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UK woes ‘not due to immigration’

my country hosts millions (largest refugee population om the world) .. 7+ million...Afghans,bangladeshis,burmese,even middle eastern refugees... n many of them are involved in criminal or terrorist activities.. if it was upto me id sure boot em out.. whats stopping uk?
Liberal gov.t full of libtard politicians.
Of course not for you good man. Notice, i said:

"Deport all illegals and trouble makers, especially the immigrants gangs regardless if they are 2nd or 3rd generation. Europa must cleanse herself of all foreigners causing us disturbance and massive social damage."

Anyone abiding by the law and working to benefit Europe should not be deported as long as they remain law abiding.

Nowhere did i insult any particular Nationality or ethnicity.

But notice how your countrymen @DESERT FIGHTER and @AUz attacked me personally as well as my Nationality. You see, that is exactly why European despise non-European immigrants.

Now, I agree that among immigrants, the tendency to commit crime is higher. Why is it higher?
The same reason it's higher in all working class communities; poverty and the gang culture associated with it.

Which is NOT something imported by immigrants. The poverty and crime is a direct result of the times we live, the capitalist culture, showering us 15-20 minutes per hour of television ads, showing the poor man what he can't buy, but telling him, he should buy it anyway. It's greed. It's greed that made people in the mid-2000's take out mortgages that they couldn't pay back, greed caused the certain banks to give those toxic mortgages. It's greed that causes us to own credit cards, it's just owning debt.

Why is it then surprising for anyone that the poorest in such a society commit crime, not all of them, you have to note.
A small section of them, mostly youth, which unfortunately is also the most socially active part of society.

Also, with these sections of poverty, come multitudes of problems, parents who might not have been there, gangs give some children the parent figure, drugs are ever present and have been ever present through multiple generations of poverty. It's in the nature of some kids to rebel, they've did this in groups ever since the unspoken liberty was granted in western secularist society. Take the 60's for example, it was the youth that led the civil rights movement, the youth that led anti-Vietnam protests. The first time in American history where US citizens reacted so badly to a war and actually demanded it be stopped.

My point being is, whatever you feel should be done to criminal elements of immigrant communities. Do not solely put the blame on the individual. And do not be mistaken, gang culture is not some foreign, disease, it's home grown. That's a foolproof statement, trust me.
Yes. I'm Estonian but grew up in Britain and i have witnessed the thuggery and gang culture brought by these immigrant gangs.

I dont know what you have against Immigrants, you can't paint everybody as the same, just because some minority commit certain crimes. By your reasoning you yourself should be deported back to Estonia. I'm sick of seeing Foreigners/immigrants flooding my country. There are lots of eastern europeans who have flooded London /U.K. You should go back to Estonia.:agree:

On a serious note, I'm really surprise/amaze when i see some immigrants complain about other immigrants even more than we born and bred british. You should go to Estonia before making such statements. The U.K has benefited alot from Immigration(though of course there some immigrants who do bad things here, but they are a minority to other hard working immigrants i know), thats what makes the west/U.K strong. We accomodate any nation/country/citizen which can bring/impact something positive to our country. That's why the West/U.S are always/will remain for a long time ahead of other countries/regions in the world. Because we are open/accept any culture/citizen and provide equal opportunities of career success/acheivement regardless of race/origin. Its for this reason that we will remain for the forseeable future the main place where Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs etc want to come and live/invest/study. Yes the western Dream...:enjoy::usflag:
I dont know what you have against Immigrants, you can't paint everybody as the same, just because some minority commit certain crimes. By your reasoning you yourself should be deported back to Estonia. I'm sick of seeing Foreigners/immigrants flooding my country. There are lots of eastern europeans who have flooded London /U.K. You should go back to Estonia.:agree:

On a serious note, I'm really surprise/amaze when i see some immigrants complain about other immigrants even more than we born and bred british. You should go to Estonia before making such statements. The U.K has benefited alot from Immigration(though of course there some immigrants who do bad things here, but they are a minority to other hard working immigrants i know), thats what makes the west/U.K strong. We accomodate any nation/country/citizen which can bring/impact something positive to our country. That's why the West/U.S are always/will remain for a long time ahead of other countries/regions in the world. Because we are open/accept any culture/citizen and provide equal opportunities of career success/acheivement regardless of race/origin. Its for this reason that we will remain for the forseeable future the main place where Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs etc want to come and live/invest/study. Yes the western Dream...:enjoy::usflag:

On the plus side matey. All these political dealings, elections and immigration we can begin to forget for a short while, come the world cup. A welcome little break from the real world.

Come on England!
I dont know what you have against Immigrants, you can't paint everybody as the same, just because some minority commit certain crimes. By your reasoning you yourself should be deported back to Estonia. I'm sick of seeing Foreigners/immigrants flooding my country. There are lots of eastern europeans who have flooded London /U.K. You should go back to Estonia.:agree:

On a serious note, I'm really surprise/amaze when i see some immigrants complain about other immigrants even more than we born and bred british. You should go to Estonia before making such statements. The U.K has benefited alot from Immigration(though of course there some immigrants who do bad things here, but they are a minority to other hard working immigrants i know), thats what makes the west/U.K strong. We accomodate any nation/country/citizen which can bring/impact something positive to our country. That's why the West/U.S are always/will remain for a long time ahead of other countries/regions in the world. Because we are open/accept any culture/citizen and provide equal opportunities of career success/acheivement regardless of race/origin. Its for this reason that we will remain for the forseeable future the main place where Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs etc want to come and live/invest/study. Yes the western Dream...:enjoy::usflag:
surely immigration helps, most people including immigrants(obviously) will suggest, and there are some studies to prove it.
The issue that this election is faught is at individual level, lot of people are individual losers due to immigration even if country gains enermously. These people have right to voice their opinion through democratic process and they just did yesterday. Many are afraid to lose their way of life (true in some areas and people have to leave) which is genuinely scary for them.
While some party leaders could be xenophobic/racists in driving anti immigrant agenda, not all people who voted are. I think as a compromise, UK should have controlled immigration that is win win for everybody.
surely immigration helps, most people including immigrants(obviously) will suggest, and there are some studies to prove it.
The issue that this election is faught is at individual level, lot of people are individual losers due to immigration even if country gains enermously. These people have right to voice their opinion through democratic process and they just did yesterday. Many are afraid to lose their way of life (true in some areas and people have to leave) which is genuinely scary for them.
While some party leaders could be xenophobic/racists in driving anti immigrant agenda, not all people who voted are. I think as a compromise, UK should have controlled immigration that is win win for everybody.

Yes i agree with you on this bro. Its true our government should control immigration a little bit more than they have been doing in the past(especially the lax immigration policies/laws). But i'm against those who say we should deport all immigrants for being criminals and stuffs. These are people who dont have anything to do with their life and take their anger against others. which i understand but don't condone.
I dont know what you have against Immigrants, you can't paint everybody as the same, just because some minority commit certain crimes. By your reasoning you yourself should be deported back to Estonia. I'm sick of seeing Foreigners/immigrants flooding my country. There are lots of eastern europeans who have flooded London /U.K. You should go back to Estonia.:agree:

On a serious note, I'm really surprise/amaze when i see some immigrants complain about other immigrants even more than we born and bred british. You should go to Estonia before making such statements. The U.K has benefited alot from Immigration(though of course there some immigrants who do bad things here, but they are a minority to other hard working immigrants i know), thats what makes the west/U.K strong. We accomodate any nation/country/citizen which can bring/impact something positive to our country. That's why the West/U.S are always/will remain for a long time ahead of other countries/regions in the world. Because we are open/accept any culture/citizen and provide equal opportunities of career success/acheivement regardless of race/origin. Its for this reason that we will remain for the forseeable future the main place where Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs etc want to come and live/invest/study. Yes the western Dream...:enjoy::usflag:
I'll be the first one to to volunteer to go back to Estonia if i stab someone, behead someone, or mug someone on the streets or establish a no go zone in London neighborhoods.

Secondly, being a Eastern European, i have more cultural similarity to Western Europeans than a Arab, African, or an Asian, and thus i can much easily assimilate.

Can't say the same for non-European immigrants though:




And they behead indeed:




Shariah controlled Zones:


And of course this:

Child grooming very common amongst Asian immigrants


Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs etc want to come and live/invest/study. Yes the western Dream...:enjoy::usflag:
Right, the "western dream" in full swing:

In 2007, Los Angeles County counted more than 1,300 gangs with over 150,000 members.
Within the City of Los Angeles by itself, there were more than 400 separate gangs and an
estimated 39,000 members of these gangs. Of these, more than half were Latino.
Source: Annual Report to Congress: Creating a Safer America, U.S. Bureau of Justice
Assistance, 2000, and Gang Reduction Strategy, City of Los Angeles, 2007.
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