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Ugandans Please save me: Kingons will Kill me after Reading this Thread.

Muhajir ladki hai .
Still better than being Dalit in India, or publicly lynched or butchered for eating beef burger or getting raped while going home .
Well I am no student of psychology but I have encountered views critical of freud elsewhere. Tell me something, have you ever been to a Western country, or had a discussion on the topic with a Western person?

I still believe that you are a psychology student.
Yes, I have been to western countries
As for discussion on Freud and Carl, My best friend at the medical school, a Consultant Psychiatrist now, has always been impressed by Freud, and we have discussed such topics countless times.
But none of this is relevant to the topic, I believe
Your point ?
bless your daughter.
and I have nothing against this Police Lady. nice of her to appear at the scene but so did Faisal Vawda.

I am sure she took charge and gave orders to bring the place in order after the completion of the operation of course
she was not not leading the assault or tactical in-charge of the operation but yea she had her gun out and praise the photographer he made sure we all see it

yes indeed it is . very fortunate setting for the positioning of the camera man and all of them there,
too good to be true if spontaneous then awesome. seems like staged because if there were shots being fired then everyone would've been ducking. and she would have yelled at the photographer to get out of the way,

Hi Irfan

This is a very strong image---a female pakistani officer with a handgun in hand leading leading troops into danger zone or terrorist activity---.
I still believe that you are a psychology student.
Yes, I have been to western countries
As for discussion on Freud and Carl, My best friend at the medical school, a Consultant Psychiatrist now, has always been impressed by Freud, and we have discussed such topics countless times.
But none of this is relevant to the topic, I believe
Your point ?

The point being the debate is pretty much settled in the minds of people in the West. Presenting Freudian analysis to them will not garner respect. Note this is separate from Freudian terminology being deeply ingrained within the subject.
The point being the debate is pretty much settled in the minds of people in the West. Presenting Freudian analysis to them will not garner respect. Note this is separate from Freudian terminology being deeply ingrained within the subject.

The debate is far from settled
We, however, can agree to disagree ..
Can I create a thread to bash libturds?
Absolutely, we all want to kill each other in Pakistan..

So Pathan-MQM conflict dates back to 60s? :o: :o: :o:

I thought it is 90s and post-2000 trend exacerbated by RAW.
And then you guys have the guile to pass judgemental comments on anything Pakistani; you know NOTHING about us.. almost like all North Koreans are told that US soldiers are cannibals and will eat them,

Did I tell you my dad lived in Karachi between 1959/1961. I was talking to him the other day. He recounted how he lived in Jacob Lines and would frequent the beach or what was then Gandhi gardens. He moved north in 1961 before moving to UK.
Karachi was a haven till Gohar ayub brought in the P element to sway the elections against Fatima Jinnah.. even then it was a haven until the beardos scared and eventually got Bhutto to hang.

@Irfan Baloch .. on the flipside.. she is a free source of positive imahe much like the female fighter pilots are; koi harj?

@Indus Pakistan
Sometimes a fake hero goes a long way
Well, I think people are just curious about her - her age, how she looks like, whether or not she's married, how her hubby looks like, her CSS marks(lol) :P

Karachi was a haven till Gohar ayub brought in the P element to sway the elections against Fatima Jinnah
I am afraid my dad was pro Gohar. Maternal side came from same district as Ayubs.

Sometimes a fake hero goes a long way
Very true. Look at Stan Lee. He made fake characters into American icons.
Well, I think people are just curious about her - her age, how she looks like, whether or not she's married, how her hubby looks like, her CSS marks(lol) :P

View attachment 521985

Welcome back bud.
Yes of course its a click bait

Klingons: please go to the bottom of this post and read after this picture

Ugandans: Please continue Reading .
watch picture below first and resume reading further

View attachment 521914

but seriously yea ....I want to toe a different line from the popu-LUST views in Pakistan about this "daughter" of Pakistan. all bachelors and married men while holding their dicks in the hands are looking up her pictures and sending marriage proposals and salivating over this ordinary looking police officer who's few poses with the pistol were picked up by the media and then went viral.
she is also loving the limelight although she had next to nothing with the actual response operation which ended in a very gory way.

but the news media started floating her picture and clips for the sexually frustrated public and everyone in Pakistan (except Khadim Rizvi) started praising her for posing with a gun.

what is wrong with us people of the subcontinent? why everything even a police operation has to be sexualised? there is a chance that the actual police commandos were not that picture friendly but so what? do you guys have same frustration like us or have you guys moved on?

please save me from all the patriot Pakistanis (with a hard on) for the Police girl.


Fellow Klingons
I refuse to accept she has anything to do with the operation. be mindful that it was rangers and special police members who took out the terrorists.
yes she arrived at the scene and had her gun out like Faisal Vawda appeared in a body armor with a pistol in his ***

I know I will get hate for this but I have to speak up against this Pakistan Male lustful frustration and drooling over this woman just because the media has declared her a hero.
come out of it and do think that why the rangers and police commandos shouldn't get the praise who took those head shots of the terrorists?

you need to take your mind out of gutter, I did not read much about her but few mentions only because its strange see a Pakistani girl in action like this, just like a cat attacking a dog is not normal and will be mentioned over and over again.
Leaders shine through reflection of the brightness from their subordinates. When a leader assumes limelight, it shows narcissism and becomes demotivating. Although in this case the officer has been burdened with this attention, but a good officer will always try to downplay it and emphasize teamwork.
so when did she say that it was not teamwork?
only once she appeared on TV, and said the entire credit goes to her Jawans, and to the two Shaheeds
what else do you want from her?
Leaders shine through reflection of the brightness from their subordinates. When a leader assumes limelight, it shows narcissism and becomes demotivating. Although in this case the officer has been burdened with this attention, but a good officer will always try to downplay it and emphasize teamwork.
the culprits here are the social media and the mainstream media after her pictures went viral. the police commandos and the RAT (Sindh rangers) that engaged the terrorists were not under her command but that is irrelevant. this incident reminds me of the situation of where an American female solider Jessica_Lynch was branded as a heroine a status she denied (bless her heart). entire western media ran a spilberg movie style coverage of her "rescue" although she was being looked after by Iraqi Hospital after she was found unconscious in her vehicle during the early days of ground invasion of Iraq.
Why does a Klingon forehead look like a Mars bar?
@Irfan Baloch .. on the flipside.. she is a free source of positive imahe much like the female fighter pilots are; koi harj?

@Indus Pakistan
Sometimes a fake hero goes a long way
Power to her. my villain here is the media and reminds me of Jessica "rescue" from Iraq
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