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UK Parliament: Should UK make its Aid to Pakistan conditional on its treatment of Ahmadis

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UK provides refuge to leaders which are involved in criminal activities inside Pakistan. Frankly, it sponsors such criminals from their soil against Pakistan. Pakistan shouldn't take any aid from anyone and that includes the UK. Such "developed" countries expect unreasonable favors in return for aid. It is in essence bribe. Pakistan should learn to stand on its own feet and ditch such countries which only care about exploitation.

Having said that, Ahmadis cannot be called Muslims. That is not discrimination or a revolt against Ahmadis. It is merely a fact. The Ahmadis simply don't adhere to the fundamental tenet of the Islamic faith which is the finality of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There are no ifs and buts in this regard.

Although, anyone involved in violence against Ahmadis needs to be locked up and tried in the court of law. Ahmadis are part of this society. We should allow them to practice their own faith which isn't Islamic by any means. This is part of our constitution and faith.

If the UK has any problems with that they can go to hell. We don't care about what a country like Britain thinks or says regarding Pakistan. We are an independent and sovereign nation and won't be lectured by a brute colonizer about what we can or cannot do.

Britain is irrelevant. It is funny though how the colonizer is threatening with its peanuts sized aid. Like as if this amounts to something significant. They should keep their bribe to themselves. If the Pakistani government had any spine and shame it should have ditched the bribe money long ago.
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Not new, rather the founding principle of upholding the core values and beliefs. Rejecting any of them is refusing to be a Muslim.
Last time I checked Prophet (PBUH), by order of God, stated only one condition to be muslim and that is :
There is no God besides Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah

Ahmadis believe above word by word, so Ahmadis are muslim by the criteria put by God & Prophet (pbuh) but Ahmadis are "SARKARI" kafirs because we don't believe in the messed up logic and fairy tales the rest of muslims believe in.
They should take their creation to their country.
There are two branches of the Qadiani movement. Those who declare Mirza Ghulam of Qadian as a 'prophet', and those who declare him to be a 'renewer of the age'.
According to constitution both are declared Kafir.
To become muslim you have to accept the terms and conditions i-e To accept ALLAH as the one and only GOD and MUHAMMAD SAW as his last prophet.
we will accept ahmadis as muslims, if UK can elect a person as their PM who says that he will not accept the UK constitution and will not accept the UK monarchy, do it and we will consider our stance.

But to accept aid money from kafirs you have to be a pakka munafiq sarkari pakistani musalman. Yes? :coffee:
i would hail it .... I know the Ahmadis hurt our sentiments and i stringly argue they are not muslims but they should have the rights of a minority atleast
Jab boloan to boltay ho kay bolta hay
Qadiyani should be treated as equal Pakistanis..

we dont need this aid anyways, plz stop the aid.
Last time I checked Prophet (PBUH), by order of God, stated only one condition to be muslim and that is :
There is no God besides Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah

Ahmadis believe above word by word, so Ahmadis are muslim by the criteria put by God & Prophet (pbuh) but Ahmadis are "SARKARI" kafirs because we don't believe in the messed up logic and fairy tales the rest of muslims believe in.

O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything. (The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)

these are not just fairy tales. the basic teachings of islam are taken from Quran and it prove you "SARKARI" and "NON-SARKARI" kafir.
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But to accept aid money from kafirs you have to be a pakka munafiq sarkari pakistani musalman. Yes? :coffee:

To be fair you see lots of European origin Evangelical Christians from America and elsewhere who believe Muslims are the devil turning up in Saudi Arabia begging Salafi Muslims to save their banks and businesses as well.

You also see lots of people from various sects in Pakistan who on every occasion attack the religious beliefs of Saudi Arabia, also turning up there and remarkably all those wonderful terms they use to describe Saudi Arabian and Pashtun religious beliefs suddenly disappear! :lol:
To become muslim you have to accept the terms and conditions i-e To accept ALLAH as the one and only GOD and MUHAMMAD SAW as his last prophet.
we will accept ahmadis as muslims, if UK can elect a person as their PM who says that he will not accept the UK constitution and will not accept the UK monarchy, do it and we will consider our stance.
O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything. (The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)

these are not just fairy tales. the basic teachings of islam are taken from Quran and it prove you "SARKARI" and "NON-SARKARI" kafir.
I don't want to make it a discussion, but I can show you whats the appropriate meaning of the above verse with logic and reasoning:
What ever Quran says always has some relevance, and there are no sentences that are joint together without any reason to it. Now reading the translation above and tell me how does the first sentence "O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men" relates to the sentence that comes after it "but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets"
Do you see any relevance, first God says, Muhammad has no sons. and then God says but he is prophet of God and last in line of prophets
The word "but" is used between 2 sentences to basically negate the first sentence by second sentence. For example:
I didn't like Mr. ABC but now I like him
Now the real meaning of the above verse is:
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and Khataman Nabiyyeen--The Seal of the Prophets
God is saying 2 things here:
- Although Muhammad (pbuh) has no physical sons but (he is a apostle of Allah) his real progeny is his spiritual sons. Meaning God is saying it doesn't matter that Muhammad(pbuh) doesn't have any physical sons but because he is an apostle of Allah, the ultimate goal of his life was to leave a spiritual progeny (spiritual sons). Then God tells us, his spritual sons are those for whom he came as a seal, meaning he is a spiritual father of all the prophets.
- Then God says ( he is a apostle of Allah and Khataman Nabiyyeen--The Seal of the Prophets). Muhammad's(pbuh) spiritual progeny is all the Prophets before him and all the prophets after him. He is the authenticator, the ultimate one, who took prophet hood to ultimate level which no one has achieved before him and no one can achieve after him.
- Now the meaning seal is necessary because, if Muhammad (pbuh) is a father of Prophets, and God says that although you might see him having no physical progeny but his spiritual progeny will last forever. So he came to open all avenues of Prophet hood not to stop it forever.
Also, he was the "rehmatul alameen", a blessing for everybody. The biggest blessing of God on humans is prophet hood, so how could rehmatul alameen stop that biggest blessing of God. He came to perfect prophet hood, not to end it.

Seal makes is so beautiful because then it means, Muhammad (pbuh) is the ultimate, greatest, the purpose of God to send prophets was basically to prepare the world slowly for that ultimate prophet(pbuh) which was complete and served as a seal to all.
Last kills the whole beauty. what significance Muhammad(pbuh) would have if he is the last in line. In our normal day to day life, is it ever significant if you are the last entering a room, last of the children of your parents, came last in results of an exam.

For more info read this:
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Its a very long discussion and I don't want to make this a theological debate but my I have just tried to summarize the real logic and reasoning behind Quran

Also, to my earlier point, when I said fairy tales I meant the common belief that Jesus is raised to heaven alive and he is there alive. Its against rules of nature and illogical. When you make Muhammad (pbuh) last among prophets then you are forced to make Jesus alive hoping that he will descend one day (although the time mentioned in hadith has already pass a long time ago) which everybody is still waiting on, without any thought or purpose on why we are still waiting for something that was supposed to happen a long time ago.
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