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U.S. deploys THAAD missile defense system to Israel

You are talking no less than a WW3..a bit far-fetched..
I believe this THAAD deployment in Usrael is to counter the S-400 move by Turkey..it is more symbolic than anything else..
Now you reached Turkey.
You will also accept the rest of things I said, but I think, with some delay.
Now you reached Turkey.
You will also accept the rest of things I said, but I think, with some delay.
You are talking about war, I am not, just a tit for tat between the US and Turkey, you get the S-400 and maybe the S-500, we put THAAD right beside them..:lol:
The rest is not feasible.. India attacks Pakistan, a major war ignites, China will get involved..Usrael try to expand!? It will be happy if it can even hold to what it is occupying right now..:lol:
You are talking no less than a WW3..a bit far-fetched..
I believe this THAAD deployment in Usrael is to counter the S-400 move by Turkey..it is more symbolic than anything else..

Huh? This has nothing to do with Turkey.
Huh? This has nothing to do with Turkey.
There is no other reason.. it is subjective..while objectively speaking Usrael has all it needs AD wise to protect from and counter Iranian missile threats.. so that is the only logical explanation for now..
You are talking about war, I am not, just a tit for tat between the US and Turkey, you get the S-400 and maybe the S-500, we put THAAD right beside them..:lol:
The rest is not feasible.. India attacks Pakistan, a major war ignites, China will get involved..Usrael try to expand!? It will be happy if it can even hold to what it is occupying right now..:lol:
Israel is west's franchise in ME.
Israel was made by westerners, it is maintained by Westerners, and it will be expended by the same forces.
I think the second wave of immigrants to Israel is about to hit, and that is possible in near future. I can't predict the exact time of second wave of immigrants to Israel, as in case of attack on Pakistan or on Turkey, but when they will reach Israel, then will look at sea of Galilei and will say : once there was water in it. So may be in 5 to 6 years from now on. But Allah knows better.
There is no other reason.. it is subjective..while objectively speaking Usrael has all it needs AD wise to protect from and counter Iranian missile threats.. so that is the only logical explanation for now..

That makes zero sense. But OK.
That makes zero sense. But OK.
You are OK with zero sense of too proud to recognise it makes total sense..?
Otherwise just match the reason on your own..what would that be according to you then?
You are OK with zero sense of too proud to recognise it makes total sense..?
Otherwise just match the reason on your own..what would that be according to you then?

A long-planned drill to test the inter-operability of the Israeli systems with US systems, as proof-of-concept for quick-deployment in the event of heightened tensions with Iran.
A long-planned drill to test the inter-operability of the Israeli systems with US systems, as proof-of-concept for quick-deployment in the event of heightened tensions with Iran.
That is diplomatic talk..:lol: It is always hiding something else..
And why would Usrael need THAAD while it has many similar systems..and a layered AD against bMs..?
I thought they use thaad to intercept missiles outside atmosphere .but our missiles of choice are quasi ballistic missiles. They fly low .
I thought they use thaad to intercept missiles outside atmosphere .but our missiles of choice are quasi ballistic missiles. They fly low .

i think khoramshaher missile with its hypersonic warhead changed everything they had calculated before.


This is how murica show their love and support to the Muslims. By giving israel more weapons that can harm and kill Muslims.
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