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U.S. eyes military equipment in Iraq for Pakistan

I think, we should make them clear that if they serious in war on terror then give us anything that we need to fight with terrorist. They should bother about Taliban not about Indians. We are fighting war on terror and giving sacrifices. Why they are always serious about Indian even when we are securing western border from Taliban. If they are, then without advanced weapons Pakistan army cannot fight with these Taliban bastards. We should have clear policy.

They are only giving us some traditional weapons not some
advanced weapons. India already has enough teeth to cater such capabilities. Here I will also ask that we should put fence on Afghan border and also them only from proposed entry points. If Afghan Government is serious is not serious about such measures, we should ask the US and NATO that we can’t give grantee about cross border violation from Pakistani side.
Then again I agree with you 1001%
But army and SSG should not be used. It gave a negative image we all ready seen that. How much army trying but its negative image is growing just because of operation?

I agree with you officer think mentally is needed but this can be done by testing them in real life test simulations not solving papers.
There should be another force made from stat. that recruitment procedure not revolve around education but on tuff physical and mental exercises.

Omar, i don't understand how have you done your analysis without knowing how COIN operations are done. No where in the world the COIN operations are performed by para-military forces, if you look at history & all the counter insurgency operations regular forces with special forces have always been used. Colombian COIN, Sri Lankan COIN, Indian COIN, American COIN in Iraq & Afghanistan, British COIN against IRA etc etc all are done by regular forces as para-military forces or police are not equipped nor have the resources & training to do.
Yes agree, initially the PA operation was not liked by people & PA itself, but when you see such brutal suicide bombings, when hostile nations start supporting these groups & when PA & other LEA see its comrades getting slaughtered & killed brutally & ordinary people started to see body parts of fellow civilian people, the tide changed. Now the person who does not supports PA, is equal to a traitor or is just like the TTP thugs.
I am sitting in my home & hearing the booms of artillery fire, with each boom my heart beat doubles & a wave of fear goes through the body, if i am feeling such, just imagine the people who have went through hell due to these murderers.

And do you think the army guys are enjoying this whole war ?? Do they want their bodies to be brought in coffins to their homes or in pieces ?? Do they want to get martyred by the hands of such people ?? they had joined the army to fight the real enemy. But this has now become a war for Pakistan, it has become our war.

And i think you have no Idea how army works nor how cadets are selected otherwise you won't be emphasizing on educational qualification. Just to clear it up, army selection is not done only based on the educational qualification of a person. ISSB tests are designed to see the mental capabilities of the future cadets, their team work spirit, problem solving capability, situational awareness, leadership qualities etc etc. I was a regular guy got less then 60% marks in FSC & got selected in ISSB, brother was even less bright then me in studies but got selected, so many other guys barely reaching the 50% or 55% required marks in FSC/FA get selected. So i don't know why you think that only the top scoring guys get selected, which is not the case. Plus army is not just about studies, it has practical applications too, the studies help in making a good leader out of the officer, as without knowledge he may not make good decisions & this knowledge about war comes through studies & dear army from the start to the end is all practical. An officer goes through different phases & matures with the time into becoming a good leader, who leads his troops in battle or any other situation required.

Would advise you to get a thorough knowledge of how the army works & what assignments an officer has to do through out his career.

Without knowing anything about the army mechanism & then guessing or commenting is wrong.
We need more and more F16's
We need Super Cobra's
We need hi-tech land forces weapons like NVG etc
We need Transport Aircraft and Transport helicopter like Chinook and C130

After 9 years WOT (OF AMERICA) we did huge amount of work for unitedstates so atleast USA give us such weapons. We have already achieved our goals in SWAT Operation even America/NATO failed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thats preety good that \pak would get arms for free

it sooths our nation

Bi da wway Us president and govt cant do the things which pak can and do too
like how we looted US dollors from US govt and no record where they are???

one thing must be clear before going deep in such deal that thses wepons should not be divided into local lashkars thay are really bad soldiers
the only equipment worth taking from the US surplus in Iraq are the Humvees!. a 1000 Humvees would be a good start!
Amazes me how after toeing the line for the WoT campaign and now fully engulfed in it, only 18 F-16's are going to come out of it at market value. PAF is running a hell of a lot of sorties to be left out like this. Dozens of excess F-16 with JDAM would have been ideal.
Amazes me how after toeing the line for the WoT campaign and now fully engulfed in it, only 18 F-16's are going to come out of it at market value. PAF is running a hell of a lot of sorties to be left out like this. Dozens of excess F-16 with JDAM would have been ideal.

we have received 14 F-16s and 14 more are on the way from EDA stocks along with the 18 Blk-52s.

Our indian friends are goind to get d------- over this. Pentagon is going to be lambasted by the indians and their lobbying congressmen.
we have received 14 F-16s and 14 more are on the way from EDA stocks along with the 18 Blk-52s.

I thought we just received 14 from EDA stockpile since 2005 but I guess I overlooked the 4 received in 2008 are part of a larger incoming batch of 14...28 F-16 A/B in total from EDA correct?

Here let me answer my own question, I found something worth sharing as it refreshed my memory on how kick arse the PAF will look like in 2 years.

As of late 2008 Pakistan operated forty-six F-16A/B aircraft. Thirty-two of these aircraft remain from the original forty aircraft that Pakistan bought in the 1980s. Since 2005, the USAF had transferred fourteen Excess Defense Article (EDA) F-16A/B aircraft to Pakistan. The United States Air Force (USAF) successfully delivered four excess defense article (EDA) F-16B aircraft to the Pakistan Air Force at Mushaf Air Base in Pakistan on June 28, 2008. Five USAF pilots ferried the aircraft from Hill Air Force Base. The four EDA aircraft are part of a larger package of 14 aircraft. With this delivery, the USAF had transferred eight aircraft to Pakistan. Another four EDA F-16 aircraft arrived in Pakistan on 28 July 2008. The final two aircraft are part of the Pakistan Mid-Life Update program and would arrive in Pakistan in December 2011.

The Pakistan F-16 program is composed of three Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs).

The first LOA providing for the production of eighteen F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft is underway:
four aircraft to be ready in June 2010; four aircraft in August 2010; five aircraft in October 2010; four aircraft in Dec 2010; and, one aircraft in December 2011.

The second LOA provides for munitions and includes
: five hundred AIM-120C-5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); seven hundred and fifty Mark-84 2000 lb General Purpose bombs; seven hundred BLU-109 2000 lb Penetrator bombs; five hundred Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) tail kits; sixteen hundred Enhanced Guided Bomb Unit (EGBU) kits; and assorted bomb fuzes and support equipment. These weapons will be available for delivery to Pakistan beginning in June 2010.

The third LOA provides for the Mid-Life Update (MLU) of their current fleet of forty-six aircraft. The Pakistan MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide the Pakistan Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring.

The Mid-Life Update will enable the Pakistan Air Force to use an advanced targeting pod that provides the ability to generate ground position data that can then be used to direct guided munitions to a target. In addition, the Mid-Life Update comes with an advanced communications system that enables real time communication with ground forces – a critical capability for Close Air Support missions. Combined, these systems provide Pakistan’s Air Force with the technological capability to conduct precision close air strikes.

F-16s provide a critical counterterrorism capability to Pakistan and the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has made extensive use of its aging F-16 fleet to support Pakistan Army operations in the Swat Valley and in the Bajaur Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). According to information furnished to us by the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, the PAF flew 93 sorties in August 2008 in operations against the Taliban. However, their current model F-16 can be used for close air support missions only in daylight and good visibility.

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Our indian friends are goind to get d------- over this. Pentagon is going to be lambasted by the indians and their lobbying congressmen.


Indeed there is a chance larger hardware will be left out but Pakistan has made clear to the US many times that attack choppers will be needed for a major effort in Waziristan and I think the US will designate some to us. I doubt it will be anything more than the usual Cobras we are used to.
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I guess it will include Humvee, IFVs, maybe Choppers, NVGs, etc. It wont include a big F-16 or anything like that. But even if they transfer M-16 rifles to us the india will do a lot of propaganda to stop those transfer. So before we get these equipment we'll have to sign lots of documents that will stat this equipment will not be used against India.

Indeed there is a chance larger hardware will be left out but Pakistan has made clear to the US many times that attack choppers will be needed for a major effort in Waziristan and I think the US will designate some to us. I doubt it will be anything more than the usual Cobras we are used to.

I would not expect things such as aircraft, expect mostly vehicles. there are cobras though that will be coming available. As the marines upgrade to the AH-1Z.
Any hardware which is useless in Afghan terrain will be hand over to Pakistan. As far as Cobra, it been deployed start of war, but later all been replaced by Apaches. So, it might be Stryker, Bradleys and transport trucks...
As far as Humvee, Don't think US will provide Humvee, a very useful truck and US army already has shortage of this vehicle. Rest of equipment has basically no application in US army daily operations.Because Humvee use as quick deployment of small number of soldiers. Any other vehicle can't play this role.



Might be this too..lol
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Pakistan is not looking for heavy equipment, Cobras is an exception, rest it needs small equipment most told in my earlier post. The fight will happen in a hilly terrain, not desert like Iraq, hilly terrain needs lightly equipped soldiers, having sufficient fire power land to land & air to land. Surveillance, communication interception & specially Night Fighting capability are very important. Plus infantry soldier fire power to be increased with bullet proof vests, light caliber rifles, hand grenades, grenade launchers are a must, RPGs, sniper rifles, AMRs, individual communication equipment to as many possible, up to date surveillance data & intel of the area of operations.

If PA gets sufficient NVGs, it will help to a great extent as with night operations taliban will get one hell of a beating.

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