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U.S. intercepts Iranian instructions to strike American interests in Iraq


Feb 10, 2013
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The United States has intercepted instructions from Iran to militants in Iraq calling on them to attack the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other American interests in the event of a strike against Assad, it was reported today.

The American embassy in Baghdad was a likely target, according to unnamed U.S. officials quoted by the Wall Street Journal. The Journal said the officials did not describe the range of potential targets indicated by the intelligence.

The Journal reported that the Iranian message was intercepted in recent days and came from the head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Qods Force. The newspaper said the message went to Iranian-supported Shi’ite militia groups in Iraq.

The Journal reported that the message informed Shi’ite groups to be prepared to respond with force after any U.S. military strike on Syria.

A U.S. state department warning issued on Thursday warns “against all but essential travel” to Iraq, citing “the security situation” in the country.

“The ability of the Embassy to respond to situations in which U.S. citizens face difficulty, including arrests, is extremely limited,” the State Department warning said. “U.S. citizens in Iraq remain at high risk for kidnapping and terrorist violence.”

On Friday, the U.S. State Department also ordered nonessential U.S. diplomats to leave Lebanon due to security concerns as the Obama administration and Congress debate military strikes on neighbouring Syria.

In a new travel warning for Lebanon, the department said it had instructed nonessential staffers to leave Beirut and urged private American citizens to depart Lebanon.

The step had been under consideration since last week, when President Barack Obama said he was contemplating military action against the Syrian government for its alleged chemical weapons attack last month that the administration said killed more than 1,400 people near Damascus.

“The potential in Lebanon for a spontaneous upsurge in violence remains,” the department said.

The U.S. closed 19 embassies and consulates across Africa and the Middle East last month for more than a week after a terrorist threat. Hezbollah, an Assad ally that has sent fighters into Syria, is based in Lebanon.

The department also said that Hezbollah “maintains a strong presence in parts of the southern suburbs of Beirut, portions of the Bekaa Valley and areas in South Lebanon.”

“The situation remains tense, and sporadic violence involving Hezbollah or other extremist or criminal organizations remains a possibility in many areas of the country,” it said.

“The U.S. Embassy advises U.S. citizens that clashes between Lebanese authorities and criminal elements have also recently occurred in other areas of the Bekaa and border regions,” the statement said.

In a separate advisory for Turkey, the department advocated a policy of voluntary withdrawal of people, saying that its diplomatic outpost in Adana “has been authorized to draw down its non-emergency staff and family members because of threats against U.S. government facilities and personnel.” The department said it was recommending that U.S. citizens “defer non-essential travel” to southeastern Turkey.
Attacking the embassy isn't attacking US interests, attacking the Iraqi government would be attacking US interest or attacking US military contractors or government members.

This whole thing is a game, if Iran is sympathetic with the Iraqi government I don't see how they can be anti American at the same time.

It's confusing and we ordinary people don't get to know what happens behind the scenes. I can't tell who's really and ally or for. Nothing is clear in this world.
Attacking the embassy isn't attacking US interests, attacking the Iraqi government would be attacking US interest or attacking US military contractors or government members.

This whole thing is a game, if Iran is sympathetic with the Iraqi government I don't see how they can be anti American at the same time.

It's confusing and we ordinary people don't get to know what happens behind the scenes. I can't tell who's really and ally or for. Nothing is clear in this world.

In one region they oppose AQ, in another they arm them, in two countries they support shia led governments - Afg and Iraq, and in others they fight them - Syria and Iran - what the hell is happening?
It's another typical propaganda campaign to justify their attack and playing the 'victim role'.

Iran doesn't make a phone call to someone in Iraq to tell them: "Hey! If U.S attacks Syria, target the American embassy in there and CIA definitely wouldn't find out about our phone call, bye."

They think they can fool the world as easy as the people who are thirsty for war.
Another lie and False flag they will use to justify attacking Iran.

It's another typical propaganda campaign to justify their attack and playing the 'victim role'.

Iran doesn't make a phone call to someone in Iraq to tell them: "Hey! If U.S attacks Syria, target the American embassy in there and CIA definitely wouldn't find out about our phone call, bye."

They think they can fool the world as easy as the people who are thirsty for war.

It's so pathetic, Most people know this is a propaganda campaign against Iran. Specially now that Iran is being mentioned over and over again by politicians, expect more propaganda like "anonymous sources", "defectors" , "intercepted messages", "CIA officers", etc...
In one region they oppose AQ, in another they arm them, in two countries they support shia led governments - Afg and Iraq, and in others they fight them - Syria and Iran - what the hell is happening?

America works like an empire with an capitalist mindset, doesn't matter how they achieve their economic objectives, whether the actions taken to reach those objectives go against their values, or how many people suffer overseas due to their roles in these nations around Africa and the Middle East, it all doesn't matter. They just want their marketplace, that's really what's behind this, they can stab you in the back. America just will use their allies until they don't need them anymore. Unfortunately, uneducated Americans are too lazy too think about this policy and the government knows our people well, they usually succeed in what they want to achieve and censor what doesn't need to be known. The process from point A to B isn't presented to the American people, they just tell us point A and B without the details or consequences. That's all confidential. We educated americans who attend college and universities are aware of this policy and it's consequences. Depending on your professor too, some are open about it.

It's not about 9/11, people never think about the regional politics and its implications. The world is different today, imperialism and colonialism isn't going to work like it used to. Now it's about overthrowing governments with different ideologies than you. With all it's resources and political power it tries to make this succeed.

Although I don't believe they want to give victory to rebels, Israel doesn't want it too. And what's funny is the US media is strongly against intervention, such as CNN and New York Times, because Israel doesn't want it. And we do have Jewish influenced press here. Sorry if you don't believe that. They bring warmongering critics who come on to CNN shockingly they claim they don't want deal violence with violence and that it isn't in US interests to have another Iraq or Afghanistan and we don't want to hurt our economy even more.

Yet, when it comes to Iran these same people happily cheer on an invasion and dismiss diplomacy. Literally the same people. Those lying scum oppose no such thing when it comes to drone strikes in Yemen or elsewhere.

Look at this video for example, of a Fox News anchor and his hypocrisy:

It's funny after WW1 the world was promising a better world, even after WW2, no more genocide, imperialism, etc...But those things have double folded and increased today.

Fox News Anchor's Bloody Hand Drips With Hypocrisy - YouTube
@Hazzy997, Israel has already said they support a "limited strike against Syria" and if you read New York Times, Israeli strategists have already stated that the best outcome is for each side to fight each other and neither of them win.

For Jerusalem, the status quo, horrific as it may be from a humanitarian perspective, seems preferable to either a victory by Mr. Assad’s government and his Iranian backers or a strengthening of rebel groups, increasingly dominated by Sunni jihadis.

“This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.”


and I do believe this is also U.S strategy as well, they don't want either side to win. This is why they might go in for a "limited strike".
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One of the possible reactions of Iran could have been, You attack Syria, we step out of NPT.
Iran should have provided Syria some ghadir submarines, hoot torpedo and kh-55 cruise missiles, zolfaghar attack boats.
@Hazzy997, Israel has already said they support a "limited strike against Syria" and if you read New York Times, Israeli strategists have already stated that the best outcome is for each side to fight each other and neither of them win.

For Jerusalem, the status quo, horrific as it may be from a humanitarian perspective, seems preferable to either a victory by Mr. Assad’s government and his Iranian backers or a strengthening of rebel groups, increasingly dominated by Sunni jihadis.

“This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.”


and I do believe this is also U.S strategy as well, they don't want either side to win. This is why they might go in for a "limited strike".

This is the world strategy. They will put Israel's interest before international law. And the media is helping get that point across. Because there's no such thing as proper journalism today, proper journalists get attacked. Everyone is bought. Israelis fear a situation war AQ is right next door, this will affect their policy against Palestinians.

Israelis rather see both dissolve in Syria and they want Hezbollah to dissolve. Keeping military support to Bashar is handing victory to Israel. Hezbollah is in a losing situation. They know what the outcome will be and they should step out.

At the same time, many Palestinians are fighting with the rebels and Palestinian groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad may establish bases there and make routes for weapon smuggling. They can also train the rebels against Israel.

It's a bad outcome for Israel if this conflict comes to an end soon. What they want is prolonged conflict so we can just sit and kill each other.
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Why would Iran attack US embassy in Baghdad, when they might be actually discreetly helping Syrian forces in war, US arrogance at its best
What'd ya know, :rofl:

Almost every step is being taken to withdraw plans to attack Syria. And Iraqi officials were ordered to purposely claim they are now aware of a threat. It's too funny.

Israel won't let that happen, it's unacceptable.

Iraqi officials, militants warn of threat to US - Israel News, Ynetnews

Iranian-backed Shiite militias are threatening to retaliate against American interests inside Iraq if the United States goes ahead with strikes against the Tehran-allied government in neighboring Syria, according to Iraqi security officials and militants themselves.

this is very serious we really need to bring human rights democracy and equals rights for all to iran.....
I wonder what they intercepted , the order to proxies must certainly would come in shape of something like asking the weather or some sort of commerce or even shopping list.
not like "hey .... I'm .... and its time to attack USA interest in Iraq"
I wonder what they intercepted , the order to proxies must certainly would come in shape of something like asking the weather or some sort of commerce or even shopping list.
not like "hey .... I'm .... and its time to attack USA interest in Iraq"

No but it is true, iran and saudi are fighting their proxy war in Iraq.
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