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U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

No letter was written to our neighbor's leader and they're jealous. :D

Then you know nothing about Pres. Ayub Khan's first visit to US in 1961, where he was greeted by Pres. Kennedy and other US officials as he stepped off the airplane, full military honor and welcome, etc. This was an official invitation from Pres. Kennedy, not some little known congressman. He visited DC, NYC, and Pres Ayub Khan was invited to the the first state dinner in Mt.Vernon (home of George Washington).

In fact, if I'm not mistaken he was the first head of state
Then you know nothing about Pres. Ayub Khan's first visit to US in 1961, where he was greeted by Pres. Kennedy and other US officials as he stepped off the airplane, full military honor and welcome, etc. This was an official invitation from Pres. Kennedy, not some little known congressman.


Let me show you something more recent.
Rajiv Gandhi addressing the congress.
Enlighten yourself !


Let me show you something more latest
Rajiv Gandhi addressing the congress.

You clearly don't understand; Pakistani leaders were long respected before your Indian leaders, and now you are jumping because one congressman out of 435 wrote a letter of invitation. As for Rajiv Gandhi he was received as just a visiting political foreign speaker, even Netanyahu and Berlusconi and others have done this. PM Ayub Khan addressed the US congress long before any Indian so stop jumping like a little kid wanting candy.
You clearly don't understand; Pakistani leaders were long respected before your Indian leaders, and now you are jumping because one congressman out of 435 wrote a letter of invitation. As for Rajiv Gandhi he was received as just a visiting political foreign speaker, even Netanyahu and Berlusconi and others have done this. PM Ayub Khan addressed the US congress long before any Indian so stop jumping like a little kid wanting candy.

Heights of jealousy!!!
Didnt expect you will be so sour after your leader got snubbed during his last visit to US.
Btw I cant see your flags on your profile I am assuming you're a Pakistani.
Then you know nothing about Pres. Ayub Khan's first visit to US in 1961, where he was greeted by Pres. Kennedy and other US officials as he stepped off the airplane, full military honor and welcome, etc. This was an official invitation from Pres. Kennedy, not some little known congressman. He visited DC, NYC, and Pres Ayub Khan was invited to the the first state dinner in Mt.Vernon (home of George Washington).

In fact, if I'm not mistaken he was the first head of state
LOL And till now Pakistan is paying price for that honor...you know what I mean :azn:
Then you know nothing about Pres. Ayub Khan's first visit to US in 1961, where he was greeted by Pres. Kennedy and other US officials as he stepped off the airplane, full military honor and welcome, etc. This was an official invitation from Pres. Kennedy, not some little known congressman. He visited DC, NYC, and Pres Ayub Khan was invited to the the first state dinner in Mt.Vernon (home of George Washington).

In fact, if I'm not mistaken he was the first head of state
I see your 1961
Top it up with 1949
The Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressed a House Reception |

US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressed a House Reception
October 13, 1949
Image courtesy of Library of CongressRepresentative Frances Bolton of Ohio (second from right) joined the Indian Prime Minister on a tour of President George Washington’s Mount Vernon home the day before the House Reception.
On this date, Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of India addressed a House Reception. As part of a multi-week goodwill tour of the United States, Nehru first met with President Harry S. Trumanand then with Congress. India proclaimed itself neutral in the developing Cold War and America officials sought to remain on close terms with the nation which had just emerged from British colonial rule. With the House Chamber under renovation, the reception was held in the Ways and Means Committee room in the New House Office Building (later renamed Longworth). The Prime Minister spoke to the crowded room for 15 minutes. Discussing the similarities between the United States and India, he stated, “I have come here, therefore, on a voyage of discovery of the mind and heart of America and to place before you our own heart. Thus we may promote that understanding and cooperation which, I feel sure, both our countries earnestly desire.” At the conclusion of his speech, he quickly left the House Chamber and headed to the Senate (temporarily meeting in the Old Supreme Court Chamber) to give the exact same address to a Senate Reception. Following the two addresses, the Prime Minister enjoyed a lunch reception in the Capitol with the House and Senate Foreign Affairs committees. Among the attendees was Representative Frances Bolton of Ohio, who joined the Prime Minister on a tour of President George Washington’s Mount Vernon home the day before. Prior to World War II, the standard manner in which both the House and the Senate received addresses by foreign leaders was to invite dignitaries to a one-chamber reception. This practice slowly changed in the postwar period, and more dignitaries were received by both the House and Senate in the form of a Joint Meeting.
But it doesn't matter because soon Obama will be vying to address the Indian Parliament.8-)8-)8-)
I see your 1961
Top it up with 1949
The Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressed a House Reception |

US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

The Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressed a House Reception
October 13, 1949
Image courtesy of Library of CongressRepresentative Frances Bolton of Ohio (second from right) joined the Indian Prime Minister on a tour of President George Washington’s Mount Vernon home the day before the House Reception.
On this date, Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of India addressed a House Reception. As part of a multi-week goodwill tour of the United States, Nehru first met with President Harry S. Trumanand then with Congress. India proclaimed itself neutral in the developing Cold War and America officials sought to remain on close terms with the nation which had just emerged from British colonial rule. With the House Chamber under renovation, the reception was held in the Ways and Means Committee room in the New House Office Building (later renamed Longworth). The Prime Minister spoke to the crowded room for 15 minutes. Discussing the similarities between the United States and India, he stated, “I have come here, therefore, on a voyage of discovery of the mind and heart of America and to place before you our own heart. Thus we may promote that understanding and cooperation which, I feel sure, both our countries earnestly desire.” At the conclusion of his speech, he quickly left the House Chamber and headed to the Senate (temporarily meeting in the Old Supreme Court Chamber) to give the exact same address to a Senate Reception. Following the two addresses, the Prime Minister enjoyed a lunch reception in the Capitol with the House and Senate Foreign Affairs committees. Among the attendees was Representative Frances Bolton of Ohio, who joined the Prime Minister on a tour of President George Washington’s Mount Vernon home the day before. Prior to World War II, the standard manner in which both the House and the Senate received addresses by foreign leaders was to invite dignitaries to a one-chamber reception. This practice slowly changed in the postwar period, and more dignitaries were received by both the House and Senate in the form of a Joint Meeting.
But it doesn't matter because soon Obama will be vying to address the Indian Parliament.8-)8-)8-)

PM Liaqat Ali Khan also met with Pres. Truman, given full military honors, state dinner, etc. Though Pres. Ayub Khan was received better than any Indian PM was ever received by the US. He was given some of the highest state honors bestowed upon a foreign head of state.

Pakistan Prime Minister In Washington - British Pathé


The Taliban did not exist when Ronald Reagan was in the White House. The Taliban did not come into being until 1994 when Bill Clinton was President. Reagan NEVER honored the Taliban.

They were Haqqanis. Changing organizational names doesn't make a difference.
I know its hard for India and Pakistan to understand why we keep relationships with both parties, since taking sides seems like a natural action.

But I believe the same is true for all personal, business, and political relationships, in that it is advantageous to be friendly with someone who is also friendly with an adversary. Pakistan an India are able to influence and effect each other through indirect channels via USA, China, Russia.

An example with my country would be how Russia is/was able to do the same with Washington and Tehran, acting as a go-between. Although Putin has for some reason decided that relations with the West had grown far too strong, I hope this all passes and constructive bilateral actions can resume.

Hosting the leader of one country is in no way disparaging the leadership or people of that country's adversaries.
Sorry,Then why did you manufacture this and that and later have statistics etc.
It doesn't help anyone,when world comes to view it will treat it as occupational injury!
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