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UK universities to spy on Muslims



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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

UK universities to spy on Muslims

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Lecturers and university staff across Britain will be asked to spy on “Asian-looking” and Muslim students they suspect of involvement in Islamic extremism and supporting terrorist violence, the Guardian reported on Monday.

According to the Guardian, the lecturers and university staff would be told to inform on students to special branch because the government believes campuses have become “fertile recruiting grounds” for extremists. The British Education Department has drawn up a series of proposals which are to be sent to universities and other centres of higher education before the end of the year. The 18-page document acknowledges that universities would be anxious about passing information to special branch, for fear it amounts to “collaborating with the secret police”. It says there will be “concerns about police targeting certain sections of the student population (eg Muslims)”.

The Guardian said the proposals are likely to cause anxiety among academics, and provoke anger from British Muslim groups at a time when ministers are at the focus of rows over issues such as the wearing of the veil and forcing Islamic schools to accept pupils from other faiths.

Wakkas Khan, president of the Federation of Student Islamic Societies, said: “It sounds to me to be potentially the widest infringement of the rights of Muslim students that there ever has been in this country. It is clearly targeting Muslim students and treating them to a higher level of suspicion and scrutiny. It sounds like you’re guilty until you’re proven innocent.”

Gemma Tumelty, president of the National Union of Students, said: “They are going to treat everyone Muslim with suspicion on the basis of their faith. It’s bearing on the side of McCarthyism.”

The document, which has been obtained by the Guardian, was sent within the last month to selected official bodies for consultation and reveals the full extent of what the authorities fear is happening in universities.

People are reacting as if this is something new.They have always done this. From university...MI-6/MI-5 recruit their employees and spies....as well as recruit agents from foreign students...who they use once those students finish studies and return home.
In the same vein...foreign intelligence (CIA/KGB ) too have their rings in british universities to recruit agents as well as keep on eye on tommorrows leaders.. .

KGB recruited the famous spy ring while they were students at cambridge uni......CIA's valeri plame was based in LSE to recruit agents from students coming to study at LSE.
They should really just focus on Pakistanis and not give collective punishment to all Muslims.
The media makes a meal out of nothing.

There were protesters in London with boards reading " Jesus is a slave of Allah" and they left it all alone.

Would have lked to see how the muslims would have reacted for a board reading "Allah is a slave of Jesus".

Muslims are only trying to screw up the situation.
The media makes a meal out of nothing.

There were protesters in London with boards reading " Jesus is a slave of Allah" and they left it all alone.

Would have lked to see how the muslims would have reacted for a board reading "Allah is a slave of Jesus".

Muslims are only trying to screw up the situation.

The boards were photoshopped.

ever seen the pic of marine holding the board next to an Iraqi kid that says "I banged her sister last night" ?, that looks real too.
The boards were photoshopped.

ever seen the pic of marine holding the board next to an Iraqi kid that says "I banged her sister last night" ?, that looks real too.

No rahman....its was shown on BBC and CNN and there were british christians protesting against those signboards.
I persoanlly am against muslim women with whom i deal wearing compete viels.Hijabs(head scarfs) are ok.

But the full face cover esp with the black cloth is intimidating and i consider it as a action of no trust or fear of me.
You can disapprove but don't force a piece of clothing off a woman. You can argue with her and convince her to take it off on her own accord but to sack her and arm twist her into taking it off is just as wrong.

Even I think is wrong. I've read arguments that state the head scarf is not necessary for hijab. Stating how its not mentioned in the Quran. The cloth mentioned in the Quran is Jilbab and not head scarf. Jilbab was used to cover the woman's bossoms shape over her clothes and it also covered the head. So does head count in? Who knows, we leave it to the woman to decide.

Some close women in my life wear the scarf as part of the hijab. It's cool they are very cool and interesting people and are not oppressed girls on whom scarves are enforced. Infact in many of their families their mothers and sisters don't wear the scarf but they do. Personal choice.

My mother on the other hand keeps short till the neck sort of hair and doesn't cover her head. It's personal choice. Men in our society can't women to wear it or remove it. So the only time we'd speak up is when other men want our women to remove any piece of clothing without their consent. Heck you want to discourage it by talking, I'd join you. You pull off stunt that forces them, I'd staunchly oppose.
So does head count in? Who knows, we leave it to the woman to decide..

The woman doesnt just have the right to decide on it,whether it be india or Pakistan.

Why did the Imam issue a fatwa against Sania mirza for wearing skirts while playing tennis.

Why is men not allowed to watch women football in pakista?

Why is pakistani woman atheltes not allowed to wear what they want?
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