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UAE denies visa to Israeli tennis player


Nov 3, 2008
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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- The United Arab Emirates has refused to grant a visa to a female Israeli tennis player, preventing her from competing in the Sony Ericsson World Tennis Association Tour in Dubai, the WTA said in a statement Sunday.


Shahar Peer would have been the first Israeli athlete to participate in a professional sporting event in the UAE, CNN Sports Correspondent Pedro Pinto said.
The UAE has no diplomatic ties with Israel.

The governing body of women's tennis said it was "deeply disappointed" that Peer was being denied entry to the country hosting the tournament, but it did not cancel the competition.

The move runs counter to WTA policy, which says no player should be barred from competing in a tournament for which she has qualified.

Dubai could lose its membership in the WTA tour next year over the ban on Shahar, according to WTA rules. That would mean professional players could compete only in exhibition matches in Dubai, the results of which would not count in pro rankings.

Government officials in Dubai have not responded to CNN's request to comment over their refusal to allow Peer to compete in the event.

"We are deeply disappointed by the decision of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) denying Shahar Peer a visa that would permit her to enter the country to play in the Dubai Tennis Championships," said Larry Scott, chairman and chief executive of the tour.

"Ms. Peer has earned the right to play in the tournament and it is regrettable that the UAE is denying her this right.

"Following various consultations, the Tour has decided to allow the tournament to continue to be played this week, pending further review by the Tour's Board of Directors."

The Dubai Tennis Championships began Sunday. The tournament patron is Dubai's ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Makhtoum. Two million dollars in prize money is on the line.

Al-Makhtoum told CNN in 2004 that Dubai would accept Israeli students to a school dedicated to students from the Middle East who are talented at sports.

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In 2003, Dubai hosted World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings, which Israeli government officials attended. The Israeli flag -- among other member states' flags -- is still part of a globe monument in Dubai.

Peer, 21, is ranked 48th in the world among female tennis players. She was allowed to compete at the Doha tournament in Qatar last year, where she received a warm welcome, according to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz.

Qatar, another Gulf Arab state -- froze diplomatic ties with Israel following Israel's military offensive in Gaza last month.

Peer downplayed the political undertones of her participation in last year's Doha tournament, telling Haaretz that she didn't come to Qatar "to help the politics of course." But she added that if her playing in the tournament "can help for peace or anything, I'd be really happy."

Scott said the tour will "review appropriate remedies for Ms. Peer" as well as "appropriate future actions with regard to the future of the Dubai tournament."

Peer was advised Saturday by tournament and WTA officials of the denial of her visa while she was participating in a tournament in Pattaya, Thailand, according to a WTA statement.

"Ms. Peer and her family are obviously extremely upset and disappointed by the decision of the UAE and its impact on her personally and professionally," Scott said.

"The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour believes very strongly, and has a clear rule and policy, that no host country should deny a player the right to compete at a tournament for which she has qualified by ranking."
The Dubai Tennis Championships, which began in 1993, runs from February 15 to February 28, 2009.

UAE denies visa to Israeli tennis player - CNN.com
Stupid Decision - It brings honor to whom? A state acting against a girl, a athlete?:tdown:
I would say its the first bold decision they've taken, that is if they don't do a U-turn now and start allowing Israeli players in. India messed up our cricket schedule over a minuscule incident compared to the Gaza slaughter. Pissing off tennis players is a small response to that.

The entire world mixes politics with everything these days, its high time we exercised the few weapons we have. I didn't contribute to a massive campaign against Israelis that is going on these days in the UAE, since I believe we need to cut their oil supply and everyone would fall in line. Sheikh Mohammad would've looked like a hypocrite if he'd allow this now. I'd say good on him. The only thing is, this is a very small thing, something more is needed.

It is unfair for Peer, but she'd get over it, she didn't get slaughtered at least. It's time to go on the offensive and stick it up to the bad guys!
Nothing would happen except that there wont be more tennis tours in Dubai. Its wrong on UAE's part. And it brings them more bad publicity than good.

It does look like what muse said-a State acting against a girl-an athlete.
The more UAE economy suffers, the more such incidents to divert ppl's attention from the material to the emotional.
India is no model to emulate. And UAE have no beef with Israeli atheletes, in the end, she a athelete and a girl and a human being before she's Israeli, anyway, in which ever order one prefers, how will this influence the lunes who unleash tanks in Gaza??
India is no model to emulate. And UAE have no beef with Israeli atheletes, in the end, she a athelete and a girl and a human being before she's Israeli, anyway, in which ever order one prefers, how will this influence the lunes who unleash tanks in Gaza??

When Israel did not take into consideration killing hundreds of innocent children its utter shame to argue human side on behalf of Israel.

Besides, Dubai just denied a visa and nothing to do with human dramatization as you are alluding to.
India is no model to emulate. And UAE have no beef with Israeli atheletes, in the end, she a athelete and a girl and a human being before she's Israeli, anyway, in which ever order one prefers, how will this influence the lunes who unleash tanks in Gaza??

After read your comment i think Gaza people r not human being right ?
UAE does not have any Diplomatic Relations with Israel so how come they can allow an Israeli National to enter their Country regardless of who He/She is ... simple is that.
India is no model to emulate. And UAE have no beef with Israeli atheletes, in the end, she a athelete and a girl and a human being before she's Israeli, anyway, in which ever order one prefers, how will this influence the lunes who unleash tanks in Gaza??
It is irrational, but truth be told, we're at a point where anything bad for Israel, is considered a good move. Sure UAE may or may not lose out of the WTA. Perhaps we'll throw some money at it and the problem will go away and that would further piss off the Israelis. Perhaps it won't.

The UAE people are just not ready to build cultural ties with a nation of war criminals. A matter of principal. Perhaps it would encourage other Muslims to come forward and just do something, something bad for Israel. A massive agitation movement is needed.
India is no model to emulate. And UAE have no beef with Israeli atheletes, in the end, she a athelete and a girl and a human being before she's Israeli, anyway, in which ever order one prefers, how will this influence the lunes who unleash tanks in Gaza??

***thinks about the people of GAZA* :|

Surely banning one tennis player wouldn't harm Israel after what they did ?

I can't believe you could come up like that ?

That's just like asking a Jew to accept the Nazi.
I mean if you think shes human weren't the palestine people human and why were they killed in that manner ? - eg children being ran over by Israeli tanks down to cellular level. or bomb to oblivian

Here 's a reminder , one such vidoes

YOur post shocks me aswell as sickens me
HAve you got any links to pakistan cus I doubt anyone from there would say such disturbing comments.
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Hmm..it's quite useless to be honest to deny visato the Israeli tennis player.
You'd only increase the hatred or the mistrust these Israelis have of Arabs or Muslims, if this tennis girl had any to begin with.
Although, I must say, if this was done on a broader scale to alot of other Israeli people, it would have quite an impact to be honest and it might influence the future decisionmaking within the Israeli government.
But then again, what's the use, as if the women and children in Gaza without their husbands and dads will gain anything with the visa being denied to this girl?
You think these homeless and war torned people will smile when they see this news flash? They couldn't give two sh!ts, if only the Arab nations stepped up sooner and tried to prevent this bloodshed.
By Israel, you do mean Occupied Palestine, right? Last I heard, our govt. still hadn't recoginsed the state of israel.
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