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Uighur Lawyer Tortured to Death in China


Feb 9, 2014
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Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China


Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.
World Bulletin / News Desk

A young Uighur lawyer in China's East Turkestan (Xinjiang) province has died from her injuries as a result of torture by the Chinese authorities.

Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.

The 30-year-old lawyer had complained that her client was not receiving a fair trial, and by leaking the footage to the internet, she managed to publicize the poor treatment towards her client.

Abdulahat was later removed from the trial, after the leaked videos were discovered and deleted. She was then arrested for seperatism.

Her family requested for her to be returned on discovering that she was 'sick' and continuously worsening. When she was released, her family said that she was unable to stand, had all of her nails removed, a swollen face and wounds all over her body.

Days later on March 10, Gulnar Abdulahat had given in to her injuries and passed away. According to RFA radio, after her death, the Chinese authorities also arrested her parents, who are still being held in custody.

Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China | Asia-Pasific | Worldbulletin News
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Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China
Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.
World Bulletin / News Desk

A young Uighur lawyer in China's East Turkestan (Xinjiang) province has died from her injuries as a result of torture by the Chinese authorities.

Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.

The 30-year-old lawyer had complained that her client was not receiving a fair trial, and by leaking the footage to the internet, she managed to publicize the poor treatment towards her client.

Abdulahat was later removed from the trial, after the leaked videos were discovered and deleted. She was then arrested for seperatism.

Her family requested for her to be returned on discovering that she was 'sick' and continuously worsening. When she was released, her family said that she was unable to stand, had all of her nails removed, a swollen face and wounds all over her body.

Days later on March 10, Gulnar Abdulahat had given in to her injuries and passed away. According to RFA radio, after her death, the Chinese authorities also arrested her parents, who are still being held in custody.

Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China | Asia-Pasific | Worldbulletin News

what a full load of crap!
How can she be allowed to take vid of her client if the police have close watch of their activities?
it appears like a very phoney piece of news to me.
And by official, international and legal nomenclature, the area is 新疆 Xinjiang, an integral and sovereign part of China!:china:
I like how she's posing for the cellphone camera. Next on the news, tortured to death woman goes grocery shopping.
You guys can't prove that she wasn't tortured and you guys know that torture exists in china therefore the contents of the article are valid unless you can bring another source that isn't from a state media outlet to prove it false.
You guys can't prove that she wasn't tortured and you guys know that torture exists in china therefore the contents of the article are valid unless you can bring another source that isn't from a state media outlet to prove it false.

So we have to prove she wasn't tortured?

I know you think state media would be false, but let me paint you a picture and you decide, once upon a time, one nation went authoritarian, while a lot of others went democratic.

Today most of those democratic countries sucks and we are a world power. THE END

So your understanding of totalitarian government is one of central Asia and African, you have no idea what ours is, proof? Read above.
A turkish news source, on Muslims, how reliable is that. If we are not allowed to use Chinese sources then you are not allowed to use Muslim sources. If Muslim sources are true, then Obama and Bush should really be tried, and that's just a lie. Trolling the world since 9/11

You should call it a Turkish source not Muslim, otherwise you would be painting a picture that Chinese have an issue with Muslims, which I know from personal experience is false, since Hui Muslims are respected in China. As for the incident occurring with the lawyer, hard to verify since no video is provided to support the claim she was tortured.
Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China


Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.
World Bulletin / News Desk

A young Uighur lawyer in China's East Turkestan (Xinjiang) province has died from her injuries as a result of torture by the Chinese authorities.

Gulnar Abdulahat was abducted last year after it was found that she had leaked video footage of a trial of one of her clients who was sentenced to death.

The 30-year-old lawyer had complained that her client was not receiving a fair trial, and by leaking the footage to the internet, she managed to publicize the poor treatment towards her client.

Abdulahat was later removed from the trial, after the leaked videos were discovered and deleted. She was then arrested for seperatism.

Her family requested for her to be returned on discovering that she was 'sick' and continuously worsening. When she was released, her family said that she was unable to stand, had all of her nails removed, a swollen face and wounds all over her body.

Days later on March 10, Gulnar Abdulahat had given in to her injuries and passed away. According to RFA radio, after her death, the Chinese authorities also arrested her parents, who are still being held in custody.

Uighur lawyer tortured to death in China | Asia-Pasific | Worldbulletin News

Worldbulltetin news? The source of the article came from RadioFreeAsia.org :omghaha:
LOL, don't belittle the standard of this forum.

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