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UK wants to Handover its Excessive Military Hardware to Pakistan

Mir Shahzain

Jan 12, 2014
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برطانیہ کی افغانستان میں باقی اسلحہ پاکستان کو دینے میں دلچسپی – ایکسپریسس اردو


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Same old tricks of west .Arm south Asian neighbours and prompt for conflict .But a war with India is not going to happen .Because it also hurt the interest of western companies here .So I think West are prompt for a regular border skirmish with Afghanistan.Arming both Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to develop a conflict with them.
Same old tricks of west .Arm south Asian neighbours and prompt for conflict .But a war with India is not going to happen .Because it also hurt the interest of western companies here .So I think West are prompt for a regular border skirmish with Afghanistan.Arming both Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to develop a conflict with them.

Brother the stuff they are selling is useful for War against Terrorism not against India....because the War between India and Pakistan will not fought with MRAPs or night goggles....its will be something different

This news has been posted here at least 10 times if not more so better stop discussing when or if we would get it we would discuss it than

Brother its about UK not USA
Brother the stuff they are selling is useful for War against Terrorism not against India....because the War between India and Pakistan will not fought with MRAPs or night goggles....its will be something different

Brother its about UK not USA

Pak Army can finish all terrorists in their within single week.They dont need high tech systems from west.I also stated it is not against India.Brother West countries will do something after a mass calculation.They can simply sent rest of their systems to their country.But they gave it to the Pakistan .And I think it is their common method .Give sword to two countries and prompt them for conflict ,make money from it.In early decades they find India and Pakistan for that.But now it cant be applicable for some reasons and I already point one .So now they found Afghanistan.
Pak Army can finish all terrorists in their within single week.They dont need high tech systems from west.I also stated it is not against India.Brother West countries will do something after a mass calculation.They can simply sent rest of their systems to their country.But they gave it to the Pakistan .And I think it is their common method .Give sword to two countries and prompt them for conflict ,make money from it.In early decades they find India and Pakistan for that.But now it cant be applicable for some reasons and I already point one .So now they found Afghanistan.
Dude these are just NVGs and a bunch of fancy cars, why you so serious?
Same old tricks of west .Arm south Asian neighbours and prompt for conflict .But a war with India is not going to happen .Because it also hurt the interest of western companies here .So I think West are prompt for a regular border skirmish with Afghanistan.Arming both Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to develop a conflict with them.

That is why they left Kashmir like this so Pakistan and India keep fighting.
Same old tricks of west .Arm south Asian neighbours and prompt for conflict .But a war with India is not going to happen .Because it also hurt the interest of western companies here .So I think West are prompt for a regular border skirmish with Afghanistan.Arming both Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to develop a conflict with them.

If we are getting these weapons for free or 1/100th of a Price, then most welcome. If for a big price, then we could use the same money to buy the weapons of our choice
Do the US and UK think that Pakistan is a dump yard to dispose off used equipment?

Pakistan shouldn't fall into the trap just because they'll get it at discounted rates. There's the question of reliability, infrastructure for repairs, spares, stocking, training, requirement of covered plinths etc. A logistics nightmare!
Do the US and UK think that Pakistan is a dump yard to dispose off used equipment?

Pakistan shouldn't fall into the trap just because they'll get it at discounted rates. There's the question of reliability, infrastructure for repairs, spares, stocking, training, requirement of covered plinths etc. A logistics nightmare!

Well , they just cant take the equipment back home with them , because of the prohibitive cost involved in shipping it back to the mainland . There are also problems arising from the recent tensions with Russia and the bad if not worse law and order situation in Islamabad's North West . Which means that either they need to leave it in Afghanistan , something which they aren't keen to do because of the uncertain situation in that country and the ANA's unreliability . The other and most feasible option is to distribute them for free or little cost amongst the neighbors of Afghanistan and earn some good will and future support , the Central Asians and Pakistan are being negotiated with , for that very reason .

The chances are that these would be entirely free except for the transportation cost , incurred by the interested party . There's no problem of the equipment's reliability , they still have much life left in them since they aren't old . The PA has operated U.S. weapons for long , so I do not think there should be much problems . For the repairs and spares , we have much experience in improvising and well cannibalizing - these are coming in quite a number . The training and stocking , seriously ? It is a win-win situation for Pakistan , we can use it in the war against terror and on the Eastern borders . The list is extensive .
we i think actually need transport aircrafts
for cargo and troops deployment
especially 40+ Chinooks and some other
as well as 50+ wh-1w cobra attack helicopters
we they will supply us these helos that's will be really helpful for us@
Mir Shahzain

If we are getting these weapons for free or 1/100th of a Price, then most welcome. If for a big price, then we could use the same money to buy the weapons of our choice

It is not jealousy my friend.We dont need to envy when west countries gave their second hand weapons to Pakistan.Russia is our largest military supplier and now we are interested in our own indigenous weapon and all of them are high tech new systems.
It is a fact.
How can you trust this so called West Countries ?If they gave you used weapons they have a long term plan for Pakistan make their weapons market .Suck away all the money created by Pakistanis for development.If there is social development in Pakistan
then usual way of peace involvement will not work here.Tomorrow they will give advanced systems for Afghan military.Create a absolute stalemate ,prompt or create Skirmish in Pak-Afghan border.maintain a regional tension ,then only they can justify their involvement in Afghanistan.
Some how India manage to escape from that trap.Because West arm companies know even if they prompt .India will only give importance to Russian or indigenous weapons.And West are sensitive about Indian market.So their candidate is Afghan military.

That is why they left Kashmir like this so Pakistan and India keep fighting.

But for West that skirmish is outdated .India no more dependent west for everysystems except high tech aircrafts.Most of small systems are indigenous and they cant influence India for Kashmir cause.
Same old tricks of west .Arm south Asian neighbours and prompt for conflict .But a war with India is not going to happen .Because it also hurt the interest of western companies here .So I think West are prompt for a regular border skirmish with Afghanistan.Arming both Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to develop a conflict with them.

Nah mate I think you are over thinking this they will not leave any sophisticated weaponry for Pakistan just MRAP vehicles which quite frankly Pakistan needs since there are way to many causalities from IEDs.
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