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Uighur terrorism is going global


Mar 1, 2012
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Terrorism in China: the global dimension | Philip Potter | Comment is free | theguardian.com

China's Uighur militants appear to be getting more sophisticated, with links to Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's time to take them seriously

The knife attack in which six people were injured in southern China is the third high-profile incident at a Chinese train station in a little more than two months. It seems that China is in the grip of a mounting terrorist campaign, with militants apparently able to strike when and where they want.

Last week a railway station in Urumqi was attacked with suicide bombs and knives, with at least three killed and dozens injured. The authorities quickly attributed that attack to Uighur separatists. More jarring, the attack came at the end of President Xi Jinping's trip to that city for the explicit purpose of announcing a "get tough" policy on terrorism.

That incident followed close on the heels of an eerily similar March attack in Kunming. Details are sketchy, but in that brutal episode approximately nine militants wielding knives stormed the city's railway station, killing at least 28 and wounding about a hundred.

Only a few months before, that there was a high-profile attack on the most visible symbol of Chinese political authority – Tiananmen Square in Beijing. In that case, aggrieved Uighurs apparently drove across the country and mowed down tourists at the edge of the square with their Jeep before setting it on fire.

While these incidents have set China on edge, they have received relatively little attention from the outside world. Western analysts tend to draw on the "low-tech" weaponry and comparatively low death tolls to conclude that these are minor incidents. Even specialists often miss the potential for broader international implications, seeing only an internal separatist struggle.

Both of these instincts are wrong. Attacks like those in Urumqi, Kunming and Beijing are serious, and their increasing sophistication indicates a growing threat. If they continue to escalate, there is potential for far-reaching consequences for China and the world.

Despite their reliance on relatively unsophisticated weapons, Uighur militants seem to have already mastered some of the most challenging problems that extremist organisations face. The ability to conduct complex, co-ordinated attacks like those in Urumqi and Kunming are hallmarks of organisational strength. Moreover, while it might seem counterintuitive, restraint is also a clear indicator of capability. Weak movements lash out without discipline and coordination, while strong ones wait for opportune moments and symbolically valuable targets. Last week's attack in Urumqi certainly fits the latter description.

Timing an attack to coincide with Xi's visit to Xinjiang, explicitly to demonstrate his toughness on the separatist question, is a clear act of defiance and it set Chinese social media ablaze before the censors stepped in. The attackers dramatically undermined any remaining confidence that the authorities have this situation under control.

This compounds the concern that militants will be able to project still more violence out of long-restive Xinjiang and into distant Chinese cities as they appeared to do in Kunming and Beijing. This approach makes perfect sense. Terrorism is only effective when the fear that it generates reaches its intended audience, which in this case is the Chinese public. Chinese security forces had, until this recent spate of attacks, been very successful in bottling up violence in Xinjiang and keeping it out of view, but this apparent new capability to time attacks to coincide with symbolic opportunities and strike distant Chinese population centres upsets that equilibrium.

Indiscriminate attacks on civilians always warrant attention, but the evolving violence in China has under-appreciated potential to develop into global concern. When al-Qaida struck the United States on 9/11, it reshaped global politics, culminating in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As an emerging global power, China's response to its terrorist problem could have consequences that are nearly as far-reaching. It is often forgotten that China's restive Muslim regions border Afghanistan and Pakistan's tribal regions, putting it at the geographic centre of the "war on terror". The withdrawal of Nato forces from Afghanistan will leave a host of problems on China's doorstep.

More troubling still, some of the most militant among the Uighurs have been active at high levels with jihadi organisations fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As the west winds down its presence in Afghanistan, it would be prudent to anticipate that these militants will return their attention to China. When they do, they will bring a great deal of experience and capacity with them. China may then find itself at the mercy of militants operating from safe havens across borders, much as the US did. Only time will tell how China might respond.

All this suggests that it is time to take Chinese terrorism seriously. The attackers have carried only knives and crude bombs, but they and their kind have the potential to reshape both Chinese and international politics.

This is a troubling development. It looks like the Uighur problem is metastasizing and developing into a regional threat, menacing the stability of all the countries in the neighborhood, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, but probably Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan too. Their short-medium term goal is probably to help restore the Taliban to power so they can have a safe base to launch a global terrorism campaign. Regional cooperation to extinguish this plague is vital.
This is a troubling development. It looks like the Uighur problem is metastasizing and developing into a regional threat, menacing the stability of all the countries in the neighborhood, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, but probably Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan too.
You've missed out the most important country that's going to be affected by this terrorism, and that is, China. You're well on the way to facing a full blown insurgency in the next 5 years or so.

If it isn't nipped in the bud now, it would be too late.
You've missed out the most important country that's going to be affected by this terrorism, and that is, China. You're well on the way to facing a full blown insurgency in the next 5 years or so.

If it isn't nipped in the bud now, it would be too late.

That's right. We''ve been put on a timer. Right now, we still count as a country with no conflicts on the ground, and we hope to keep it that way:

File:Ongoing conflicts around the world.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Yeah, China's global interest has been expanding in every corner of the world, so China will face terrorism on the front line sooner or later, like the USA. In fact, China has been trying to minimize the political influence over other countries, this is a wise move to protect China itself, that's why China never send troops to the world. But things are going out of control now, we can't just sit here watching our people being stabbed.
Terrorism in China: the global dimension | Philip Potter | Comment is free | theguardian.com

This is a troubling development. It looks like the Uighur problem is metastasizing and developing into a regional threat, menacing the stability of all the countries in the neighborhood, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, but probably Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan too. Their short-medium term goal is probably to help restore the Taliban to power so they can have a safe base to launch a global terrorism campaign. Regional cooperation to extinguish this plague is vital.

The Chechnya game is now being played in China by western foreign powers clearly, it is purely to destabilize China and to keep them busy in any way. These separatist terrorists must be eliminated they are using a Religion's name to carry out terrorism on local people in reality they've nothing to do with religion because the first instructions in the religion is do not kill civilians and unnecessary if they are violating the religious law than you clearly can see where their allegiance is with give them dollars and they'll carry out their dirty work...China should keep a check on western foreigners coming into China in the name of tourism bringing in cash that could be the source of funds and teachings.
The Chechnya game is now being played in China by western foreign powers clearly, it is purely to destabilize China and to keep them busy in any way. These separatist terrorists must be eliminated they are using a Religion's name to carry out terrorism on local people in reality they've nothing to do with religion because the first instructions in the religion is do not kill civilians and unnecessary if they are violating the religious law than you clearly can see where their allegiance is with give them dollars and they'll carry out their dirty work...China should keep a check on western foreigners coming into China in the name of tourism bringing in cash that could be the source of funds and teachings.

Few knife stabbings aside, the demand of uyghur muslims for freedom is justful and is like kashmir. Infact Kashmir is historically part of Hind while same is not the case with east turkistan .

If West decides to help uyghur muslims, no matter what their intentions are, then alhamdulilah. Pakistan should atleast show some concern at the plights of uyghur muslims.
Few knife stabbings aside, the demand of uyghur muslims for freedom is justful and is like kashmir. Infact Kashmir is historically part of Hind while same is not the case with east turkistan .

If West decides to help uyghur muslims, no matter what their intentions are, then alhamdulilah. Pakistan should atleast show some concern at the plights of uyghur muslims.

Nope these terrorists should be eliminated and if you think they are right for freedom than ISI/Pak Army has also the right to play in afghanistan to give them freedom and annex. Uyghur is part of China.

So west in afghanistan not good west plays with China good? :cheesy: the logic...
Nope these terrorists should be eliminated and if you think they are right for freedom than ISI/Pak Army has also the right to play in afghanistan to give them freedom and annex. Uyghur is part of China.

So west in afghanistan not good west plays with China good? :cheesy: the logic...
Poor logic....i am not cheering for west, Allah some times makes one kafir go against another, benefiting Muslims.
Afghanistan is muslim country, china is not. Western intervention in bosnia was good, but not good in Afghanistan. kya samjay pa ji?
Poor logic....i am not cheering for west, Allah some times makes one kafir go against another, benefiting Muslims.
Afghanistan is muslim country, china is not. Western intervention in bosnia was good, but not good in Afghanistan. kya samjay pa ji?

Right so how did kafir benefit afghanistan iraq, Pakistan and a few more names and than over the top you suggest kafir comes and liberate part of China how about muslim Pakistan liberate afghanistan and anex to benefit muslims of that land or why don't you suggest someone lands in UK to liberate it and give a separate land to british muslims. Your stupidity is too much try to be reasonable.

You are so religious let me refer you to Al-Quran Al-Baqra, where they have gone they have spread chaos corruption.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers." 2:11
Where is the warning posted?

In your profile I think.

The Chechnya game is now being played in China by western foreign powers clearly, it is purely to destabilize China and to keep them busy in any way. These separatist terrorists must be eliminated they are using a Religion's name to carry out terrorism on local people in reality they've nothing to do with religion because the first instructions in the religion is do not kill civilians and unnecessary if they are violating the religious law than you clearly can see where their allegiance is with give them dollars and they'll carry out their dirty work...China should keep a check on western foreigners coming into China in the name of tourism bringing in cash that could be the source of funds and teachings.

This is correct. There's no way that these people have the resources to plan and execute their heinous acts by themselves, so it stands to reason that there must be a foreign patron propping them up from afar. This is the head of the snake. It's deplorable that they're trying to cast this as a China-Islam conflict, and trying to affix these crimes to Islam's reputation, when:
1. China has a number of minority Muslim groups, virtually all whom whom co-exist with the rest of society, respect others and are in turn respected by others.
2. China has great relations with the Ummah in general.
Right so how did kafir benefit afghanistan iraq, Pakistan and a few more names and than over the top you suggest kafir comes and liberate part of China how about muslim Pakistan liberate afghanistan and anex to benefit muslims of that land or why don't you suggest someone lands in UK to liberate it and give a separate land to british muslims. Your stupidity is too much try to be reasonable.

You are so religious let me refer you to Al-Quran Al-Baqra, where they have gone they have spread chaos corruption.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers." 2:11
Your chaplosi to chinese , is embarrassing.......i know you have to justify chinese's aggression on uyghgurs because of pak-china-dosti-zindabad non-sense..........
And whats your problem with afghanistan, pa ji?
Nope these terrorists should be eliminated and if you think they are right for freedom than ISI/Pak Army has also the right to play in afghanistan to give them freedom and annex. Uyghur is part of China.

So west in afghanistan not good west plays with China good? :cheesy: the logic...

You're trying too hard. What's wrong is wrong, you can't really justify it.
Few knife stabbings aside, the demand of uyghur muslims for freedom is justful and is like kashmir. Infact Kashmir is historically part of Hind while same is not the case with east turkistan .

If West decides to help uyghur muslims, no matter what their intentions are, then alhamdulilah. Pakistan should atleast show some concern at the plights of uyghur muslims.

See the hypocrisy mate ?
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