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U.S. Military Intervention in Venezuela 'Possible' as Turmoil Continues

Oil reserves are a curse for them. I hope USA doesn't invade Venezuela or too many civilians are going to suffer.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Erik Prince - the founder of the controversial private security firm Blackwater and a prominent supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump - has been pushing a plan to deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, four sources with knowledge of the effort told Reuters.

click on the link to read the full article.
Why don’t you go in there and liberate them? Become a US mercenary?
you can fight for chinese and russians. it will even things out:enjoy:

Lol.. selective policy. You EU will never gain respect from others. Shove your freedom and human right into the sewage.

i think people queuing up to enter the EU speaks volumes for itself
Do trust much in Pompeo. He was probably lying and cheating:


Mike Pompeo: Glory of American experiment is ‘we lie, cheat, steal’

Sat Apr 27, 2019 02:09PM [Updated: Sat Apr 27, 2019

US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, who is a former CIA director, has admitted to an audience that the American spy agency trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.”

“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated we stole… like, we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo recently told an audience in College Station, Texas.

Pompeo’s stunning admission comes as he and US National Security Advisor John Bolton have vowed to strangle Iran and cut off all oil exports, accusing the Islamic Republic of trying to develop nuclear weapons and missiles.


Now, after the failed US coup attempt, let's go back to the basics:

Maduro announces 'Day of Dialogue' to rectify mistakes, addresses crowds on May Day

Published time: 1 May, 2019 22:46Edited time: 1 May, 2019 23:28
USA is trying its utmost to create turmoil and bloodshed in Venezuela.

Hard for them to resist the biggest oil reserves in the world

Oil reserves are a curse for them. I hope USA doesn't invade Venezuela or too many civilians are going to suffer.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Erik Prince - the founder of the controversial private security firm Blackwater and a prominent supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump - has been pushing a plan to deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, four sources with knowledge of the effort told Reuters.

click on the link to read the full article.

This could be a bloodbath because the Russians are already there and they will not tolerate this
Not selective but logical.
Lol.. you even got the cheek to give this kind of lowlife excuse? Just show the hypocrisy and absurd in your arguement.

i think people queuing up to enter the EU speaks volumes for itself

They are queuing up becos of EU more slack immigrant policy, good standard of living and generous welfare give out. Nothing to do with human right and freedom. You need to get your head check.
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Actually US did try a couple of days ago to overthrow the Venezuela Government but FAILED thanks to Russia, who now have military advisers and military personnel stationed in Venezuela to help the government to combat US mercenaries. And it looks like the Russians are doing a really good job. US is getting frustrated and now chest thumping for a Military action. However, it is HIGHLY unlikely that the US would do this because Russia is already there, and US would not want another Syria right in its backyard. It would be a disaster for the US.
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