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U.S. to Send About 500 More Troops to Saudi Arabia


Jul 8, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
U.S. to Send About 500 More Troops to Saudi Arabia

A broader tranche of forces have been sent to the Middle East this year after tensions between the United States and Iran escalated.CreditTech. Sgt. Darnell T. Cannady/U.S. Air Force

A broader tranche of forces have been sent to the Middle East this year after tensions between the United States and Iran escalated.CreditCreditTech. Sgt. Darnell T. Cannady/U.S. Air Force

By Thomas Gibbons-Neff

  • July 18, 2019
WASHINGTON — The United States is sending hundreds of troops to Saudi Arabia in what is intended as the latest show of force toward Iran, two Defense Department officials said Wednesday.

The roughly 500 troops are part of a broader tranche of forces sent to the region over the past two months after tensions between Washington and Tehran escalated.

Since May, a spate of attacks have left six oil tankers damaged in the Gulf of Oman, with Washington accusing Tehran of inciting them. Iranian officials have denied that claim. The downing of an American drone in June by an Iranian surface-to-air missile only heightened tensions, prompting President Trump to approve military strikes against Iran before abruptly pulling back.

In recent weeks, Iran has deliberately violated parts of the 2015 international accord that restricted its nuclear program. Last year, Mr. Trump withdrew from the pact, calling it a “horrible deal.”

first reported the plans to deploy more troops on Wednesday night. Defense Department officials confirmed the plans, speaking only on the condition of anonymity because they were not yet public.

Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said there was “no official announcement” of the deployment, but the American military “continually works to manage our force posture in the region.”

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The Trump administration has sent 2,000 troops to the region specifically to deter Iran. They are meant mainly to scrutinize Iranian activities and protect American troops already stationed in the Middle East. Some combat aircraft and surface-to-air missile systems were also deployed. At one point, the Pentagon had considered sending up to 6,000 additional troops.

Mr. Trump said last month that he was not seeking war with Iran but, if forced, the country would face “obliteration like you’ve never seen before.”

The new troop deployment also comes as relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States remain tense. In May, Mr. Trump used emergency authorization to bypass Congress to sell about $8 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Both countries have troops deployed in Yemen, where they are battling Houthi rebels in a Saudi-led war.

On Wednesday, the House moved to block the arms deal, though that measure is likely to be vetoed.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have denounced the four-year conflict in Yemen. Saudi Arabia has killed hundreds of civilians in errant airstrikes, many with American-made munitions. Thousands of people have died in the fighting, and more than a million have been displaced.

Saudi Arabia’s hand in the killing of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi has also been a sticking point. But last month, during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the president shrugged off his death, calling the Middle East a “vicious, hostile place.”

u.s and israel invasion of saudia is in progress
Pakistan army can do nothing as we stand no where infront of u.s interms of military strength and economy
This is plain wrong. Only Muslim soldiers should be allowed in KSA. What about Pakistan Army?

that was indirect invasion now they are planning for direct control in which they will give no share of oil revenue to saudis unlike past and saudis will become poor
I thought that happened in 1990?
that was indirect invasion now they are planning for direct control in which they will give no share of oil revenue to saudis unlike past and saudis will become poor
Are we going to let kaffirs and Jews take our holy land? Do we not have ghairat? Are we a baghirat people. Should we not declare jihad to defend Islam?


@Retired Troll
when saudis are ready to give up everything to u.s and israel then what can we do,Holy Places will remain safe and under protection of ALLAH ALMIGHTY but remaining areas and revenue generating oil reserves may be lost to u.s and israel
Are we going to let kaffirs and Jews take our holy land? Do we not have ghairat? Are we a baghirat people. Should we not declare jihad to defend Islam?


@Retired Troll
Are we going to let kaffirs and Jews take our holy land?
Let? Who are you -- not YOU personally -- to say that you have the power to 'allow' the kaffirs to do anything?

Here is the harsh reality: The West, despite our differences, are actually more unified than the Muslim countries, no matter where in the world. You are in no position to 'let' us do anything.
Let? Who are you -- not YOU personally -- to say that you have the power to 'allow' the kaffirs to do anything?

Here is the harsh reality: The West, despite our differences, are actually more unified than the Muslim countries, no matter where in the world. You are in no position to 'let' us do anything.

1. He's poking the Islamists.

2. Your macho military got crippled by malnourished cave dwellers in Afghanistan. If enough people became 100% set on removing you, you would be removed.
Funny how the islamic scholars in saudi arabia are all quiet about this because afterall ibn bozo allowed the americans to build a base so Saddam does not invade.

Saudis were so scared of a weakened Iraqi army LOL

Madkhalis are like that. They cuck out to the regime of their country no matter what because they have no spine.

However, Ibn Baz was literally blind and had to rely on Saudi assistants to grasp certain things, hence why he said some stupid stuff (e.g the Earth is flat and US troops can be stationed in Arabia). I would consider such a disability to make him free from blame.
Madkhalis are like that. They cuck out to the regime of their country no matter what because they have no spine.

However, Ibn Baz was literally blind and had to rely on Saudi assistants to grasp certain things, hence why he said some stupid stuff (e.g the Earth is flat and US troops can be stationed in Arabia). I would consider such a disability to make him free from blame.

I never knew he was blind. Im not fully disrespecting him his books on tawheed a very good but him allowing the americans to have bases leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
2. Your macho military got crippled by malnourished cave dwellers in Afghanistan. If enough people became 100% set on removing you, you would be removed.
Please...We are there.:rolleyes:

Crippled? No. Far more sober minds than you know we beat the steaming shit out of the Taliban. It is only our restrain that we did not bomb Afghanistan back into the Paleolithic Age.

If enough people became %100 set on removing US? How long has that 'if' been around? Long enough that only the intellectually stunted would fall back on any 'if'. I was invited to this forum back in '09 and seen enough 'if'. Let it go.
Let? Who are you -- not YOU personally -- to say that you have the power to 'allow' the kaffirs to do anything?

Here is the harsh reality: The West, despite our differences, are actually more unified than the Muslim countries, no matter where in the world. You are in no position to 'let' us do anything.
he was being sarcastic
Please...We are there.

Not for much longer, and even if you decide to stay forever, you cannot win. The Taliban are there to stay, and now ISIS is gaining land too.

Crippled? No.

You've lost over a trillion dollars, 70k soldiers and haven't defeated the insurgents. That's a shameful defeat.

No. Far more sober minds than you know we beat the steaming shit out of the Taliban.

They still control a significant portion of the country and have killed 70k of your soldiers. You cannot stop them.

It is only our restrain

Which is not going away anytime soon, so no point in saying "we could do XYZ", you quite literally cannot because you don't have the willpower.

If enough people became %100 set on removing US?

No, removing NATO from foreign territories. It's not too tough if everyone collectively decided to do it. Just go after citizens, diplomats and soldiers. The sheer threat would be enough for NATO to decide sticking around is simply not worth it.

This is all hypothetical of course, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still possible.
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