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U.S. was prepared to fight Pakistani forces, officials say

WOW! What about that sentence! I guess permission was granted since Bin Laden's body was apparently taken to the Carl Vinson. So, even after the humiliating raid, Gen. Kiyani STILL granted the USA overflight permission!

check out the latest eye witness account the above seems to match this.

The eye witness account is that only one heli came initially which dropped men into the compound and then went away , when it came back to pick up the men it exploded and the burning wreckage was seen by many people. The eye witness went to the compound and saw dead bodies littered in the yard
After wards two additional helis came but they did not decend and just came near the site and went in oposite directions.
LOL .. if americans wanted to fight Pakistanis ( or wanted to pick a fight ) why did they come in the night :D why not come out in the open if they were THAT ready for a fight
Rewind back to September 9, 2011 when the 19 Saudi men on a suicide mission armed with US airliners were not detectable on any US radar, physical OR electronic! Great use of 'Stealth' per say!

Feeling is mutual YANKS!

The difference is those were hijacked commercial aircraft NOT military aircraft. You just can't compare the two scenarios.

OT: These are just mandatory procedures... Preparing for the worst case scenario. Very understandable seeing as they were doubtful of who's side Pakistan was on.
they have been wanting to fight us from day one but they basically dont have the balls to come out in the open and do so and they are resorting to supporting terrorists , hence they keep harping that we are allies , let work together blah blah
Osama had a medical condition, how can he had survived that long, until and unless he is an immoral
this statement can be interpreted that the US military wants to avoid direct conflict with Pakistan as much as possible , other wise they would not have tired to sneak in under the cover of darkness they would have attacked in board sight.
It has been 10+ years that US friend and ally threatened to bomb Pakistan to the stone age. We cannot be threatened by the US when ever they feel like it. Pakistan needs to guard it frontiers against all aggressors. Though Pakistan has built a sizable arsenal of ballistic missiles and war heads in the past decade, inventory of torpedoes, BVR and anti-ship missiles need to be enhanced.
we say " the dog is going to bite you ,doesn't bark " so just show off,They can't dare
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