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UAE Now Has Arsenal Of New High Advanced Suicide Kamikaze Drones & Loitering Munitions

Pakistan should be investing in this area.. and lets not forget most of these UAE ones wre for exports..

After watching the video I can easily say that if funded properly Pakistani companies can make stuff like this if not better... quadcopters can even be developed in Unis like NUST..

While the fixed wings can be made by companies already working on drones Integrated Dynamics being one of em

And we can also make electrically propulsion based small kamakazi drones...

So many ideas and no funding 🤦‍♂️
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Pakistan should be investing in this area.. and lets not forget most of these UAE ones wre for exports..

After watching the video I can easily say that if funded properly Pakistani companies can make stuff like this if not better... quadcopters can even be developed in Unis like NUST..

While the fixed wings can be made by companies already working on drones Integrated Dynamics being one of em

And we can also make electrically propulsion based small kamakazi drones...

So many ideas and no funding 🤦‍♂️
Yes, Pakistan would have no problem manufacturing things like these, they are easy peasy compared to other achievements Pakistan has accomplished but as you said there is no funding unfortunately.
Yes, Pakistan would have no problem manufacturing things like these, they are easy peasy compared to other achievements Pakistan has accomplished but as you said there is no funding unfortunately.
Tbh funding can be arranged but I think our policy makers and generals in army are too old school to think these things matter.. if only they had realised technology is needed like PAF officers

Thanks for the tag, bro, much appreciated the interest in this particular company that just seems to be taking the bull by the horn while not worrying about others saying things like we can probably make better stuff but we don't have the funding. I know people are prideful of their countries and will almost say anything to augment their imagery and capabilities, but until they can show it, they're better off not ***-u-ming because break that word down and it really applies.

When I see exhibits with such impressive success, the first thing that comes to mind is how much did the one or two week exhibit bring it for tenders or possible orders. And when we first see a picture of any other fighter carrying a skyilight or whatever those awesome missiles are called, then we'll be like "yo man look, they got at least a contract!!!!" That would be almost as impressive as the manufacturing, being able to make the small scale sale at first and them the big one and more importantly, and ARAB country MASHAALLAH to produce such munitions that eventually are as equivalent to all those big dogs we talk about would be the most gratifyingly and satisfying thing in the world. I feel like writing normally with my mid-range cursing but can't during this month. :)

Then imagine this, Billip, Israel will be flipping out as they are already for sure knowing what is eventually coming to Egypt and don't be surprised if some of that operation gets sabotaged in some way those sneaky bastards, Why do you suppose they wanted so badly to open relations with the UAE? Yes getting close to Iran is one thing, buy You don't think they're preparing to infiltrate to gather as much intell so that HALCON can't produce anything remotely close to the Iron Dome or God forbid better? A loitering smart missile than that stupid popeye or whatever the frig it's called will set them back qualitatively. that's the one good thing about Egypt is the screening process is like none-other, We've fought those roaches 4 times and know their battlefield tactics with all the improvements they've accomplished in the last 30+ years.

They figured they couldn't get to Natanz with their cruddy F-35As so they infiltrated and sabotaged within. Sorry Iran but add that latest embarrassing event to all the others and I'm not holding my breath. Your ONLY option is to fire a bunch of those super duper embellished missiles right to Dimona and blow up half the infrastructure, You brag about you missiles and their ranges etc,. but sit on your assses again after this shameful attack will be pathetic, How many Iranians did they kill? You do the same and you hit the same type of facility, Enough talk. War has officially arrived and you need to get involved and not be chickens, Dimona is the ONLY retaliation for you unless all those missiles you've been touting about are a bunch of crap with hardly any accuracy. If accurate, then cripple their nuclear reactor without releasing radiation and killing millions of Palestinians or Egyptians because our border is close to it or we won't be happy about that and probably the entire world will form a coalition to destroy Iran. You need to be very careful with those supposed accurate missiles.

You know, about 30 years ago or so, the Israelis sent 5 F-15C and Strike Eagles straight over the Mediterranean and through the entirety of Egypt to test our radar response. 30 years ago it was ok, nothing like it is today but guess what, Mubarak sent a message with a map detailing their exact course and told them we're supposed to have peace and you are to NEVER violate our airspace and we could have shot down every one of your fancy jets over 12 opportunities but we didn't because we respect the peace agreement which you obviously piss on. They couldn't say anything they were caught red handed because they flew low thinking they could evade all our radars but not only did our especially designed radars for low flying scum, we had already set up video and high intensity cameras everywhere and they were caught red handed, They had NOTHING to say. How did we know to do this? All the wars and tactics we learned from fighting such scum,

This is the ONLY thing that worries me about the UAE and Helcon, that despicable infiltration of Zionist pigs which obviously Iran failed miserably at with the power package supply for most of their centrifuges destroyed and set back 9 months?. That is beyond embarrassment.

You run a check on EVERY SINGLE person applying to work there through their entire family tree. Not pure Egyptians or Iranians, GOODBYE and thank you for your interest. Oh and it goes way beyond that with a special unit that follows and monitors etc. That's how the US caught almost every single USSR spy in the US during the cold war. I truly hope Halcon does it the right way especially being part of an old defunct South African co. that was LOADED with Israelis and why the heck would they not have visas between the two countries? Where did this ever so ridiculously idea come from? Every single Israeli p0ssible and probable crook entering the UAE needs to be not only have a passport with several types of visas checked, but interrogated 3 different times in 3 different rooms by the UAE intelligence. Stupid and scares me to death, my bro. This was one of the WORDT ideas ever thought of and I can guarantee you there is no such thing as visa free entering Israel.
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The precision-guided systems use sophisticated AI algorithms to target and strike, boasting an accuracy of 1 m CEP (circular error probable) – with an aim like laser guided munitions. They are currently under development and the company plans to start production by the end of this year. Explosives to the systems will be provided by Halcon, another part of EDGE.


So ADASI produces the UAV, Halcon produces the warheads and missiles, and Lahab fills the missiles and warhead this is a complete solution in house and they are all near eachother at Tawazun industrial park.
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Thanks for the tag, bro, much appreciated the interest in this particular company that just seems to be taking the bull by the horn while not worrying about others saying things like we can probably make better stuff but we don't have the funding. I know people are prideful of their countries and will almost say anything to augment their imagery and capabilities, but until they can show it, they're better off not ***-u-ming because break that word down and it really applies.

When I see exhibits with such impressive success, the first thing that comes to mind is how much did the one or two week exhibit bring it for tenders or possible orders. And when we first see a picture of any other fighter carrying a skyilight or whatever those awesome missiles are called, then we'll be like "yo man look, they got at least a contract!!!!" That would be almost as impressive as the manufacturing, being able to make the small scale sale at first and them the big one and more importantly, and ARAB country MASHAALLAH to produce such munitions that eventually are as equivalent to all those big dogs we talk about would be the most gratifyingly and satisfying thing in the world. I feel like writing normally with my mid-range cursing but can't during this month. :)

Then imagine this, Billip, Israel will be flipping out as they are already for sure knowing what is eventually coming to Egypt and don't be surprised if some of that operation gets sabotaged in some way those sneaky bastards, Why do you suppose they wanted so badly to open relations with the UAE? Yes getting close to Iran is one thing, buy You don't think they're preparing to infiltrate to gather as much intell so that HALCON can't produce anything remotely close to the Iron Dome or God forbid better? A loitering smart missile than that stupid popeye or whatever the frig it's called will set them back qualitatively. that's the one good thing about Egypt is the screening process is like none-other, We've fought those roaches 4 times and know their battlefield tactics with all the improvements they've accomplished in the last 30+ years.

They figured they couldn't get to Natanz with their cruddy F-35As so they infiltrated and sabotaged within. Sorry Iran but add that latest embarrassing event to all the others and I'm not holding my breath. Your ONLY option is to fire a bunch of those super duper embellished missiles right to Dimona and blow up half the infrastructure, You brag about you missiles and their ranges etc,. but sit on your assses again after this shameful attack will be pathetic, How many Iranians did they kill? You do the same and you hit the same type of facility, Enough talk. War has officially arrived and you need to get involved and not be chickens, Dimona is the ONLY retaliation for you unless all those missiles you've been touting about are a bunch of crap with hardly any accuracy. If accurate, then cripple their nuclear reactor without releasing radiation and killing millions of Palestinians or Egyptians because our border is close to it or we won't be happy about that and probably the entire world will form a coalition to destroy Iran. You need to be very careful with those supposed accurate missiles.

You know, about 30 years ago or so, the Israelis sent 5 F-15C and Strike Eagles straight over the Mediterranean and through the entirety of Egypt to test our radar response. 30 years ago it was ok, nothing like it is today but guess what, Mubarak sent a message with a map detailing their exact course and told them we're supposed to have peace and you are to NEVER violate our airspace and we could have shot down every one of your fancy jets over 12 opportunities but we didn't because we respect the peace agreement which you obviously piss on. They couldn't say anything they were caught red handed because they flew low thinking they could evade all our radars but not only did our especially designed radars for low flying scum, we had already set up video and high intensity cameras everywhere and they were caught red handed, They had NOTHING to say. How did we know to do this? All the wars and tactics we learned from fighting such scum,

This is the ONLY thing that worries me about the UAE and Helcon, that despicable infiltration of Zionist pigs which obviously Iran failed miserably at with the power package supply for most of their centrifuges destroyed and set back 9 months?. That is beyond embarrassment.

You run a check on EVERY SINGLE person applying to work there through their entire family tree. Not pure Egyptians or Iranians, GOODBYE and thank you for your interest. Oh and it goes way beyond that with a special unit that follows and monitors etc. That's how the US caught almost every single USSR spy in the US during the cold war. I truly hope Halcon does it the right way especially being part of an old defunct South African co. that was LOADED with Israelis and why the heck would they not have visas between the two countries? Where did this ever so ridiculously idea come from? Every single Israeli p0ssible and probable crook entering the UAE needs to be not only have a passport with several types of visas checked, but interrogated 3 different times in 3 different rooms by the UAE intelligence. Stupid and scares me to death, my bro. This was one of the WORDT ideas ever thought of and I can guarantee you there is no such thing as visa free entering Israel.
You are something Captain @Gomig-21 .. but no fear for That as industrial espionage is widely spread.. The thing is that the UAE might buy some Usraeli scientists as it did with South Africans..instead of them spying there..they will bring in some sophisticated know how and technologies..HaHaHa..

It is really nice to see that loitering munition hitting that tank from above.. it means that the Usraeli Trophy APS is at least venerable and not that all potent system..

As for sales.. you can be sure of them, since they are competing against the big armament houses.. the main thing will be the price if the technology is pretty good, so they know that.. Then after big sales to different countries ..The UAE will for sure give rebates and make those: was $1000 but now just $500 for you my Arab brothers..:-):-):-):-)
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The precision-guided systems use sophisticated AI algorithms to target and strike, boasting an accuracy of 1 m CEP (circular error probable) – with an aim like laser guided munitions. They are currently under development and the company plans to start production by the end of this year. Explosives to the systems will be provided by Halcon, another part of EDGE.

View attachment 735122

So ADASI produces the UAV, Halcon produces the warheads and missiles, and Lahab fills the missiles and warhead this is a complete solution in house and they are all near eachother at Tawazun industrial park.
Instead of the vanity project of getting Eurofighters .

I wish BAF would get these ...
Shadow 50 and 25 are basically mini cruise missiles



Equally interesting was the Shadow line of high-speed loitering munitions (pictured on display for the first time during IDEX 2021 on 21-25 February). The lighter Shadow 25 UAV carries a 25kg payload (80kg take-off weight). It is 2.84m length and 0.76m tall with a 2.36m wingspan; mission endurance is 1h with a range of up to 250km and cruising speed of 450km/h.

Shadow 50 carries a 50kg payload (take-off weight 100kg) and it has a wingspan of 4.05m, length of 3.07m and height of 58cm. The loitering munition has a flight time of 4h, a range of up to 250km and a cruising speed of 200km/h.

Shadow 25 and Shadow 50 use jet propulsion as well as onboard video navigation (image recognition negates the need for GPS guidance). According to a Halcon spokesperson, both UAVs are already undergoing flight tests
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