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Ukrainian Protesters Attacked Buses Carrying Wuhan Coronavirus Evacuees

I was just about to post this, now can you imagine this country wants to join the EU? The sheer numbers of crazies they have is just insane, I mean no country, no country has had its folk form a lynch mob to kill victims of the virus.

Here are some more classic racist Ukrainian moments;

There was a documentary of racism in Ukraine and they showed some poor Indian students who were supporting the home team getting beaten by their own fans!

Here's just an example of what one of their fascist little imports did here in the UK;

Pavlo Lapshyn landed in Britain on 24th April and killed Mohammed Saleem on 29th.

He wanted to "increase racial conflict" with a series of attacks on mosques as well as the murder of Mr Saleem, according to West Midlands Police.

He is due to be sentenced on Friday after admitting to the killing as well as causing an explosion on 12th July near the Kanzal Iman mosque in Tipton and planting bombs near mosques in Walsall and Wolverhampton.


It's not everyone but the minority is a frightful large number.I'm sorry Ukraine has a very serious problem it needs to clear up. Can you imagine when they get EU membership and their crazies have the free run of Europe? God help those in the EU.
Now that is an extreme!

This what happens when Neo Nazi Thugs propped up by Washington in 2014 leads to @vostok @DejanSRB ,pathetic country should have stayed close to Russia instead drain on the toilet and cannon fodder for the western designs against a resurgent Russia

I was just about to post this, now can you imagine this country wants to join the EU? The sheer numbers of crazies they have is just insane, I mean no country, no country has had its folk form a lynch mob to kill victims of the virus.

Here are some more classic racist Ukrainian moments;

There was a documentary of racism in Ukraine and they showed some poor Indian students who were supporting the home team getting beaten by their own fans!

Here's just an example of what one of their fascist little imports did here in the UK;

Pavlo Lapshyn landed in Britain on 24th April and killed Mohammed Saleem on 29th.

He wanted to "increase racial conflict" with a series of attacks on mosques as well as the murder of Mr Saleem, according to West Midlands Police.

He is due to be sentenced on Friday after admitting to the killing as well as causing an explosion on 12th July near the Kanzal Iman mosque in Tipton and planting bombs near mosques in Walsall and Wolverhampton.


It's not everyone but the minority is a frightful large number.I'm sorry Ukraine has a very serious problem it needs to clear up. Can you imagine when they get EU membership and their crazies have the free run of Europe? God help those in the EU.

Ukraine will never Join the EU or NATO same with Georgia they are pathetic ex USSR states with high levels of emigration and a clown as Presidebt a literal clown they were better when they were allied with Moscow sort of Ukraine is just cannon fodder in geo politics against a resurgent Russia in Eurasia and Eastern Europe
This what happens when Neo Nazi Thugs propped up by Washington in 2014 leads to @vostok @DejanSRB ,pathetic country should have stayed close to Russia instead drain on the toilet and cannon fodder for the western designs against a resurgent Russia

Ukraine will never Join the EU or NATO same with Georgia they are pathetic ex USSR states with high levels of emigration and a clown as Presidebt a literal clown they were better when they were allied with Moscow sort of Ukraine is just cannon fodder in geo politics against a resurgent Russia in Eurasia and Eastern Europe

Bro never say never, this is a dream for them all. The East will be split and the rest of their filth will flood Europe.
Bro never say never, this is a dream for them all. The East will be split and the rest of their filth will flood Europe.

Not likely now Germany and France are not keen on expansion remember the whole North Macedonia fiasco and the Balkan countries getting excited about joining the EU what happen Macron bitchedslapped them by saying no new members so why you think Ukraine would join Ukraine is just canon fodder for them against the Russians
This what happens when Neo Nazi Thugs propped up by Washington in 2014 leads to @vostok @DejanSRB ,pathetic country should have stayed close to Russia instead drain on the toilet and cannon fodder for the western designs against a resurgent Russia

Ukraine will never Join the EU or NATO same with Georgia they are pathetic ex USSR states with high levels of emigration and a clown as Presidebt a literal clown they were better when they were allied with Moscow sort of Ukraine is just cannon fodder in geo politics against a resurgent Russia in Eurasia and Eastern Europe
Well, that is what you get after unconstitutional coup leading by illiterate peasants-fascists from Western Ukraine. Illiteracy and backwardness have become the state ideology along with Nazism.
If those scums will be in power for another generation noone will believe that we built space rockets, ICBMs, best transport aircrafts, aircraft carriers and many, many more...
This sickening action against innocent individuals shouldn't come as a surprise. Ukraine is a shithole, violent nation full of nutcases. This country should never be allowed to assmilate with the EU, rather Russia should take it back and teach them some discipline.
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