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UK should make Eid and Diwali public holidays

Diwali / Holi are Indian Hindu festival.

Fair enough so India is a secular state according to most indians who just elected an extremist Hindu as a prime minister, but since you brought India into this conversation please tell us the minorities that enjoy government sanctioned religious holidays other, then Hindus.
I like the current setup where most of the holidays fall adjacent to a weekend. I prefer long weekends to religious holidays and will be upset of any of them are sacrificed to make way for another religious holiday.

As for Christmas, offices shut down for the entire week between Christmas and New Year. Keep enough holidays upto the end of the year and you can take 2 weeks off in that period.

Fair enough so India is a secular state according to most indians who just elected an extremist Hindu as a prime minister, but since you brought India into this conversation please tell us the minorities that enjoy government sanctioned religious holidays other, then Hindus.

This is the list for Maharashtra.
Maharashtra 2014

There are holidays for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists too.. Too many in my opinion.

Edit- and Parsis(Parsi New Year)
Fair enough so India is a secular state according to most indians who just elected an extremist Hindu as a prime minister, but since you brought India into this conversation please tell us the minorities that enjoy government sanctioned religious holidays other, then Hindus.
It would to wrong to call him extremist.
HolidayObserved in
1.Eid ul-Fitr

all states and territories

2.Eid al-Adha

all states and territories
3.Good Friday all states and territories
except Chhattisgarh


all states and territories
Would you support same favour in Pakistan for Hindus and Christians. ;)

Yes of course
Do Hindus in Pakistan have Diwali off also do they have Eid off ?
Im not Pakistani so i wouldnt know
No offence meant , but Pakistan has had Hindus for centuries and yet Diwali / Holi is not a public holiday.

Isn't it too much to expect the Christians to declare a holiday for Hindu & Muslim festivals ?
Again another stupid irrelevant comparision between secular and islamic republic . Hindus are not even 2 percent of total population of Pakistan and more than 90% percent live just in Sindh so it would not make sense to make diwali as public holiday in Punjab, baluchistan or kpk etc

Xmas day is already a public holiday because it is also a birth date of our founder.
UK is jus like bharat before partition, loads of desis

London especially


UK should maintain its culture and heritage. Make it too secular and you will end up as a dump.
Secularism is your majbori because Muslims and christian are in significant. Numbers lol

Lets for the sake of argument say that india ceases to be a secular country. what then ? tell me what those significant numbers gonna do ?
Lets for the sake of argument say that india ceases to be a secular country. what then ? tell me what those significant numbers gonna do ?
What People do when they don't get their rights ?They would do what Muslims of subcontinent did in 1947 :D
What People do when they don't get their rights ?They would do what Muslims of subcontinent did in 1947 :D

well boy the difference is you are a migrant community there and '47 was because you guys were natives there. Personally i think india did a great thing getting separated from u guys. '47 and '71 ensured the 1 billion muslim population of subcontinent were separated into three equal groups which is helping us now in toying with them !
Again another stupid irrelevant comparision between secular and islamic republic . Hindus are not even 2 percent of total population of Pakistan and more than 90% percent live just in Sindh so it would not make sense to make diwali as public holiday in Punjab, baluchistan or kpk etc

Xmas day is already a public holiday because it is also a birth date of our founder.
Secularism is your majbori because Muslims and christian are in significant. Numbers lol

Check the list of public hoildays in India - State wise.

Observe that some days are national hoildays while others are state hoildays. Days like Parsi new year & Budh Purnima are also holidays in states where such population exists.

Does Sindh have a holiday for Diwali ?

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