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U.S. planning war on nuclear armed Pakistan and North Korea

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Jul 6, 2009
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Pakistan has released A.Q. Khan, father of their nuclear weapons program on the 11th anniversary of its 1999 Nuclear tests yesterday. His nuclear trade network made it possible for Iran to develop nuclear technology and North Korea to develop nuclear weapons.

For the first time in history, the U.S. finds itself in a position where it could actually go to war with nuclear armed adversaries - Pakistan and North Korea. After the failed Times Sq bombing in New York, Hillary Clinton took a tough stance and warned Pakistan of "consequences" if an attack on U.S. soil pointed to a Pakistani link. Now Washington Post has revealed that the U.S. is preparing a plan on how it would attack Pakistan. If this happened, the other first would be that the U.S. would have to fight against its own weapons including F-16s, missiles and modern artillery it has given to Pakistan even though these had little value in fighting the Taliban. Yesterday's Taliban attack on an Ahmadi mosque that killed 80 people highlighted the fact that Pakistan has little control over these groups who whilst targeting their fellow countrymen are also itching for a major overseas attack. See "Al Qaeda continues to plot from Pakistan: U.S." and Open Magazine: "Terror attack during India's Commonwealth Games"

Meanwhile, with clear evidence of a North Korean torpedo having sunk a South Korean naval vessel, South Korea has cut ties with the North and started amassing troops at the border and promised to punish the North. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il retaliated by promising an all-out war and the U.S. had to back up the South saying that it would support the South no matter what action it took. If North Korea conducted the torpedo attack on its own accord, it is a clear indication of the unbalanced mental state of Kim Jong Il and the reason that this could escalate in to a war. Seoul is only 35km from the North Korean border and despite naval superiority, the damage the North could do to is unthinkable, given that it has the 4th largest army in the world, nuclear weapons and access to missile technology from China. Daily Report: China, Iran & North Korea form strategic alliance.

China, as expected, has shown an unwillingness to accept evidence implicating its long time friend North Korea. Hillary Clinton's trip to China like many other trips of the Obama administration has produced little as China will also not give in to US demand of tougher sanctions against Iran. See The Diplomat: China's troubling Iran ties. :hang2::hang2::hang2:

Why do you listen to retarded news sources?

They can't handle Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy is going to ****, they just passed a Health Care bill that they can't afford and now suddenly they have the ability to take on countries who have a population 3X more than Iraq and Afghanistan combined?

Epic Fail.
WTH has happened to PDF i mean there has been a general trend towards declining quality but for few days everything is going extra bad.
I agree.. The intellectual quotient has gone down significantly. I am not targeting any specific posts, but somehow the percentage of posts targeted at pure flaming using 2nd and 3rd tier media reports (without any personal interpretation) has gone up significantly
or india israiel us ke chachy mammy lagty hai?
دین ملا فی سبیل اللہ فساد
google translated it "disorder found religion sake of ALLAH"
Lol, what a stupid typical Indian news article.

The U.S. is giving Pakistan F-16's - more to be delivered in June, helicopters, advanced weapons, smart bombs, training PAK Airforce Pilots and ground troops, and all this to so they can go to war with Pakistan?

This just shows the severe stupidity of Indian journalism.
LOL this is joke. Even if us plan that. China dosent allow that . Seriously their relation is well deepen more than India russia
The stupidity of news circulating is amazing, people buy this tripe, even believe "think tanks" staged the Times Square attack. Extremist Islamic forces at least have effective propaganda fools. Rational thought goes out the window. Drum up as much anti-western sympathy as possible, weaken responsible national policy, open doors to the insanity of Taliban like revolt....

... ignorant religious xenophobia attracts the weak minded masses looking for easy answers. Too bad what they end up with in the end is corrupt Imams, loss of freedom, regression to the dark ages and Islamic police states like Iran . . . perhaps the end result of misery is what they really deserve . . .
The stupidity of news circulating is amazing, people buy this tripe, even believe "think tanks" staged the Times Square attack. Extremist Islamic forces at least have effective propaganda fools. Rational thought goes out the window. Drum up as much anti-western sympathy as possible, weaken responsible national policy, open doors to the insanity of Taliban like revolt....

... ignorant religious xenophobia attracts the weak minded masses looking for easy answers. Too bad what they end up with in the end is corrupt Imams, loss of freedom, regression to the dark ages and Islamic police states like Iran . . . perhaps the end result of misery is what they really deserve . . .

This article is written by some indian not by some imam......tht usa will attack Pakistan .....try reading it then pass ignorant comments.
Also introduce urself in the introduction section.
Just muzzle ignorant comments
Indians are getting wet after reading these news but this ain't happening.
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