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U.S. Can Bring to Bear Significant Tactical Airpower in Event of Korean Hostilities

How would they bring this exceptional power against NK?? Their aircraft carier went the wrong way due to miscommunication by white house it seems

Seol is on its own at the moment ... battle group is in australia

LOL! I wasn't laughing at you, just FYI. Your comment about the aircraft carrier going the wrong way is brilliant! :D Emblematic of the mumbalumbgum lubgush that this administration is looking like, with all the in-fighting and family personnel given security clearances (Ivanca?! lmao.) Kushner vs Bannon, Nunez debacle and a press secretary who said "not even the despicable Hitler stooped to the level of using chemical weapons" and so much more that it would make sense the aircraft carrier went the wrong way hahaha. More like a calculated deception by Trump and company to instigate a reaction from an individual who is perceived as reckless and could take the bait. After all, he took McCain's comment about being a "fat kid" as "almost a declaration of war" looool. What the heck is wrong with these people, my goodness. Gimme one of these jobs so I can make the money they make and I guarantee my craziness is much more on the normal crazy level! lol.

ARLINGTON, Va. — The increased tension in northwest Asia associated with recent North Korean threats and U.S. counter moves is drawing attention to the U.S. forces stationed in the region and which ones might be brought to bear in event of a conflict. Most of the U.S. combat air power in Asia is within easy reach of the Korean peninsula.

The carrier USS Carl Vinson and its strike group have been moved to the region, with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) Two embarked, according to press reports. The air wing includes four squadrons of F/A-18/E/F strike fighters — usually equipped with a total of 44 aircraft — and a squadron of five EA-18G electronic attack aircraft, plus squadrons of E-2C radar warning aircraft and MH-60R and MH-60S helicopters.

CVW-5, similarly equipped, which embarks onboard USS Ronald Reagan, is ashore in two bases in Japan while the carrier is in maintenance availability, according to a source who declined to be named. CVW-5’s strike fighter squadrons all are equipped with Super Hornets, and its E-2 squadron is equipped with the new D model. Presumably, CVW-5’s aircraft could stage combat missions from shore bases in the area.

Independently deployed to Naval Air Facility Misawa, Japan, is an expeditionary electronic attack squadron with five EA-18Gs.

Marine Aircraft Group 11 at Marine Corps Iwakuni, Japan, is equipped with the Marine Corps’ first operational squadron of F-35B strike fighters, with 10 on strength. Also on strength are two F/A-18 Hornet fighter- attack squadrons, one with F/A-18Cs and one with F/A-18Ds. At Kadena Air Base in Okinawa is a detachment of AV-8Bs that deploy on the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard.

Pacific Air Forces has four fighter wings in the region: one with F-15Cs in Kadena, Japan; two with F-16Cs in South Korea — one of which also has some A-10s assigned — and one with electronic attack F-16Cs at Misawa. A wing of f-22s is available in Alaska, plus a Hawaii Air National Guard F-22A unit in Hawaii.

The Air Force also rotates detachments of B-52 bombers to Guam. KC-135 tankers and E-3 radar warning aircraft also are deployed to Kadena.

The U.S. Navy also has considerable strike power available in the form of Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles on cruisers and destroyers in the carrier strike groups (one cruiser and two destroyers) or as part of the surface force based in Japan, including two cruisers and eight destroyers. Possibly deployed in the region is an Ohio-class guided-missile submarine, armed with Tomahawks.


Not that we advocate any war and people getting killed, but wouldn't it be really nice to see the F-35B in action? Maybe some of the myths can be proven or dispelled one way or the other. Too bad it wouldn't have a worthy adversary for an accurate judgement. MiG-29's and a few MiG-21's aren't going to cut it. Unless China moves in a slew of it's J-10's, J-11's maybe a few Su-30MKK's and its KJ-2000's or better yet, throw in a couple of their J-20's in the mix! :-) Too bad nothing is out there to really counter the threat of that supposed tiger in the F-35 and particularly the one that caused the most aggravation to the program in the B model. Would be nice to see it's surviveability, considering its complex VTOL/STOVL system not even mentioning all the super software and fusion capabilities. Interoperability with existing and successful aircraft such as the mentioned EA-18 Growlers and their ECM & Jamming capabilities. It's alleged, fragile maintenance burden level during wartime missions and sorties would be good to judge. The only real adversary would be Russia and China and even they aren't fully enrolled in the 5th generation game, let alone willing to get involved on such a level. What's the F-22 going to hunt lol?

If anything happens it will be almost strictly heavy interdiction and ground attack missions. The AV-8B is almost useless with all the other aircraft available, unless there is some plan to launch a beach-head operation with Marines and CAS is needed. I doubt there will be anything like that. Otherwise, those stay on the decks and let the conventional, supersonic and much more lethal platform do the heavy lifting. SEAD missions and certainly NK's AD would be interesting to see in action.
N.Korea will not be able to counter US Air power, their only punch lies in nuclear counter attack, this will decimate S. Korea and possibly Japan. US counter nuclear strike will finish N. Korea. Entire region will be poisoned by radiation for thousands of years.
RoK is most likely but Japan is safe
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