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U.S to split afghan reserves between 9/11 victims and hungry afghans

Damn this is brutal...
I don't know how Taliban can get out of this tough time

Don't want to be in their shoes

7b really?

that is not even 5% of afghan economy or the money they got from qatar billionaires after taking kabul.. IEA atleast got 20b from here and there as in gift
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None of the hijackers of 9/11 were afghan, how come Afghan people are suffering for the crimes committed by Saudis.

They took Bin Laden $$$ and gave him a place to base up. They are complicit.

Ironic how OBL himself left the warzone and left Afghans to suffer. Their unconditional allegiance to him will be seen as foolish in history and Pakistan's soft spot for his BS will be remembered as the age of ignorance that cost them $100 billion dollars, big dose of terrorism and the most costly loss of a relationship with the west. Only Pakistan would be stupid enough to get embroiled in others countries mistakes.

I think some Pakistanis didn't realise until it was too late that his intentions on Pakistan was to break it for the Afghans and would be seen as "war booty" and nukes, money and our women handed out to Afghans like candy.
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None of the hijackers of 9/11 were afghan, how come Afghan people are suffering for the crimes committed by Saudis.

They are suffering because of lar aur bar and Durand line

Rather then fix themselves and make peace with their neighbors, they embraced ethnocentric extremism and stupidity and have now ended up worthless and destitute as a people
Couldn't of happened to a nicer group of lanats
They are suffering because of lar aur bar and Durand line

Rather then fix themselves and make peace with their neighbors, they embraced ethnocentric extremism and stupidity and have now ended up worthless and destitute as a people
Couldn't of happened to a nicer group of lanats

I don't think they understand for every gullible idiot in Pakistan, there are millions who are wide awake. Nature will take its course.
They are suffering because of lar aur bar and Durand line

Rather then fix themselves and make peace with their neighbors, they embraced ethnocentric extremism and stupidity and have now ended up worthless and destitute as a people
Couldn't of happened to a nicer group of lanats
murdbaar Pakistan, lar ao bar
Afghan ethno-nats jithe vi howan pasoori poye rakh deyaan, aes liye una di Zindagi pehn da falooda ii rendi aye
and it'll always be that way if they don't come to their senses - regime change is not the answer for their plight imo
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What's worse was they were trying to instigate all the PTM, ANP type idiots in Pakistan, they are all to blame for afghans suffering so much

All the khattaks, dawars, pashteens deserve to hang

They all partook in fooling the afghan people and bringing them to this humiliating point
This is theft.

A portion of the funds held at US banks include the saving of ordinary Afghans which the American government has usurped.

None of the hijackers of 9/11 were afghan, how come Afghan people are suffering for the crimes committed by Saudis.

A valid point but it is meaningless now.

You see, Saudi Arabia, like Pakistan, acted as a responsible state in the wake of 9/11 and complied with the rubber stamped UN security council resolutions. Taliban choose to ignore it and didn't go after Al-Qaeda. I have written about this period and how Pakistan tried in vain to stop the invasion of Afghanistan.

The irony of Taliban's OBL decision is that today ISIS (a rebrand of AQ) is fighting Taliban!

Goes to show khawarij and their takfiri ideology is a disease upon Islam.

They took Bin Laden $$$ and gave him a place to base up. They are complicit.

Who is they?

This money does not belong to Al-Qaeda or even Taliban.
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