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U.S. Imposes New Sanctions on Iran


Jun 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
The U.S. imposed fresh sanctions on Iran as President Donald Trump seeks to punish Tehran for its ballistic missile program after warning that the Islamic Republic that it is “playing with fire.”

In a statement Friday morning, the Treasury Department published a list of 13 individuals and 12 entities facing new restrictions for supporting the missile program, having links to terrorism or providing support for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The entities include companies based in Tehran, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and China.

“This action reflects the United States’ commitment to enforcing sanctions on Iran with respect to its ballistic missile program and destabilizing activities in the region and is fully consistent with the United States’ commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” the statement said in a reference to the nuclear accord Iran reached with the U.S. and five other world powers.

The Trump administration has taken a hard line on Iran, banning its citizens from entering the U.S. and accusing the nation of interfering in the affairs of U.S. allies in the Middle East. While such an approach could satisfy hawks in Washington who were never comfortable with President Barack Obama’s tentative rapprochement with Iran, it could also unsettle domestic Iranian politics as President Hassan Rouhani seeks re-election in May.

The move was praised by Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, who said it “makes clear that it is a new day in U.S.-Iran relations and that we will no longer tolerate Iran’s destabilizing behavior.”

Ahead of the announcement, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said, "Iran unmoved by threats as we derive security from our people." He added later: "We will never use our weapons against anyone, except in self-defense."

Tensions between the two sides were already escalating before the missile tests. While they didn’t contravene the nuclear accord signed in 2015, the missile tests are seen by some nations as going against a UN Security Council resolution that enshrines the agreement.

The new sanctions aren’t directed at Iran’s nuclear program and wouldn’t directly affect the agreement forged under Obama’s administration that eased restrictions in exchange for Iran’s promise not to develop nuclear weapons, two people familiar with U.S. strategy said Thursday.

For its part, Iran has urged the U.S. not to overreact to the tests. Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan insisted they were part of Iran’s ongoing defense program and were not illegal, according to the Tasnim news agency.


Anyway here's the list of the sanctioned individuals and companies in case anyone is interested to know more


Eight of the sanctioned individuals are Iranians, 3 Chinese, and two Lebanese.

Five of the sanctioned companies are operating in Iran, 4 in Lebanon, 2 in China and the last one in UAE.
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If sanctions had any effects there was no need for new round of them.
Nothing to surprise. Iran is already in their radar list, it was bound to happen.
Things are going to get much much worse. I am afraid this is just a warmup of things about to come.
"No-drama Obama" is enjoying lecturing now. Bless his heart. He was Iran's best luck in many decades. It was under Obama's administration that the Iranian Shia version of terrorsim spread all over Syria and Iraq. Did we forget the 20+ Shia militias that Iran created in Iraq? Did we forget the tens of thousands of raped Syrian women in Asad's prisons? All of the huge mess that Obama's softness and idealistic thoughts has brought to the ME. It is too early to judge Trump's adminsitration, but he is clearly a planet away from Obama.
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On some other post I was having rather heated debate with Persians about their folly to get into this P5+1 non sense.

My posts got deleted because "brothers" were getting offended as I was stepping on their over bloated false egos.

In Pakistan, we need to plan now for worst case scenario when sh!t hits the fan, in case our western flanks get further destabilised, if Afghanistan wasn't enough!

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