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UFOs seen approaching Shenzhou 9 rocket

Dust on lens. An object should move in various angles to be considered controlled by intelligence.

that was footage from an infrared camera. dust would not be captured because they do not have heat signature. plus, that was a military grade device so whatever was captured existed for real. Good thing about infrared camera is there is no image distortion at high speeds. at 0:36 it is clear there are TWO rather than 1 of them, so they can't be bugs, birds, planes, or satellites.

since those objects passed when the chinese rocket was already in space.....those were probably some satellites already in earth's orbit and passing through the FOV of Camera on earth...
that FAST and that HOT? I don't think so. And satellites never travel in pairs so closely.
it looks like they have a slingshot effect.. one goes in front, then very quickly after, the other catches up to be in line with it so it looks like one.

but then again, it could just be the effects of the camera, it is moving at such speed, whether it is really close to camera and looks fast, or it is at a big distance and going really fast... it could just be one object and because the camera cant keep such a high speed frame rate, it makes it look like 2, not one
....its really embarrassing . What the hell actually is that object? A meteor???
@turbo that was funny post.... Do two sattelites travel side by side? Can they travel at that speed?.... Do they show strong heat signature?.... It was alot fast to be a sattelite.... The UFO is alot advanced. They can even dive into planet sun. They are the new race of Greys who loves extreeme hot temprature. Their new base is on planet Venus.... On earth their base is near volcano....
YouTube - Fast UFO heading down. 20 June, 2012.
YouTube - Incredible UFO Bounces Off The Sun 2012 HD
^i dont think there is anything funny:disagree:
satellites do flare...that could be the reason of heat...and since the camera from ground is zoomed in to maybe 200x or 300x optical zoom that could explain that thing moving fast...i.e entering one side of frame and leaving from other......there are around 3000 satellites in orbit....could be possible that one of those satellites was 300 kilometers from earths surface in orbit and other one was 400 kilometers from earths surface in orbit...ofcourse they would look side by side when viewed from earth.
The object look rather large to be a satellite. Suppose it pass by above the rocket, that would make it at least as large as the rocket and bigger than the released rocket boosters. AFAIK, satellites should be much smaller than that in that they must be launched into orbit by rockets. Further, judging from the speed at which the rocket was moving away from the released boosters, that object seemed many times faster than the rocket. We can safely assume it is very large and very fast. Mysterious. :what:
@turbo i have no idea what u saying.... A sattelite moving that speed.... Glowing too much bright.... Side by side.... And China didnt even knew it was a Sattelite and risked life of its astronauts?.... What is the use of ASAT when they cant even track sattelites.... i think in a way u are insulting china by saying it was a sattelite.... i know what was it. China knows what was it. World knows what was it.... Question is how long we can hide it....
^thats not a ufo.....if it was ufo then it would have been in hover-mode observing the rocket and taking its pics....why would it just fly away?...the moving object had uniform speed and had a slightly curved path...just like something would move around a globe...so that clearly is some satellite already in orbit....sooner or later you will claim that all those indian rockets that fail to make it into orbit are shot down by UFO's working for Pakistan.
Ufo taking pics when they are around multi million years ahead of humans?.... i told you before they came around the rocket to tell us they are watching us all.... By the way take a look at previous page and check south india ufo.... Tell me is that sattelite that can fly 50 meter about humans and than goes right then left then keep going round and round and goes under tree and shoots up at light speed.... is that sattelite? This is my last reply to u. i cant waste more time explaining something to someone whose mind is blocked to 3rd dimension eternity....
^did the aliens met you and told you that they are multi million years ahead?why would they not just come and land on earth...since u claim they are so ahead of humans they wont be scared......you can have their input on kaveri engine if u really believe there are fond of visiting south india.

Ufo taking pics when they are around multi million years ahead of humans?.... i told you before they came around the rocket to tell us they are watching us all.... By the way take a look at previous page and check south india ufo.... Tell me is that sattelite that can fly 50 meter about humans and than goes right then left then keep going round and round and goes under tree and shoots up at light speed.... is that sattelite? This is my last reply to u. i cant waste more time explaining something to someone whose mind is blocked to 3rd dimension eternity....

sir its satellite not sattelite....:agree:
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