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"U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes if Country Falls to Taliban"

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For the sake of speculation, the question is if Pakistan continue to lose ground against the Taliban who is going to be recipient of Pakistan's nuclear weapons? Afghanistan? The US?

This is not going to happen so keep it as a speculation. Any assumptions made in this argument are a waste of Brain cells. A Few Hundred Taliban are no match for an army of over a million troops with a full Airforce, Armoured division, SSG Commandos Spec Ops, Paramilitary etc. This is a DUD topic brought up by the neo-conservative drama channel called Fox News, the Whole nation rejects the Taliban and for you to even Speculate that the nuclear assets will simply be taken over the Taliban shows that you absolutely have no idea about the ground realities or the current scenario.

Utter nonsense. Deterrence works only if there is parity of forces between contestants. Pakistan does not have nuclear parity with US. If we wanted to, we can destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability overnight.

Bullshit.. Lets keep the 'If we Want to' discussions out of the current occasions. I am sure the US more than wants to take over Pakistan's nuclear capabilities other wise they wouldn't be constantly asking for the coordinates of its where abouts. On top of that you ask as if you are not accountable to international law. I am sure even you or the US cannot comprehend the danger of whats going to happen AFTER you destroy these nuclear facilities. Not only will you completely destabilize the entire region and jeopardize the lives of millions of people but your own National security will be threatened to proportions you probably can not even comprehend or understand.

I have nothing against the US in fact i love the US but some of you folks really come of as a bunch of ignoramuses... but i guess thats everywhere.
The reason this country is in the shitter is cause of these emotional bursts of outrage.. calm down, think logically as to what you say in your head, then say it and then write it..
"the Whole nation rejects the Taliban..."

We'd all like to think so in this time of crisis but that's hardly the case. There are enough in eastern Baluchistan and the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan to allow the Afghan and Pakistani taliban free run of these areas.

We hear or read of no uprising by the people, over the last seven years or even now, nor unremitting war by your gov't and army to suggest otherwise.

Once it was yours. Now it is not and the conquest was surprisingly bloodless. That hardly suggests the whole country "rejects the taliban...". Yes, they only comprise a small percentage of your population but I'd not be so presumptuous this early in a long war when there's ample evidence that you've not got the country's fullest support yet. One look at your afghan slums in Karachi might suggest there's more support and sentiment for these men than you admit.

And eastern Baluchistan?

"...and for you to even Speculate that the nuclear assets will simply be taken over the Taliban shows that you absolutely have no idea about the ground realities or the current scenario."

Read this comment by me, please-

"...there's EVERY reason to think the militants have hit their high-water mark and are receding..."

Now DEBKA is guilty of such speculation here. No doubt they operate from an agenda. FOX is guilty of yellow journalism. GOD SAVE THE WORLD is guilty of trolling.

Of what are the Pakstanis here guilty? Feeding the trolls? Comments like this keep the flames burning high-

"I am sure the US more than wants to take over Pakistan's nuclear capabilities other wise they wouldn't be constantly asking for the coordinates of its where abouts."


We hardly have units sitting in Kandahar or Bagram on 24 hour standby to assault your nuclear storage facilities. You've read no U.S. official suggest we wish to "take over" your nuclear capabilities. Not one. Of that I'm certain.

A comment such as the one made by you above is the real story in how such a thread survives. Most Pakistanis here indulge this fantasy as no other. Many hope and dream for such a day.

A thread like this permits all those Pakistani fan-boys like BaberCM to tell us yanks JUST HOW IT'S GONNA BE, BABY.

Who'd miss a chance to pile on some good ol' gratuitous anti-American hatred over something as precious as your "sacred cows"? Nary a soul here.

That's why I originally tried to steer this thread off into la-la land. Nope. NO CHANCE.

Oh well, enjoy. It's all fun and games, anyway...

...unless your country goes to sh!t. Then we be comin' to get your nukes, sho'nuff.:police::usflag::devil:
This is not going to happen so keep it as a speculation. Any assumptions made in this argument are a waste of Brain cells. A Few Hundred Taliban are no match for an army of over a million troops with a full Airforce, Armoured division, SSG Commandos Spec Ops, Paramilitary etc. This is a DUD topic brought up by the neo-conservative drama channel called Fox News, the Whole nation rejects the Taliban and for you to even Speculate that the nuclear assets will simply be taken over the Taliban shows that you absolutely have no idea about the ground realities or the current scenario.
I dare say that your belief is nonexistant among the leaderships of all the world's militaries. The US military has plans for wars on home soil. No matter how remote that possibility may be the plans do exists. They may be operationally 'dusty' due to inattentiveness and outdated technology, but they exists nonetheless. Currently, Pakistan is fighting a war on home soil and against those who are possibly her own citizens sympathetic to outsiders. One cannot resist another speculation that your cavalier attitude permeated Pakistan's top military echelon and that enabled this 'Few Hundred Taliban' to have come as close as 100 miles from the capital city.

Bullshit.. Lets keep the 'If we Want to' discussions out of the current occasions.
Let us not. The reality is that whenever a capibility is available, such intellectual exercises are inevitable.

On top of that you ask as if you are not accountable to international law.
Laws are effective only if there is a higher authority that has the ability and capability to exact physical punishments for violations of the law. Currently, no one, not even the UN, is capable of punishing US. The world was not supportive of US on regime change in Iraq and the subsequent occupation. The Russians, the French and the Chinese lost a great deal of money because of B43's unilateralism. No one have managed to cobbled together a political and military coalition to exact punishment from US like when they did against the Iraq the first time.
Envy for what? What does Pakistan have, in terms of nuclear technology, that the US does not have?

Obsessed? Hardly. Concerned? Of course, so does the rest of the world, after all, there is fighting inside YOUR country.

Indiscriminate? Do you even know what the word meant? As far as the rest of Asia is concerned, for what Imperial Japan did, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rightly deserved punishment.

For the sake of speculation, the question is if Pakistan continue to lose ground against the Taliban who is going to be recipient of Pakistan's nuclear weapons? Afghanistan? The US?

Utter nonsense. Deterrence works only if there is parity of forces between contestants. Pakistan does not have nuclear parity with US. If we wanted to, we can destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability overnight.

What an odd argument? How can ANY plan be anything other than 'artificial'?

What make you believe we need the Russian's help to destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability?

The Chinese helped Pakistan out of their own geopolitical concerns for India. Notice there are no Chinese troops helping Pakistan against the Taliban. If Pakistan cannot prevail against the Taliban, the Chinese will be very cooperative with US in denying Pakistan's nuclear weapons from the Taliban.

It's not a matter of having superior or inferior tech Yank. It's not as simplistic as you want us to believe Yank. You envy Pakistan for being the sole Islamic nuclear power that has the ability to pass on this tech whenever it suits their needs. Yes, that worries you to death. You also envy Pakistan because despite so-called inferior tech the weapons can be used in any given scenario and unimaginable damage inflicted. You envy Pakistan because due to these nuclear weapons you're not able to apply Abu Ghraib style brute force such as in Iraq and Afghanistan. You wouldn't even spare Pakistan for a moment, but you're simply bound. You are having to negotiate instead of forcefully and unilaterally invade, occupy and destroy the whole country. That's the most convenient route that you would ideally like to undertake, but are not able due to the nuke factor. You envy Pakistan because they represent a thorn in your evil designs to divide and conquer this region. Pakistan is a strategically located country which grants access to CAS together with Afghanistan. Without having full leverage over Pakistan you're only halfway there. The nukes are the main factor which present a thorn in your nefarious plans.

Yes, you're overly obsessed. Your being on this forum and excessively participating in such topics is enough indication. Frankly, we don't care about your concerns. Take your concern somewhere else. Who is the rest of the world? The coalition of the willing consisting of Samoa Islands, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Solomon Islands etc.? LOL Honestly, we don't care about what the world thinks. This is the same world that left us high and dry after the Cold War. We helped the world win the Cold War. What did we get in return other than being left high and dry? We are the victims! The same world that embargoed Pakistan when it should have rebuild Afghanistan and the tribal regions. The world can choke on its hypocrisy as far as I'm concerned. The fighting that's happening on our side is due to your interference in neighbouring Afghanistan. You are creating rifts in this region. You are destabilizing the whole region. You created the menace of Taliban/AQ/Mujahideen etc. and left Pakistan and consequently the world to deal with the aftermath. Never forget that you're mainly responsible for this mess before handing out lectures. Where do you even gather the courage to act like you're the innocent mother Teresa? We are already dealing with fighting in OUR country which btw is being fuelled by you on the other side of the border. You just worry about taking care of Afghanistan which is 50% in control of the Taliban.

LOL Rightly deserved punishment? Killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people in a blink of an eye is what you conveniently label as deserved punishment? What are you now? The lawyer and the judge? Well, in that case we deserve the right to punish anyone who screws with us. We will annihilate them and their sponsors. An American life isn't worth any more than the life of an African, South American or Asian.

Another doodle Yank that thinks that the Taliban will overthrow a whole establishment and rule 170 million people with access to the nuke button. The answer can be found in your own rhetoric. Just don't believe in speculations.

No, it's not utter nonsense Yank. It's the hardcore truth and a bitter pill to swallow. The US can never confiscate all of the nuclear weapons. Let me explain. Who says that Pakistan will want to strike in the US? We don't need any parity with the US. In fact, we will never reach any parity and why would we want to do that in the first place? Are you really that naive? Pakistan has much better options at its disposal. Why should we send ICBMs across the oceans when targets are much much closer in reach. Someone has to bare the brunt, right? Perhaps someone nearest dearest? Don't take it personal.

Yank, have you ever heard of metaphorical speech? I don't think so. Artificial in the sense that it's surreal and based on sheer speculation. We simply don't know what the real outcome will be in case when the US tries to forcefully snatch the nukes. My argument holds weight because I have tried to explain that we have the numerical advantage. So what if you even manage to find one, two or a handful of nukes? That's not a big deal. You will still have to find dozens of other stockpiles which are spread all over the place. By that time it will be kaboom! Something you cannot afford Yank. Not even in your worst nightmare.

Don't you read? It was your friend S-2 that implied that the US could involve the Russians etc. LOL I just reminded him that the US doesn't have any credible or mutual relation with that country. :usflag:

Exactly! That's what allies do. They help each other out because they share mutual interests. That's not a surprise or anything shockingly out of the extraordinary. Aren't your relations with other countries around the world based on mutual interests? Why should the Pakistan China relation form an exception? We are proud that we cherish such a relation with a great and trustworthy nation like China. Also, something that bothers and agitates you very much quite clearly. The Chinese realize that the Americans are responsible for creating the Taliban. They are also aware that the Americans are in their backyard and up to some mischief which is aimed against diminishing China's regional ambitions. China isn't naive to trust the US. The Chinese will never leave Pakistan in the cold. You have no clue about China Pakistan relationship I'm afraid. Heck, the Chinese are involved in the production of new nuclear reactors that will be build in Pakistan. Our ally is helping us in this need of hour despite pressures applied by your country. We are expanding our nuke program with the help of our ally and you want us to believe that the same friend will turn their back on us? It's the biggest lie and distortion that Pakistani nukes can ever be taken over by the Taliban. Do you know how ridiculous you sound? You're insane and wishful to believe that.
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The reason this country is in the shitter is cause of these emotional bursts of outrage.. calm down, think logically as to what you say in your head, then say it and then write it..

Yup, there are some people of Pakistani origin in here that need to take a super-size dose of chill pills.

"Don't you read? It was your friend S-2 that implied that the US could involve the Russians etc. LOL I just reminded him that the US doesn't have any credible or mutual relation with that country."

As soon as the bad guys get hold of a nuclear weapon, Russia and USA will have a very credible mutual problem. Who do you think the targets of those inspired by the actions of the Mujahideen would be? You remember that the Mujahideen originally fought the Russians? Who knows what those crazy fools are thinking while they are sampling the drugs that fund them.

So what if the yanks think Pakistan will lose, PA is out there right now proving they won't.
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^^ Stop painting unrealistic doom scenario's which are surreal and never going to happen. It's not possible for cavemen to get access to sophisticated nuclear weapons that have the best possible command and control structure in place for their security. It's practically impossible for anyone to breach the security layers. It's misleading and totally inaccurate to sow such unnecessary confusion. Yes, I get annoyed when I read such deliberately sensational misleading crap. The Yanks have a habit of spreading such vile propaganda against our nuclear capability. They have not been able to digest that Pakistan is a nuclear power. I know exactly why they resort to such lows and I've in quite detail explained the reasons in my previous post. I have the right to counter such absurdity with vigour and facts.
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It's not a matter of having superior or inferior tech Yank. It's not as simplistic as you want us to believe Yank. You envy Pakistan for being the sole Islamic nuclear power that has the ability to pass on this tech whenever it suits their needs. Yes, that worries you to death. You also envy Pakistan because despite so-called inferior tech the weapons can be used in any given scenario and unimaginable damage inflicted. You envy Pakistan because due to these nuclear weapons you're not able to apply Abu Ghraib style brute force such as in Iraq and Afghanistan. You wouldn't even spare Pakistan for a moment, but you're simply bound. You are having to negotiate instead of forcefully and unilaterally invade, occupy and destroy the whole country. That's the most convenient route that you would ideally like to undertake, but are not able due to the nuke factor. You envy Pakistan because they represent a thorn in your evil designs to divide and conquer this region. Pakistan is a strategically located country which grants access to CAS together with Afghanistan. Without having full leverage over Pakistan you're only halfway there. The nukes are the main factor which present a thorn in your nefarious plans.
Envy? Give me a break. From a technology perspective, Pakistan's nuclear weapons have nothing for US to be envious, not only about the warhead design but also about delivery. The ones who are envious of Pakistan being a nuclear weapons state are the rest of the ME. Do we want your nuclear weapons? No, ours are far better. Do we want to be assured of their security? Yes, so does the rest of the world, including the Chinese. Forget the references about Abu Ghraib, that is nothing than a convenient strawman. Two muslim countries fell: Iraq and Afghanistan. And not one of their fellow muslim countries came to their aid. Why? Because neither were popular for various reasons. Nuclear weapons places Pakistan in the same category. If the UN Security Council cannot be assured of Pakistan's nuclear security, and if the UN has doubts about the defeat of the Taliban, the destruction of Pakistan's nuclear weapons stockpile will be welcomed, especially by the rest of the ME. We have no need to invade any country to militarily defeat it. That is your misconception and mistake. Desert Storm proved it. US divided the region? That is a good joke. The ME have never been united in the first place. The last time 'the region' came to an agreement and decided to gang up on the Jews, the combined Arab armies got slapped upside the heads. We can militarily take out any country in 'the region' and no one would bat an eye. The muslim countries are far more envious of each other than of being united for any cause.

Yes, you're overly obsessed. Your being on this forum and excessively participating in such topics is enough indication. Frankly, we don't care about your concerns. Take your concern somewhere else. Who is the rest of the world? The coalition of the willing consisting of Samoa Islands, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Solomon Islands etc.? LOL Honestly, we don't care about what the world thinks. This is the same world that left us high and dry after the Cold War. We helped the world win the Cold War. What did we get in return other than being left high and dry? We are the victims! The same world that embargoed Pakistan when it should have rebuild Afghanistan and the tribal regions. The world can choke on its hypocrisy as far as I'm concerned. The fighting that's happening on our side is due to your interference in neighbouring Afghanistan. You are creating rifts in this region. You are destabilizing the whole region. You created the menace of Taliban/AQ/Mujahideen etc. and left Pakistan and consequently the world to deal with the aftermath. Never forget that you're mainly responsible for this mess before handing out lectures. Where do you even gather the courage to act like you're the innocent mother Teresa? We are already dealing with fighting in OUR country which btw is being fuelled by you on the other side of the border. You just worry about taking care of Afghanistan which is 50% in control of the Taliban.
Another good joke...That Pakistan have nothing to do with the creation of the Afghan resistance that eventually came to be the Taliban.

LOL Rightly deserved punishment? Killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people in a blink of an eye is what you conveniently label as deserved punishment? What are you now? The lawyer and the judge? Well, in that case we deserve the right to punish anyone who screws with us. We will annihilate them and their sponsors. An American life isn't worth any more than the life of an African, South American or Asian.
Spare US all your crocodile tears for the Japanese. The atrocities committed by Imperial Japan are conveniently discarded whenever the A-bombs can be used as a rhetorical club against the US. Go read some real history books and learn some truths about WW II.

Another doodle Yank that thinks that the Taliban will overthrow a whole establishment and rule 170 million people with access to the nuke button. The answer can be found in your own rhetoric. Just don't believe in speculations.
Who has a war going on INSIDE the borders and whose capital city is threatened by within 100 miles? In Desert Storm, coalition forces came within 100 miles of Baghdad before the leash was pulled.

No, it's not utter nonsense Yank. It's the hardcore truth and a bitter pill to swallow. The US can never confiscate all of the nuclear weapons. Let me explain. Who says that Pakistan will want to strike in the US? We don't need any parity with the US. In fact, we will never reach any parity and why would we want to do that in the first place? Are you really that naive? Pakistan has much better options at its disposal. Why should we send ICBMs across the oceans when targets are much much closer in reach. Someone has to bare the brunt, right? Perhaps someone nearest dearest? Don't take it personal.
Is this a reference to Israel? That is funny. Your country is being torn apart and the Jews are threatened. But if you are talking US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and that Pakistan will lob a few nuclear warheads in that direction, you are even more foolish than thought. The US military response will be overwhelming and it will be on Pakistani soil.

Yank, have you ever heard of metaphorical speech? I don't think so. Artificial in the sense that it's surreal and based on sheer speculation. We simply don't know what the real outcome will be in case when the US tries to forcefully snatch the nukes. My argument holds weight because I have tried to explain that we have the numerical advantage. So what if you even manage to find one, two or a handful of nukes? That's not a big deal. You will still have to find dozens of other stockpiles which are spread all over the place. By that time it will be kaboom! Something you cannot afford Yank. Not even in your worst nightmare.
All plans are based upon speculations. Guess you have never served in uniform because the basis of Basic Training and all other forms of trainings is about speculations. Prudence require that the military leadership at least must speculate on the possibility that they may lose the war, that they may win, that they may be stalemated, and all things in between. Your folly is that you refuse to contemplate the very real possibility that Taliban forces may threaten any one of Pakistan's hidden nuclear weapons depot. They may know what they are going for, or they may not, either way, Pakistan has to response. The level of Pakistani military response to a location will be a certainty that the place holds more than just a few rifles and bombs. If the Pakistani military fail to win in that battle, the area will be obliterated by US air strikes. We do not need to target what is secured, just the ones that are not. Further...If the Taliban managed to hijack a few nuclear warheads, those warheads will certainly be mobile once in Taliban possession. Once on the move, the warheads can be detected by airborne sensor and will be destroyed. Is your stance that if the Taliban managed to take over a nuclear weapons depot, that is still preferable over US destruction of said depot? This is how misplaced is your anger over the US plans to take out unsecured Pakistani nuclear warheads.

Don't you read? It was your friend S-2 that implied that the US could involve the Russians etc. LOL I just reminded him that the US doesn't have any credible or mutual relation with that country. :usflag:
Do not care. I want to know why does the US require Russian assistance in any way. These are YOUR words...
Russia? LOLZ Russia would never help the US in taking out Pakistani nukes.
We never needed the Russians in overthrowing Saddam Hussein.

Exactly! That's what allies do. They help each other out because they share mutual interests. That's not a surprise or anything shockingly out of the extraordinary. Aren't your relations with other countries around the world based on mutual interests? Why should the Pakistan China relation form an exception? We are proud that we cherish such a relation with a great and trustworthy nation like China. Also, something that bothers and agitates you very much quite clearly. The Chinese realize that the Americans are responsible for creating the Taliban. They are also aware that the Americans are in their backyard and up to some mischief which is aimed against diminishing China's regional ambitions. China isn't naive to trust the US. The Chinese will never leave Pakistan in the cold. You have no clue about China Pakistan relationship I'm afraid. Heck, the Chinese are involved in the production of new nuclear reactors that will be build in Pakistan. Our ally is helping us in this need of hour despite pressures applied by your country. We are expanding our nuke program with the help of our ally and you want us to believe that the same friend will turn their back on us? It's the biggest lie and distortion that Pakistani nukes can ever be taken over by the Taliban. Do you know how ridiculous you sound? You're insane and wishful to believe that.
Another good joke. The Chinese are more interested in Taiwan and South Asia, those are the main points for regional supremacy. What can Pakistan do to help them there? Zilch. The Chinese are in Pakistan for the money. They know that American concerns for nuclear security will override their abandonment of Pakistan should the Taliban prevails, else there would be Chinese troops at least in the offer, if not alongside Pakistani troops. The Chinese know we will clean up their mess.
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Double speak or straight talk - you decide.

Pakistan’s N-weapons are safe: Obama

By Our Correspondent
Monday, 18 May, 2009 | 12:24 AM PST |

NEW YORK: US President Barack Obama has expressed confidence that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are safe and said that the Pakistani military is equipped to prevent extremists from taking over the nuclear arsenal.

In an interview with Newsweek published on Sunday, the president stressed that ‘Pakistan’s sovereignty has to be respected’ and said he felt strongly that Pakistani military was up to the task.

He was asked if he would be willing ‘to keep the option alive to have American troops secure those nuclear weapons if the country gets less stable’?

President Obama said there was ‘decided shift’ in Pakistan army’s recognition that ‘the threat from extremism is a much more immediate and serious one than the threat from India’.

‘We are trying to strengthen them as a partner, and one of the encouraging things is, over the last several weeks we’ve seen a decided shift in the Pakistan army,’ he said

DAWN.COM | World | Pakistan?s N-weapons are safe: Obama
"...it is next to impossible to do this."

It Over When the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor!"[/url]

Any day sky-soldiers will descend in the zillions, jets buzzing like hornets, and all...




We want em'. We're gonna' GET EM'!!:usflag:

It's all in the plans. Just ask Bluto,

"Nothing is over until WE decide it is":agree:

Try though you must, the EMPIRE SHALL STRIKE BACK-

Empire Strikes Back[/url]

Oh! And a shout-out to DEBKA. Great guys there with their heart in the right place.:lol:

i was expecting much more intelligent response from U
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Rowan Scarborough is the author of "Rumsfeld's War: The Untold Story of America's Anti-Terrorist Commander;" and "Sabotage: America's Enemies Within the CIA."

This guy is a writer and he makes up stuff as he goes it clearly shows he lives in fantasy land and creating a plot for his next book.

America's Anti-Terrorist Commander and his buddy came to power with 2 trillion dollars in surplus and left americans broke and 11 trillion dollars in debt.
These guys did more damage to America then osama or any other terrorist could dream of and this clown is calling him a unsong hero what more do U guys wanna no about this.
I think this thread had served its purpose long before the flame war started. We came, we laughed, we left. Then others came and turned it into a friggin smokin crater.

The people in the best possible position to stop our nukes from falling into the wrong hands are within Pakistan itself (if you believe our military is more than a band of boy scouts). Say, hypothetically, or in fact rediculously, that fails, then who would you rather have handling the weapons, the Taleban? How do you say "hell no" in Pashto?

Though it is highly unlikely that the Russians or the US will get their hands on our weapons. Before any such hollywood-style op occurs, we'll hand the Chinese the nukes ourselves. Then, the Martians will take over and harvest all humans for feeding.
I think this thread had served its purpose long before the flame war started. We came, we laughed, we left. Then others came and turned it into a friggin smokin crater.

......................Though it is highly unlikely that the Russians or the US will get their hands on our weapons. Before any such hollywood-style op occurs, we'll hand the Chinese the nukes ourselves. Then, the Martians will take over and harvest all humans for feeding.

At which point India and Pakistan will fight over the privilege of who gets to be on the main course, and who will be just a starter.
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This is not going to happen so keep it as a speculation. Any assumptions made in this argument are a waste of Brain cells.

There are lots of topics on this forum that are similarly waste of good intellectual capacities, yet we do discuss them, dont we?

A Few Hundred Taliban are no match for an army of over a million troops with a full Airforce, Armoured division, SSG Commandos Spec Ops, Paramilitary etc

Really? Then why are you employing such a massive amount of force in the region and even after over 5 weeks of ground assault are no where near to achieving supremacy? And you surely dont mean to employ the above mentioned forces, do you? That shall be actually a sight to behold:rofl:

This is a DUD topic brought up by the neo-conservative drama channel called Fox News, the Whole nation rejects the Taliban and for you to even Speculate that the nuclear assets will simply be taken over the Taliban shows that you absolutely have no idea about the ground realities or the current scenario.

That is why your prez says that finally the Pakistan Army has been purged of pro-Taliban officers as also ISI? Strange! Am I the only one who finds this as being a base for the above fears?

I am sure the US more than wants to take over Pakistan's nuclear capabilities other wise they wouldn't be constantly asking for the coordinates of its where abouts.

PA officer corps is mainly US trained and as such has large amount of interaction with the US. As such, US is secure for they know the officers they are dealing with (any strange coincidence all your top rankers are US trained at some time or the other?) and to a certain extent trust them. However, apprehensions are from the lower ranks/junior level officers, JCOs,NCOs and the common soldier and rightly so irrespective of what you may want to believe. As for their desire to take over your stocks/country they can do it tomorrow morning if they wish and you can do nothing about it save drop a warhead or two at afghanistan and india in a suicidal cynical way. So be realistic and enough of NREM sleep fantasy.

On top of that you ask as if you are not accountable to international law.

Oh Yeah? How many US officers/politicians have you seen being tried for war crimes?:rofl: do you have the guts to put them on trial for deaths in Iraq, Serbia etc????

Not only will you completely destabilize the entire region and jeopardize the lives of millions of people but your own National security will be threatened to proportions you probably can not even comprehend or understand.

Its understood much clearly than the Pakistani establishment is willing to even think about. That is why the steps now.

You envy Pakistan for being the sole Islamic nuclear power that has the ability to pass on this tech whenever it suits their needs.

Right. US envies Pakistan for that? US is NOT an Islamist nation so why should it envy? Envy is for something that other posseses, what do Pakistan posses? And as for proliferation, we have seen AQ Khans contirbution in that ..... all the more reason for world to be wary of Pakistan, which acts as an irresponsible power. Howsoever one may want to grant Pakistan a likelihood of being a responsible power, its post like these which do you in, showing your underlying beliefs.

You also envy Pakistan because despite so-called inferior tech the weapons can be used in any given scenario and unimaginable damage inflicted. You envy Pakistan because due to these nuclear weapons you're not able to apply Abu Ghraib style brute force such as in Iraq and Afghanistan. You wouldn't even spare Pakistan for a moment, but you're simply bound.

Is there even any strategic thought in your line of thinking? how will you beat US? Using nukes in own territory or in someone else's (but not in US)? Beats me totally. JUst rhetoric here with no military substance.

You are having to negotiate instead of forcefully and unilaterally invade, occupy and destroy the whole country.

They can destroy without even invading, and they wont even bat an eyelid. And it wont affect them ever. The approach they have adopted is the difference between a power and a wannabe power, the former tries diplomacy and peace till all options at it are exhausted and then makes a war, the latter, talks about war from 1st minute!!!!

That's the most convenient route that you would ideally like to undertake, but are not able due to the nuke factor. You envy Pakistan because they represent a thorn in your evil designs to divide and conquer this region. Pakistan is a strategically located country which grants access to CAS together with Afghanistan. Without having full leverage over Pakistan you're only halfway there. The nukes are the main factor which present a thorn in your nefarious plans.

They can easily go through India (which is going through Iran {Chahabar port et al}) so your significance - nil

This is the same world that left us high and dry after the Cold War. We helped the world win the Cold War. What did we get in return other than being left high and dry? We are the victims!

What did you do to help yourself?

Another doodle Yank that thinks that the Taliban will overthrow a whole establishment and rule 170 million people with access to the nuke button. The answer can be found in your own rhetoric. Just don't believe in speculations.

The sympathy they enjoy(ed) and may still both within and without PA ..... sure

something for you to take a reality check with

Army officers sympathetic to militants purged: Prez- Hindustan Times

tip of the great iceberg only so far buddy, wake up.

whew what a rhetoric ...... got bored of answering it:coffee:
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