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UK will get a 'slap' from us, threatens Iran

USA is militarily FAR superior. But they would be dealing with a lot of direct and indirect "costs"

Iran will be the ultimate loser here. There are plenty of Iranians who don't support the mullahs (especially the ones in the states). The current regime might not even survive the American assault. America is still America, they can pull out and come home thousands of miles away.

It is in Iran's best interest not to provoke a conflict, so far they have done everything wrong. They are sending all the wrong signals and making the case for war easier against themselves.

true....but their installations are buried quite deep. Not sure what they would use to penetrate.

Bunker busters. Gotta admire America ingenuity.

i dont know about the battle-proven-ness of S-300 system. Not sure what is going on between Russia and Iran in this regard.
Iran has a pretty good 'ack-ack' network, especially around sensitive sites

could you elaborate a little on the 'ack ack system'? can it detect stealth bombers with bunker busters, or low flying cruise missiles (American ingenuity 2, Iran 0)

it would be pretty messy

So far we've been assuming that the Americans will jump in. My question is, since its Israel that's really in trouble, how would they deal with Iran?

grinding halt, i dont know.....but as it is, world is still recovering from world financial crisis. What will happen when price/barrel sky-rockets?

I think the global economy would slump a little, but all the major countries would eventually pull through. I know India has enough in its reserves, America has unlimited credit, Russia sells gas, Europe and China have money, Brazil has ethanol etc.

What will Pakistan do? :D

i think their strategy would be to out-stretch their adversaries, and also aim for psychological warfare.
as i said, israel is a tiny tiny dot on the world map. One missile lands in israeli capital, and whole population will be in bomb shelters

You have to respect Israel though. They have steel doors that lock in all four directions, air raid sirens, bomb shelters everywhere, an entire population with some level of military training. They've equipped themselves as best as possible to survive almost anything.

israel's objectives were to stop rocket fire, and recover its kidnapped soldiers.....they failed at both

True, but I think deep down, they just wanted to give those guys a taste of their own medicine. All that for two soldiers? They could have used MOSSAD and spec. forces.

No "cake" for israelis

What's Hezbollah been up to ever since the attack?

sectarian realities

Geopolitical realities.

sectarian realities.....

How many desis fought the Soviets?

as for fighters from Pakistan --it would be quite likely. Probably via Baluchistan. Officially, Pakistan would probably want to remain as far away from the conflict as possible....though we would be very against hostilities against a friendly neighbour country

I think Iran and Pakistan have an ok sort of a relationship. I don't think you guys are allies or friends.

not world war.....but definately a Greater Middle East war. There's no doubt about it.

and it wouldnt serve Mr. Obama well

Probably not, but I think the people of the middle east (including Pakistan) would suffer the most.

not much israel can do, other than try to attack. It's a tiny tiny country with very little leverage on its own.

I think they have more than their fair share of leverage, and they've played the military card quite skillfully. Look at all the intl' pressure on Iran. Somethings you just can't deny.

who are the israelis? Most of them are Eastern European immigrants who settled there. You have Sephardics, many of whom fled Middle Eastern countries for U.S. and Latin America; then re-settled in israel

the israelis arent indigenous to the land

and i dont feel sorry for people who use warplanes to blatantly bomb civilians left-right and center.

I recognize, as a Pakistani --that it is hypocritical of me to say that Jews dont deserve a homeland. But i dont like the behaviour or approach of the zionist movement --which is basically terrorism.

Safe guarding your interests doesnt mean bulldozing homes, kicking people out of their homes, destroying economy of Palestinians, and controlling their resources --from water, to medicine, to electricity to even foreign aid.
how many UN Resolutions is israel in violation of, at the moment?
even as i type this, illegal settlements are under construction.
I personally believe in 1967 borders solution, with de-centalized Jerusalem.

This is a separate discussion, but the focus should remain on the fact that Israel exists, so it matters little as to where the people came from, who said what and all that other good stuff. Furthermore they hold all the cards so they will negotiate from a position of power. 1967 borders is way too optimistic. Let's leave this for another time.

Lets focus on what Israel can do about Iran's nuclear program.

well if you think Pakistan is bad, just look in the mirror first ;) and yes, dont de-rail the thread

Lets not get into it, I'm sure we have our reasons.

well i can understand your anger....it was afterall Nader Shah's strong army which JACKED the indians pretty good.....took the treasures from Delhi, including Koh-e-Noor!!!!!!!

I can understand your excitement given your emphasis on the word 'JACKED' my country after all did shatter your ancestors dreams of a united Pakistan.

my distant ancestors from my father's side took part in that raid, as they were intially based in Khorasan

Its funny you always sound like you have a bone to pick with us desis.

Also just because they were initially based in Khorasan (which was huge) doesn't mean they had to have come with the invading army, they could have been looking for food for all you know. So how do you know?
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I understand some people didn't like the way England behaving.

But it is a real dictatorship being in Iran .
Khamenei asked we should name him "imam" and he thinks he is the twelth imam.
it is an inside problem so stop any comment like we are paid by foreigners or any stupid comment which is exactly what khamenei is making as propaganda.

it is INSIDE problem and pls don't insult us , muslims, i am seyyed, as being the slaves of USA. we didn't have any relation , communication , help from them. what the hell is this that some say we are obeing them???

And yes many went USA because they escaped Iran or they got better opportunity there. But what does it mean? you think the smart pakistanis there they are slaves of americans?

I respect very much your country. But pls be with us . With the Islam. Because the other they kill their own citizens . And not speaking about torture in jails.
. .

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