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UFOs seen approaching Shenzhou 9 rocket

Aliens are not religion That u believe in it or not.... Its there. Its real and world goverment knows it.... People here who says they dont believe are liars.... They do believe it but keep saying they dont. If they dont believe then prove it.... We gave audio, video, interviews of world powers (presidents, defence ministers, military generals, pilots, scientists, astronaughts, millions of people with implant chips on their hands, legs and even brain).... Accept it that we are cattles.... Nothing shame in it. What we do with chimps exactly same they will do with us.... Galactic command is there to help us but big problem with them is they are 4th and 5th dimension. It teaches that not to go against anyones wish.... America rejected humanoids help and humanoids respects it.... However if earth or galaxy in trouble then only Galactic command will take action. They not stopping abduction by reptilians and greys but they destroying under sea and under ground bases of reptilians who pose threat to whole planet Earth....
Aliens are not religion That u believe in it or not.... Its there. Its real and world goverment knows it.... People here who says they dont believe are liars.... They do believe it but keep saying they dont. If they dont believe then prove it.... We gave audio, video, interviews of world powers (presidents, defence ministers, military generals, pilots, scientists, astronaughts, millions of people with implant chips on their hands, legs and even brain).... Accept it that we are cattles.... Nothing shame in it. What we do with chimps exactly same they will do with us.... Galactic command is there to help us but big problem with them is they are 4th and 5th dimension. It teaches that not to go against anyones wish.... America rejected humanoids help and humanoids respects it.... However if earth or galaxy in trouble then only Galactic command will take action. They not stopping abduction by reptilians and greys but they destroying under sea and under ground bases of reptilians who pose threat to whole planet Earth....

Aliens do exist, we cant possibly be the only living organism ..its just impossible...but the thing is DAFUQ is up with the bolded part?? :woot:
the rocket was going at what? 10 Mach? and that thing is many times faster, possibly going at 40 Mach at least. if you put it in slow mo, there are TWO of them
40Mach is slow speed for Aliens.... They travel at light speed but they wanted China to know that we are watching and we wont let anyone land on other planets.... If china would had launched nuclear missile towards moon (moon is sattelite) then Aliens would had destroyed the missile just like they did with America and Russia.... Both countries launched nuclear missiles on moon but aliens destroyed it....
40Mach is slow speed for Aliens.... They travel at light speed but they wanted China to know that we are watching and we wont let anyone land on other planets.... If china would had launched nuclear missile towards moon (moon is sattelite) then Aliens would had destroyed the missile just like they did with America and Russia.... Both countries launched nuclear missiles on moon but aliens destroyed it....

you must be the biggest nutjob on PDF.
Judging from the infrared footage, it can't be a satellite because satellites operate beyond the atmosphere and so are not that hot.


if that is a bug or bird it has to be very close to the lens, and from the magnified image it isn't either. Can't be a plane either which are not that fast.
Dust on lens. An object should move in various angles to be considered controlled by intelligence.
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