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UFOs: Still a myth.

Dragon Emperor: As far as I know there are UFO sightings all over the world. It does seem more common in the West, particularly the U.S. I could also postulate that UFOs are seen in developed countries. Overall, the scenarios of UFOs do vary. Alien reports in England tend to be blond-hair Nordic types while in South America the reports tended to be furry, like a monster-looking being. The late 1990's in Puerto Rico (U.S. territory), there were sightings of dead animals with their blood sucked out. The natives blamed it on "Chupacabras" (Goatsucker), a demonic-looking being of possible alien origins. Others thought Chupacabras might be from hell. Sightings spread to other Latin American countries as well as to the U.S. in Hispanic locations, not Caucasian or Afro-American communities. Similar to the Chupacabras have been the alledged alien mutilation of cattle, mostly in the midwest of the U.S. UFOlogists speculated that aliens were abducting cattle and surgically removing parts of the dead animals bodies'. Chupacabras has never been found and while for the cattle mutilation, cattle ranchers have always lost livestock due to predators, not aliens. The Chupacabras went away. I do believe UFOlogists still blame the aliens. It seems universal that every culture has or had legends about mysterious creatures. Over in Scotland, there's the Loch Ness monster. In the American upper West, there's Big Foot. There are people today actually searching for these beings.

It also seems universally the case with the supernatural. Different cultures have had different Gods while ghosts can change in appearances as time goes by. Most aliens have been described as physical beings while for others, they are of some form of spiritual beings. Is there any evidence for any of these creatures? No, there isn't.

The alien abduction scenario is largely a Western phenomenon. It is not clear why there are a lack of alien abductees in the Far East, and it wouldn't be fair to speculate, because I really don't know. I do know that when the Chinese developed their space program recently, they began to see UFOs. This is interesting because when the space race was about to take off between the Americans and the Soviets, the theory of the UFOs origins changed from being a secret weapon to that of aliens from another planet. By the way, the secret weapon theory was quite right. The U.S. military was using items as part of Cold War stragety, to which were classified. Some examples include silver-colored spy planes and weather balloons. It was also the case that the U.S. were sending many satellites up into space. Some fell back into Earth generating UFOs as they disintergrated in the athmosphere. What there is evidence of are formerly top secret activities used to compete with the Soviet Union. Because of government secrecy, some believed aliens were covered up when in actuality, after complete investigations conducted by officials from the U.S. and the U.K. - as a result of the Freedom of Information Act - where UFOlogists were given access to information, no evidence was found of an alien cover up. In fact, some said that there might be a deeper cover up. Some people that hold weird beliefs are never satisfied.

You asked me if I am an atheist? Ever since I was young, say late teens, I always had questions about God. Throughout my college years up until my early 30's, I was agnostic. I always said that measuring God was indeterminate. However, after learning about UFOs, I got to see a major myth develop in my very own lifetime. I can't deny that UFOs wasn't fascinating. It was. Being a sociology major, I began to write How Modern Society Invented UFOs around 2001 or so. My approach was two-fold: to demonstrate why I was skeptical but also to understand why the myth exists and how it reflects today's times, which some have said we live in interesting times.

I also learned more about atheism as I went along. Truth be told, defending atheism is not my fight. We already have plenty of others doing that already. Interesting enough, i just finished another book called Pearls of the Orient. It entails the history of religions from the East, from India to Japan. I am still working on a particular angle but I assure you my intentions are not debunk Eastern religions. I have more of sociological motivation.

If you can get my book, How Modern Society Invented UFOs. Look it up on amazon.com -cheers, Albert.
UFO exists and so do aliens but not together ie it is stupid to think that there is only one planet where life exist but they dont come here in space ships,most of UFO sightings are secret aircrafts
Harsh: UFOs are all kinds of misidentifications. Many can be secret aircrafts, not necessarily most. Also, you are right. Aliens are not coming here. You also said that it is "stupid" to think that ours is the only planet with intelligent life. We don't know if there are other planets with intelligent life. Consider the possibility that we are unique, a fluke of nature maybe?
Harsh: UFOs are all kinds of misidentifications. Many can be secret aircrafts, not necessarily most. Also, you are right. Aliens are not coming here. You also said that it is "stupid" to think that ours is the only planet with intelligent life. We don't know if there are other planets with intelligent life. Consider the possibility that we are unique, a fluke of nature maybe?

thats only one side of argument ....
what if they exits?
"Aliens are not coming here"..... Nope- i think we are all aliens ...and only way to enter into this world is through mother's womb.
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In our own galaxy, There are between 100-300 billion stars in the Milky Way. At most, 8,479 of them are visible from Earth.
Roughly 2,500 stars are available to the unaided eye in ideal conditions from a single spot at a given time.---www.universetoday.com

There are probably more than 170 billion (1.7 × 1011) galaxies in the observable universe:--- WIKI

According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. They’ve counted the galaxies in a particular region, and multiplied this up to estimate the number for the whole universe:--Physics.org

some one with an average IQ can come to a conclusion from the above information.
The probability that life exists elsewhere are high given the sheer number of stars & planets in different galaxies. Whether they are substantially intelligent life forms is anyone's guess. Even if we accept that at least some of them would have evolved into highly intelligent life forms capable of interplanetary/inter galaxy travel, surely we must come across as pretty primitive life forms to such advanced beings. Why then would they bother to supposedly visit us on a fairly regular basis(if we go by the UFO/alien sightings). Surely there are plenty of other places in the universe with even more interesting life forms. The fact that all supposed sightings of aliens show a marked similarity to life forms as we understand it(limbs,face, eyes etc.)show that they more likely to be untrue. Any life form that came into existence in a different environment would probably be of a type that we, most likely would not even recognise.
The probability that life exists elsewhere are high given the sheer number of stars & planets in different galaxies. Whether they are substantially intelligent life forms is a bit of a mystery. Even if we accept that at least some of them would have evolved into highly intelligent life forms capable of interplanetary/inter galaxy travel, surely we must come across as pretty primitive life forms to such advanced beings. Why then would they bother to supposedly visit us on a fairly regular basis(if we go by the UFO/alien sightings). Surely there are plenty of other places in the universe with even more interesting life forms. The fact that all supposed sightings of aliens show a marked similarity to life forms as we understand it(limbs,face, eyes etc.)show that they more likely to be untrue. Any life form that came into existence in a different environment would probably be of a type that we, most likely would not even recognize.

thats the exact wordings......100% agree with you...
Bang Golore: The above post was good. However, the following quote is not so accurate.

"Surely there are plenty of other places in the universe with even more interesting life forms."

The fact is, that although there is a possibility of life on other planets - or at least we hope that is the case - we have no way of knowing this is so. Confirmation might not be forthcoming for a long time.
Here is an artile in chinese about moon is an artificial thing,I googled and find no other article more fine than this one.
月球永远以同一面对着地球,直到人类登月宇航员上去拍照后,人类才能窥视它背面的“容颜”。以前天文学家认为月球背面应和正面差不多,也有很多陨石坑和熔岩海。但是,宇宙飞船传回的照片却显示大为不同,月球背面竟然相当崎岖不平,绝大多数是小陨石坑和山脉,只有很少的熔岩海。此种差异性,科学家无法想出解答,照理论言,月球是太空中自然星体,不管哪一面受到太空中的陨石撞击的机率应该相同,怎会有内外之分呢?月球为何永远以同一面向着地球?科学家的说法是它以每小时 16.56公里的速度自转,另一方面也在绕着地球公转,它自转一周的时间正好和公转一周的时间相同,所以月球永远以一面向着地球。太阳系其它行星的卫星都没有这种情形,为何月球“正好”如此,这又是一种巧合中的巧合吗?难道除了巧合之外,不能找一些其它的解释吗?
月球离地球距离约为38万公里。太阳离地球,平均距离约为1亿5千万公里。两两相除,我们得到太阳到地球的距离约为月球到地球的395倍远。太阳直径约为 138万公里,月球直径约为三千四百多公里,两两相除,太阳直径约为月球的395倍大。395倍,多么巧合的数字,它告诉我们什么信息?大家想想看,太阳直径是月球的395倍大,但是太阳离地球有395倍远,那么,由于距离抵消了大小,使这两个天体在地球上看起来,它们的圆面就变得一样大了 !
难道只是巧合吗?有些科学家并不这么认为。科学家谢尔顿(William R. Shelton)在《赢得月亮》一书中说:“要使太空船在轨道上运行,必须以每小时18,000哩的速度在 100哩的太空中飞行才可以达成平衡;同理,月球要留在现有轨道上,与地球引力取得平衡,也需有精确的速度、重量和高度才行。”
月球作为卫星它太大了,太阳系的行星拥有卫星,这是自然现象,但是我们的地球却拥有一个大得“不自然”的卫星 ——月球。我们来看看下列数据:地球直径12,756公里,卫星月球直径3,467公里,是地球的27%。火星直径6,787公里,有二个卫星,大的直径有23公里,是火星的0.34%。木星直径 142,800公里,有13个卫星,最大的一个直径5,000公里,是木星的3.5%。土星直径120,000公里,有23个卫星,最大的一个直径4,500公里,是土星的3.75%。看一看,其它行星的卫星,直径都没有超过“母星”的百分之五,但是我们的月球却大到“母星”地球的百分之二十七,这样比较之后,是不是发现月球实在“大得不自然”了。这个资料,又在告诉我们,月球的确不寻常。
月球的陨石坑都太浅了。科学家告诉我们,月球表面的坑洞是陨石和彗星撞击形成的。地球上也有些陨石坑,科学家计算,若是一颗直陉10哩的陨石,以每秒三万哩的速度(等于100万吨黄色炸药的威力)撞到地球或月球,它所穿透的深度应该是直径的四到五倍。地球上的陨石坑就是如此。但是月球上的就奇怪了,所有的陨石坑竟然都“很浅”;以月球表面最深的加加林坑(Gagarin Crater)为例,深只有4哩,但它的直径有186哩!直径186哩,深度最少应该有700哩,但是事实上加格林坑的深度只是直径的2%而已,这是科学上的不可能。为什么如此?天文学家无法圆满解释,也不去解释,因为心里清楚,一解释就会推翻所有已知的月球知识。 因为,那个解释就是月球表面约四哩深处下有一层很坚硬的物质结构,无法让陨石穿透,所以,才使所有的陨石坑都很浅。那么,那一层很硬的物质结构是什么?
一九七Ο年,俄国科学家柴巴可夫(Alexander Scherbakov)和米凯威新(MihKai Vasin)提出一个令人震惊的「太空船月球」理论,来解释月球起源。他们认为月球事实上不是地球的自然卫星,而是一颗经过某种智慧生物改造的星体(太空船),其内部载有许多该文明的资料,月球是被有意的置放在地球上空,因此所有的月球神秘发现,全是至今仍生活在月球内部的高等生物的杰作。
月球内壳是坚硬的金属层,厚度不知道,也许只有十哩,成分含有铁、钛、铬等,能耐高温、高压、腐蚀,是一种地球人未知的合金。既然如此,月球就不是自然形成的,它是人造的,造它的“人”经过精细计算,将月球从他们的星系迎到太阳系来,摆在现在的位置,使地面上的人能在夜间看到它,而且和太阳一样大。 “造月的人”让月球永远以一面向着地球,因为这一面有不少控制地球的设备。他们自己住在月球背面的内部,因为月球表面日夜温差太大,中午最热时摄氏 127度,夜间最冷时零下 l83度,不适合居住。他们已发展出飞碟,经常飞出外面做些研究或修护仪器的事,并注意地球人的动静,有时被地球宇航员看到,有时被地面上的望远镜观测到。“造月的人”什么样子,和我们相似还是完全不同?他们来此有多久了?我们目前都还不知道。
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Tractor: about the moon-article, could you translate for us in summary form?
For me it is a hard work even in summary form.Many words never known to me in english.
Some coincidences among the datas about radius of moon,orbit of moon ,distance between sun and moon which make the eclipse of the sun and solar wind just can be seen by human are the keys.
A another key is that the depth of craters should not be that shallow just 2% of its diameter ,for the depth of craters on earth times of their diameter.
Conclusion is that there is hard shell for about 4km in thickness for the moon.
I don't know whether these datas are real ones to make people believe something.
Another fact that everyone know,moon only show his 'face' to human.The reason is that the time of self rotation for one circle and the time of rotation arround earth for one circle are the same.
Just one fact amazing to be thought of,sun and moon same in size,one for day and one for night,one set down then one rise up.
Moon is too big for being a satellite,for any other satellites of other planets in solar system like Mars or Jupiter are not bigger than 3.75% of their mother planets in diameter,but for moon this form of data is 27%.
If i am not mistaken last year in the year 2010 there is a huge UFO spotted in China. There are also rumors circulating on the internet that the Chinese Government has made a secret hidden contact with an alien race from Sirius where an agreement has been made to give China advanced alien technology. Perhaps that is the reason why China shows the J-20 publicly(because they have a stealth flying saucer more much more advanced). Does anyone here from China know the details, or is this just a bogus news from the Net?
If i am not mistaken last year in the year 2010 there is a huge UFO spotted in China. There are also rumors circulating on the internet that the Chinese Government has made a secret hidden contact with an alien race from Sirius where an agreement has been made to give China advanced alien technology. Perhaps that is the reason why China shows the J-20 publicly(because they have a stealth flying saucer more much more advanced). Does anyone here from China know the details, or is this just a bogus news from the Net?

this made me laugh,i mean if a being travels from sirius in its life time then for it J20 is not advanced technology
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