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U.S.-- fake democracy, real hegemon

China does business with everyone, it's US crying cutting ties with evil communist country, not the other way around, China just like to be left alone.

So China does business with everyone according to its own ways. USA does the same, and according to its own ways. No problem. :D
Most part of his ascend was from democratcially elections, but point is, can a single country be a benchmark of anything, some of the world worst corrupted and oppressive countries got their leaders through elections.

Well the great thing is the people can then vote that person out...that's one of the main points of a Democracy...the people can remove their leaders.

Meanwhile other countries are stuck with theirs.
Well the great thing is the people can then vote that person out...that's one of the main points of a Democracy...the people can remove their leaders.

Meanwhile other countries are stuck with theirs.
Not always, and US just have two parties and they are bascially just like one, they make promises but never deliver. still , why do you think North Korea is the benchmark for communism? why not China?
Not always, and US just have two parties and they are bascially just like one, they make promises but never deliver.

I think our Government has a history of delivering alot better than yours. We have enjoyed a high standard of living a lot longer than yours.

why do you think North Korea is the benchmark for communism? why not China?

This is to show how a country can easily have a leader that the people can do nothing about.

In fact they fear him with the power he has.
I think our Government has a history of delivering alot better than yours. We have enjoyed a high standard of living a lot longer than yours.
Chinese government has only 70 years so far, in the first 70 years of US, slavery was still prevalent, it was not a very glorious time.

I think our Government has a history of delivering alot better than yours. We have enjoyed a high standard of living a lot longer than yours.

This is to show how a country can easily have a leader that the people can do nothing about.

In fact they fear him with the power he has.
The same thing happened to many elected dictators in the history, why you don't use them as benchmark for "democracy"?
Chinese government has only 70 years so far, in the first 70 years of US, slavery was still prevalent, it was not a very glorious time.

The same thing happened to many elected dictators in the history, why you don't use them as benchmark for "democracy"?

I can't think of one dictator who brought a country to a developed status. Maybe Singapore and South Korea would be the closest.
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I can't think of one dictator who brought a country to a developed status. Maybe Singapore and South Korea would be the closest.
See, you've already named two, and they are both east Asian countries. China also registered the fastest growth in the whole human history during the past a couple of decades, it further shows your democracy doesn't fit in every nation, all nations has their own unique approach for development.
See, you've already named two, and they are both east Asian countries. China also registered the fastest growth in the whole human history during the past a couple of decades, it further shows your democracy doesn't fit in every nation, all nations has their own unique approach for development.

I'm going to give you South Korea since they were late with Democracy which happened almost exactly when they hit developed status. So for them being a Democracy was relatively inconsequential.

For Singapore they were simply a mess when they received independence. However they started having elections pretty soon afterwards and hit developed status in the early 90's. So I can't put them in the same list as South Korea.
I'm going to give you South Korea since they were late with Democracy which happened almost exactly when they hit developed status. So for them being a Democracy was relatively inconsequential.

For Singapore they were simply a mess when they received independence. However they started having elections pretty soon afterwards and hit developed status in the early 90's. So I can't put them in the same list as South Korea.
Singapore, S.Kroea and Taiwan were all under actual dictatoship when they first embarked the economic take-off, without highly centralised power and planning, it would've happned in the first place. western democracy was born and grew in the west, closely linked and entangled with western culture and values, which would be a terrible misfit in other cultues sharing different values, how hard is it for you to understand this simple logic?
He wouldn't know because he is fed with propaganda bits and rebuttal points, not knowledge.
I guess you school didn't teach you that Hilter rose to prominance largely through elections from oblivion. where did you go to school by the way?

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