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the extremist are common enemy.
but the US is famous of double standard.
for example. there are many terrorist group fight ( even some chinese uigur terrorist could fight for FSA ) for FSA in Syria. but the US also support FSA.
USA care only on their own interest

and we dont need to thank USA. because USA never has the Intension to do favour for china.
( it is only because we have some common interest)

lol then i guess when some car bomb explode in China or some terrorist bring down some Chinese building then the Chinese will understand. No need to thank us, you have been warned
USA think that they are the world policeman. but in fact they are not.
their acting in ME is more like mafia gangster group. want everyone follow their order and interrest ,and collect blood money everywhere.
russia is just another gangster group.
damm them all.
only china is a peaceful country and friendly to every countries in ME.
Then why do you not help your friends, send in troops to help stabilize some countries, support friendly regimes, and eventually displace the US?
Then why do you not help your friends, send in troops to help stabilize some countries, support friendly regimes, and eventually displace the US?

sending troops means friendly??
only USA has this kind of logic.

we never want to send troops to any countries. and stabilize another countries is never our business.
but we try to make business with every ME countries.
sending troops means friendly??
only USA has this kind of logic.

we never want to send troops to any countries. and stabilize another countries is never our business.
but we try to make business with every ME countries.
Sometimes you have to help your 'friends' defend themselves, especially if you believe they are being threatened, as you believe they are being threatened and/or bullied by US. We helped Western Europe against the Soviets.

But since China -- through mouthpieces like yourselves -- are too frightened of risks to help your 'friends', do not call them so.
Sometimes you have to help your 'friends' defend themselves, especially if you believe they are being threatened, as you believe they are being threatened and/or bullied by US. We helped Western Europe against the Soviets.

But since China -- through mouthpieces like yourselves -- are too frightened of risks to help your 'friends', do not call them so.

in some case. USA also help china to against Soviet. we dont deny it.
but USA also helped Taliban to against Soviets.

The world will be more peaceful, if EVERY countries only care on themselves.
so you little racist bitches.

Soon the world's oil will be in the hands of your nemesis, the whites! How does it make you feel??? :rofl:

in some case. USA also help china to against Soviet. we dont deny it.
but USA also helped Taliban to against Soviets.

The world will be more peaceful, if EVERY countries only care on themselves.

This remind me of this article:

A Robin Hood in Shanghai
By Chip Tsao | Aug 16, 2012

An old man was seen lying unconscious on the pavement in broad daylight in Shanghai last week, attracting a crowd of Chinese onlookers, of whom none offered to help. A young western woman walked past and found the scene sickeningly intolerable; she embraced the poor old soul, turned back and shouted at her curious but indifferent audience: “Call an ambulance, you ******* Chinese!”

The episode was recorded by another onlooker on his smartphone, and it spread on the web. “Call an ambulance, you ******* Chinese,” became the sensational quote of the week across the Chinese internet.

As Einstein said: “The world is a dangerous place to live. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” The frank remarks from the unnamed blonde in Shanghai must have echoed in the minds of the British, French and American ambassadors to the UN as they thought of China’s continual veto of sanctions on Syria, where hundreds of civilians are massacred virtually every day by President al-Assad’s troops.

But this young western girl has, apparently, not been in China long enough to understand the Chinese. There are two types of Chinese—the “******* Chinese,” which make up the majority, who look on and do nothing; and the “non-******* Chinese,” which consists sadly of only a few, like Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo, who have bravely stepped up to interfere. It is the ******* Chinese who decide to look on at, but not to **** about with, the Chinese Communist Party, who are granted a life of freedom to roam the streets and keep looking on; while the few “non-******* Chinese” who dared to **** about with the Party were thrown in jail. To **** with or not to **** with has never a problem for this western expat woman who jumped out to help; but for most Chinese men, it is a life-and-death decision.

Plus, there’s the problem of authenticity. Nobody on the scene seemed sure that the old man apparently lost in a coma was genuine and not actually faking unconsciousness. There have been cases where old women have been struck and injured by cars, and later sued the passersby who helped out for aggravating their suffering—and won. Those that came to their aid were fined heavily. ******* Chinese at least have their ***** well-protected, as well as their wallets, although a select non-******* Chinese did earn a condolence prize while in prison, sent in from Oslo, plus a New York Times editorial in praise of his ******* about and decidedly un-Chinese heroism. We’d need to give the blonde Robin Hood in Shanghai more time to take on the ultimate ******* Chinese’s Hamletian dilemma: to help or not to help?

A Robin Hood in Shanghai | Politically Incorrect with Chip Tsao | HK Magazine Online
Who here still thinks the ME can 'collapse' the US through an oil embargo, please raise your hands.

All the leaders who were part of that plot met a horrible fate!

Moral: Brotherhood doesn't work.

Notice how USA is set to improve its energy position. :D
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