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U.S. issues terror warning in India



New Recruit

May 11, 2006
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NEW DELHI - The U.S. Embassy in India's capital warned Friday that foreign militants, possibly al-Qaida members, may be planning to carry out bombings in two major Indian cities in the coming days.

An e-mail sent to American citizens registered with the embassy said New Delhi, the capital, and Bombay, the country's financial and entertainment hub, were the targets of the alleged plot, and that the attacks were believed to be planned around India's Independence Day, which falls on Aug. 15.

The embassy confirmed that it had sent the e-mail, and the chief secretary of India's Maharshtra state, where Bombay is located, confirmed that authorities had intelligence about a possible terror plot.

But the chief secretary, D.K. Sankaran, refused to provide additional details, saying only that "adequate security measures are being taken at sensitive installations, offices and areas."

That was clear on the approach road to New Delhi's international airport, where guards armed with assault rifles stopped cars, buses and trucks, checking IDs and searching some vehicles.

However, Indian Home Ministry officials said they had received no notice of the possible plot. Home Secretary D.K. Duggal called the warning "innocuous," saying it was an internal embassy matter.

Word of the alleged plot came a day after British police said they had thwarted another terrorist plot, possibly just days away, to blow up U.S.-bound jetliners over the Atlantic.

Investigators described a plan on the scale of the Sept. 11 attacks that would use common electronic devices to detonate liquid explosives to bring down as many as 10 planes in near-simultaneous strikes.

The U.S. Embassy's warning for India said the "likely targets include major airports, key central Indian government offices, and major gathering places such as hotels and markets."

It urged American citizens to maintain a low profile, and be alert and attentive to their surroundings between Aug. 11 and Aug. 16.

Security around India has already been beefed up because of the coming Independence Day celebrations, a time of year when militants from the country's myriad regional separatist movements often launch attacks.

The alleged plot appeared tied to Independence Day and not the reported plan to blow up airliners over the Atlantic.

Although neither U.S. nor Indian officials would explain the source of their intelligence reports, the Press Trust of India reported Friday that police in New Delhi had arrested two members of a Pakistani Islamic militant group suspected in a string of bombings in India, including last month's attacks on Bombay's commuter trains, which killed 207 people.

The news agency said the arresting officers believed they had foiled a terror plot by the Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, which is believed to have ties to al-Qaida.

One of the two alleged Lashkar-e-Tayyaba militants arrested is Pakistani, and both were arrested late Thursday with 4.4 pounds of a powerful explosive known as RDX, and a huge quantity of other ammunition, PTI reported. They were nabbed at New Delhi's train station.
The Pakistani was identified only as Anaz, a native of Islamabad, and the other man as Abrar Ahmed, from the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, PTI said.

SOURCE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060811/ap_on_re_as/india_us_terror_warning
Man..I hope everything possible is done to prevent anything from happenning esp. on aug. 15th :mad:

If something does happen, I hope Indian gov't has the balls to take proper steps and not just sit around and speculate this time around:mad:
That fool of a man Jaiswal, the Home Minister for State said that there is no threat. I saw it on the news and the Duggal, the Union Secretary for Home said there was.

What's going on?

The govt appears totally confused.

Set of idiots actually.
you mean if anything happens in India, start blaming Pakistan...
Salim said:
That fool of a man Jaiswal, the Home Minister for State said that there is no threat. I saw it on the news and the Duggal, the Union Secretary for Home said there was.

What's going on?

The govt appears totally confused.

Set of idiots actually.

I agree sir - Man, if anything happens on August 15th..I'll personally come to India and start shooting those damn politicians myself:sniper:

They chose to be leaders of a country - They need to protect it and its people at any cost...even their lives ;)
Asim Aquil said:
you mean if anything happens in India, start blaming Pakistan...

yep...thats what you wanted to hear right:devil:

other than that - I thought flame baiting was not allowed - especially by a mod!!!
Is reading between the lines baiting?

You guys sure do get baited easily...

Suck it up willya?

I asked a very legit question "you mean if anything happens in India, start blaming Pakistan?"

On a side issue you also mentioned your desire to gun down politicians if something happened there. Hmmm does raise many concerns, JSK, many concerns.
JSK said:
Man..I hope everything possible is done to prevent anything from happenning esp. on aug. 15th :mad:

If something does happen, I hope Indian gov't has the balls to take proper steps and not just sit around and speculate this time around:mad:

I could say the same to you guyz,

while if you could open yor eyes, Mr. Salim has already given a quite proper explanation.
Salim said:
That fool of a man Jaiswal, the Home Minister for State said that there is no threat. I saw it on the news and the Duggal, the Union Secretary for Home said there was.

What's going on?

The govt appears totally confused.

Set of idiots actually.

Its actually rational of him to say that. By admitting that there is a threat it affects tourism and commerce (tourism especially). Even if there is a real threat he should keep saying there is no threat.

The same thing doenst hold for cyclone warnings. If there is a major cyclone coming, the Home sec. should indeed say so, so that people beside the sea can evacuate to higher ground. However, in terrorism's case, how does giving the warning do anything to improve the safety of the people? Giving the warning to the public doesnt improve safety but it does harm the economy.

India's home sec. is not alone in doing this, Indonesia, Morroco and Pak. all do this. (the only nations that actually trumpet terror threats is western nations which are so rich and where tourims forms a very small component of economy that the risks of not warning are disastrous to govt. and the benefits from not warning is relatively small)
Asim Aquil said:
you mean if anything happens in India, start blaming Pakistan...

oh and before I get to your next post, did you know that 1 liners arent allowed either?

If not, check with Sid - He's warned me and others quite a few times about it :)

tch tch tch...form rules ;)
Asim Aquil said:
Is reading between the lines baiting?

You guys sure do get baited easily...
not as easily as you guys do..when every li'l thing non-pakistanis do gets reported and they get banned for 'speaking the truth' as you guys say, I say, why not try to be fair ;)

Suck it up willya?

I asked a very legit question "you mean if anything happens in India, start blaming Pakistan?"
Anything MAJOR that does happen in India is because of Pakistan, no matter how many proofs are provided, its never enuf ;) somehow, theres always a way to weasel out - in fact,

On a side issue you also mentioned your desire to gun down politicians if something happened there. Hmmm does raise many concerns, JSK, many concerns.

yes, politicians, not innocent civilians..politicians that are corrupt and are warming their chairs - the ones that are there only to increase their bank accounts...

i guess i should've been more specific ;)
JSK said:
Well I had a doubt and I asked a question, perfectly legal. Not that you've denied it yet.

Then again it may not be necessary, you prove my point by saying:

Anything MAJOR that does happen in India is because of Pakistan

No dude ANYTHING that happens in India is because of Pakistan. Manmohan's dhoti flutters because of Pakistani winds.

no matter how many proofs are provided, its never enuf ;) somehow, theres always a way to weasel out - in fact,
Provide one.

Then your proof pretty much sucks doesn't it? It's nothing more than an allegation. EVIDENCE should hold in court. Will any of yours?

After the mumbai blasts u've got more dirt on locals than anybody else yet the rant is about Pakistan.

not as easily as you guys do..when every li'l thing non-pakistanis do gets reported and they get banned for 'speaking the truth' as you guys say, I say, why not try to be fair ;)
Aw c'mon man, have I threatened to ban you? The thought didn't even cross my mind. You GOT to give me more credit than that! I can handle some debate, try me.

PFF norms are very lenient, you've got to do something absolutely annoying or drastic to get banned out here.

yes, politicians, not innocent civilians..politicians that are corrupt and are warming their chairs - the ones that are there only to increase their bank accounts...
Religion should not be mixed with politics. In Pakistan religious politics is at the back seat after long concentrated efforts, in India its on the rise. I've a feeling the secular congress is going to take a hit in the next elections.

I guess you can GUN down people through your votes, but remember voting BJP would mean possible gunning down (or at least some hacking) of Muslims in at least Gujarat.

The troubling part about that is perhaps other Hindu fundamentalists would take this a step further. They can't get their politicians to gun us Muslim Pakistanis down so they'd make sure Muslim Indians get gutted.

We all know its a common theme for bigots in Gujarat to tell Muslims "Go back to Pakistan!".
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