oppose foreign armed groups operating in Bangladesh.

I don't understand why the BNP supplied them with arms and protection.

Is it confirmed news that the BNP did that?Or its like the information from various sources are pointing towards that ?
Is it confirmed news that the BNP did that?Or its like the information from various sources are pointing towards that ?

BNP helped them. it is proven. they were given shelter and were supplied weapons with BNP's help from norinco, china. i dont know who provided money for those weapons.........
Is it confirmed news that the BNP did that?Or its like the information from various sources are pointing towards that ?

It was rumored that some high ranking BNP officials and intelligence agents were involved with the Chittagong arms haul some years back. That arms truck was destined for the ULAF. In fact, it was due to an Indian tip-off that the trucks were located. They even found Israeli made Uzis :lol:

4-party bigwigs were in plot, accused say
Babar now accused
Bangladesh: Babar & his magic stick | Asian Tribune

I am sure you wouldn't like Mr. Lutfozzaman Babar :lol:
Lutfozzaman Babar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Man's in prison now over corruption and that case. The arms dealing business was a pretty good one I'd say :lol: Although, the current ruling AL are also extremely corrupt.

BNP helped them. it is proven. they were given shelter and were supplied weapons with BNP's help from norinco, china. i dont know who provided money for those weapons.........

Boy, those ULAF boys seem pretty well funded eh? Many unanswered questions here though...

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