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U.S. Aims to Turn Taiwan Into Giant Weapons Depot

Taiwan is 1/20 the size of Ukraine, which makes target surveillance much easier. It's also surrounded by water which means any military aid must be shipped in through its ports. The entirety of Taiwan is within range of China's long range rocket artillery system, supported by an array of sensors (satellites, UAVs) to provide near real time targeting data. China doesn't even need to utilize its missiles. I'd be surprised if Taiwan has any functional ships, planes or C3I structure left after a week. If you think Taiwan's going anywhere, I got a bridge to sell you.
Yes invading and conquering Taiwan is soooo easy..no wonder China has not invaded Taiwan even after 73 years of CCP rule and have no intention of doing so anytime soon, its just because it's too easy to do so.. lmao Lol 😆🤣

Anyway, I think both countries should just maintain the status quo, i.e a quasi independent and self ruled Taiwan and an independent mainland China the way it has been for decades now. Only difference is that on paper officially many countries dont recognise Taiwan as an independent country on paper but they basically do so in practice. Lol Taiwan does everything a sovereign independent country does. They have their own parliament, elected president, ministers, armed forces, news channels , diplomatic services etc etc.in short they are a country and have been so for a while, just that for political reasons with US/China thaw of relations pre cold war era US and allies switched diplomatic recognition from KMT Taiwan to CCP China mainland to pull China as an ally against the Soviet Union.
However , practically the US/West maintained the same diplomatic, political and military relations/ties with Taiwan. So the status quo suits both sides. XI JINPING China can keep pretending Taiwan is part of China(though they have zero authority and influence over Taiwan) and Taiwan can keep carrying itself and acting like an independent country in practice. Win-Win situation 😁😆
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Yes invading and conquering Taiwan is soooo easy..no wonder China has not invaded Taiwan even after 73 years of CCP rule and have no intention of doing so anytime soon, its just because it's too easy to do so.. lmao Lol 😆🤣

Anyway, I think both countries should just maintain the status quo, i.e a quasi independent and self ruled Taiwan and an independent mainland China the way it has been for decades now. Only difference is that on paper officially many countries dont recognise Taiwan as an independent country on paper but they basically do so in practice. Lol Taiwan does everything a sovereign independent country does. They have their own parliament, elected president, ministers, armed forces, news channels , diplomatic services etc etc.in short they are a country and have been so for a while, just that for political reasons with US/China thaw of relations pre cold war era US and allies switched diplomatic recognition from KMT Taiwan to CCP China mainland to pull China as an ally against the Soviet Union.
However , practically the US/West maintained the same diplomatic, political and military relations/ties with Taiwan. So the status quo suits both sides. XI JINPING China can keep pretending Taiwan is part of China(though they have zero authority and influence over Taiwan) and Taiwan can keep carrying itself and acting like an independent country in practice. Win-Win situation 😁😆
hey,blablabla... how 's the gas price for this coming winter?

remember northern Ireland and scotland?


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Taiwan is 1/20 the size of Ukraine, which makes target surveillance much easier. It's also surrounded by water which means any military aid must be shipped in through its ports. The entirety of Taiwan is within range of China's long range rocket artillery system, supported by an array of sensors (satellites, UAVs) to provide near real time targeting data. China doesn't even need to utilize its missiles. I'd be surprised if Taiwan has any functional ships, planes or C3I structure left after a week. If you think Taiwan's going anywhere, I got a bridge to sell you.
This IS, not could be, the Chinese version of how 'easy' it would be to conquer Ukraine.
Taiwan is 1/20 the size of Ukraine, which makes target surveillance much easier. It's also surrounded by water which means any military aid must be shipped in through its ports. The entirety of Taiwan is within range of China's long range rocket artillery system, supported by an array of sensors (satellites, UAVs) to provide near real time targeting data. China doesn't even need to utilize its missiles. I'd be surprised if Taiwan has any functional ships, planes or C3I structure left after a week. If you think Taiwan's going anywhere, I got a bridge to sell you.
All I can say is Taiwan would be glad if you are the grand marshal of PLA Armed Force, and I would have been worry if I was one of the Chinese troop.

You basically have the opposite view of how modern battlefield and warfare works.... Russia did the same thing and now they are paying for it.

I mean if you think it would be this easy to roll over Taiwan, then I have got a bridge to sell you.
Lol Taiwan does everything a sovereign independent country does. They have their own parliament, elected president, ministers, armed forces, news channels , diplomatic services etc etc.in short they are a country and have been so for a while

I've always said that Taiwan actually has more sovereignty than most European countries lol. At least Taiwan can print their own currency and decide how to tax and spend their money without interference from Brussels.
This IS, not could be, the Chinese version of how 'easy' it would be to conquer Ukraine.
Taiwan is nothing like Ukraine. It's a civil war, and realistically only the risk of open warfare against US kept reunification from happening in the past 70 year.
All I can say is Taiwan would be glad if you are the grand marshal of PLA Armed Force, and I would have been worry if I was one of the Chinese troop.

You basically have the opposite view of how modern battlefield and warfare works.... Russia did the same thing and now they are paying for it.

I mean if you think it would be this easy to roll over Taiwan, then I have got a bridge to sell you.
Do you know how Ukraine managed to turn things around when it was badly losing in May? HIMARS, with NATO providing target intelligence. Russia supply depots were systematically targeted, which devasted Russian logistics. As a result, their artillery units could no longer provide the high volume of fire needed to support their advances. Except in this case, China would be the one whacking Taiwan with superior precision long range artillery and battlefield intelligence.

Unless Americunts decide to directly intervene, Taiwan is a done deal. The day China can defeat US in open air and naval battles in Western Pacific is the day unification begins. I'm thinking 2035.
Taiwan is nothing like Ukraine. It's a civil war, and realistically only the risk of open warfare against US kept reunification from happening in the past 70 year.

Do you know how Ukraine managed to turn things around when it was badly losing in May? HIMARS, with NATO providing target intelligence. Russia supply depots were systematically targeted, which devasted Russian logistics. As a result, their artillery units could no longer provide the high volume of fire needed to support their advances. Except in this case, China would be the one whacking Taiwan with superior precision long range artillery and battlefield intelligence.

Unless Americunts decide to directly intervene, Taiwan is a done deal. The day China can defeat US in open air and naval battles in Western Pacific is the day unification begins. I'm thinking 2035.
First of all, Ukraine did NOT turn things around in May, it was a failure from Russia from day 1. They did not have any significant gain since they took Kherson back on 3rd March, Mariupol should fall within days and the very fact that they are able to hold out for 83 days is the very reason why Russia systematic failed in Ukraine. Because since Probably Day 13 when they reach the outskirt of Kyiv (Irpin, Bucha and from the other side on Brovary) because that is the high-water mark of Russian gain, since then Russia has been losing ground constantly. Yes, they have successful battlefield gain, but they are small and tactical (or otherwise local) and it was dwarfed by the Ukrainian gain over the period.

HIMARS played a role, but like TB-2, it is NOT a decisive role. Bear in mind Ukrainian gain were mostly come from maneuver warfare, not siege warfare, artillery support does not give them the edge, it's battlefield mobility, command and control are the key for Ukrainian success, it mean it won't matter for in Kharkiv if they have no HIMARS, and the fact is HIMARS, and other artillery piece were not heavily used in the North.

On the other hand, same cannot applies to Taiwan, because there is one thing you know what to hit, another thing is would you be able to hit them. Just like ground bombardment from the start of the Ukraine war, you would most likely able to take out part of Taiwanese defence, but any good army would have duplicate C4I structure, either airborne or underground or both, those you can't hit, which mean if you are betting on a complete artillery/missile strike will paralyse Taiwanese defence, you simply won't. On the other hand, unlike in Ukraine, where you have a land border, you now have a sea between Taiwan and China, where one side of Taiwan facing an open ocean, it's next to impossible to blockade Taiwan unless you want to do what Russia do by parking their ship outside Taiwanese harbor. And if Ukraine which have next to zero Anti-Ship capability can sink 7 Russian ship, now imagine what Taiwanese can do with proper anti-ship and anti-air technology.

And the sea would act as a very nature blocking position, because you can only allow some of your troop to land, and it make sure your logistic challenge is maximum because you do not have sure fire way to carry supplies and maintain the log train except for using ship, ship can bring in a lot of supplies in one go, but the down side is you need a port to support that on both side, then come the question, would you take down Taiwanese port and its defences? Because if you do, you will not be able to supply your troop using said port, which hamper your pace of operation, if you don't you will be facing a stiff defence trying to take the port. I am pretty sure the 3rd option, which is Taiwan are willing to surrender the port to you is almost out of the equation.

And then you talk about Battlespace intelligence, first of all, it's naive to think the American will not supply any to Taiwan even if US choose not to engage like they did with Ukraine. US intelligence are probably the most comprehensive in the world, which mean they can be relaying intelligence to Taiwanese first time on almost the entire Chinese coast as things happen, and seeing there is a sea border between the two, there are lag time what you can do in China toward Taiwan, simply because whatever you do will need to transit the Taiwan strait, which give Taiwanese advance warning to prepare for such a move. And you can't touch those US intelligence unless you want a war with the US.

If you combine all these factors, and if you know anything about military operation, you will know this is not a cake walk. Just calling name and cussing "Americunt" will not change the fact that even America is not involved, a smart enemy will make this a tough fight.

Again, I don't expect you to understand what I said, because you weren't a trained soldier nor have you planned any operation before, all you have is what you think when everything goes your way, when you are a military planner, you can't see things all rainbow and rosy. But then seeing what you wrote, you probably do not understand this concept. And I ain't even try to go into technical term.
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Taiwan is nothing like Ukraine.
This is an empty statement. What does it mean? Does Taiwan have to be exactly or just similar to Ukraine to fight for their survival? You do not know that. I do not know that. No one, not even the Parade Line Army (PLA) leadership know that. The only way China would know is to actually fight. But of course, YOU would not know because you would not fight.

US is doing it, question should be what China is doing about it ? cause with every passing year and every other weapon system Taiwan gets, that means more dead Chinese soldiers in case of the invasion. I think sooner or later China will give up the claim on Taiwan.
hey,blablabla... how 's the gas price for this coming winter?

remember northern Ireland and scotland?
What has what I mentioned got to do with gas prices? Lool seems you don't have any counter argument to make against the point I raided 😁 so now trying to unify your country is the same as a country trying to manage gas supplies/prices? 🤦🏽
US is doing it, question should be what China is doing about it ? cause with every passing year and every other weapon system Taiwan gets, that means more dead Chinese soldiers in case of the invasion. I think sooner or later China will give up the claim on Taiwan.
It all the same for them (Mainland China). Because whatever Taiwan has more modern weapons or not, it is the US that China must face.
Yes invading and conquering Taiwan is soooo easy..no wonder China has not invaded Taiwan even after 73 years of CCP rule and have no intention of doing so anytime soon, its just because it's too easy to do so.. lmao Lol 😆🤣

Anyway, I think both countries should just maintain the status quo, i.e a quasi independent and self ruled Taiwan and an independent mainland China the way it has been for decades now. Only difference is that on paper officially many countries dont recognise Taiwan as an independent country on paper but they basically do so in practice. Lol Taiwan does everything a sovereign independent country does. They have their own parliament, elected president, ministers, armed forces, news channels , diplomatic services etc etc.in short they are a country and have been so for a while, just that for political reasons with US/China thaw of relations pre cold war era US and allies switched diplomatic recognition from KMT Taiwan to CCP China mainland to pull China as an ally against the Soviet Union.
However , practically the US/West maintained the same diplomatic, political and military relations/ties with Taiwan. So the status quo suits both sides. XI JINPING China can keep pretending Taiwan is part of China(though they have zero authority and influence over Taiwan) and Taiwan can keep carrying itself and acting like an independent country in practice. Win-Win situation 😁😆
We don't invade becos US and UK recognized PRC as China while they never recognize Taiwan nor approve them of a seat in UN. So why would we need to do the job with even u standing on PRC side?

If UK is so strong, what make u stopping from recognize Taiwan as country and support them a seat in UN?
We don't invade becos US and UK recognized PRC as China while they never recognize Taiwan nor approve them of a seat in UN. So why would we need to do the job with even u standing on PRC side?

If UK is so strong, what make u stopping from recognize Taiwan as country and support them a seat in UN?
Lol yeah , here we go again with some silly excuses. Come on dude, even a fool can see that the excuse you gave is so silly.
I will have to admit that as much as I dislike Russia's expansionist policies on a moral level(not geopolitical one),I have to give it to them and respect them in some way. They don't really mess around when it comes to their sphere of influence and what they consider theirs. They all took by force/war or coercion ma y territories in the past/present and I'm sure in future as well(like we see in East Ukraine) despite the consequences for their economy/industries etc. Just like they did with Crimea and Part of Georgia before that etc.. even though we in the West and UN(basically the world) don't recognise those territories as Russian, they still took them ny far and annexed them into their territory. So it's basically a done deal to be honest..they know that with time one day I future(might be decades or centuries ) the world will have no choice than to recognised facts on the ground..

So this silly excuse of CCP giving up on invading Taiwan because U.S/U.K don't recognise Taiwan as a country officially is one of the biggest joke of the century. I don't even believe you yourself believe what you just wrote. Probably just trying to make CCP look less bad/less embarrassed. Lol
Don't get me wrong though, I think we should remain with the status quo and I support the current status quo..we carry on with our relations(diplomatic, military, and economic) with Taiwan as a quasi independent country, and you continue to pretend its part of China. Win-Win for both sides. Let the status quo continue forever, since as far as we don't officially on paper let Tawain as an independent country then its all good. 😁 win -Win situation indeed. Lol
Lol yeah , here we go again with some silly excuses. Come on dude, even a fool can see that the excuse you gave is so silly.
I will have to admit that as much as I dislike Russia's expansionist policies on a moral level(not geopolitical one),I have to give it to them and respect them in some way. They don't really mess around when it comes to their sphere of influence and what they consider theirs. They all took by force/war or coercion ma y territories in the past/present and I'm sure in future as well(like we see in East Ukraine) despite the consequences for their economy/industries etc. Just like they did with Crimea and Part of Georgia before that etc.. even though we in the West and UN(basically the world) don't recognise those territories as Russian, they still took them ny far and annexed them into their territory. So it's basically a done deal to be honest..they know that with time one day I future(might be decades or centuries ) the world will have no choice than to recognised facts on the ground..

So this silly excuse of CCP giving up on invading Taiwan because U.S/U.K don't recognise Taiwan as a country officially is one of the biggest joke of the century. I don't even believe you yourself believe what you just wrote. Probably just trying to make CCP look less bad/less embarrassed. Lol
Don't get me wrong though, I think we should remain with the status quo and I support the current status quo..we carry on with our relations(diplomatic, military, and economic) with Taiwan as a quasi independent country, and you continue to pretend its part of China. Win-Win for both sides. Let the status quo continue forever, since as far as we don't officially on paper let Tawain as an independent country then its all good. 😁 win -Win situation indeed. Lol
Instead of rebuke my point, all u can do is avoid the point why UK and US are afraid of crossing the redline of recognised Taiwan as country. Who is silly? More like you.

China always seek peaceful reunification. Did China ever stated using force is the first choice to International committee?

What benefit will bring to China to reclaim back a broken Taiwan? As long as Taiwan is not able to achieve the recognition of their independent by major parties, time is always on the side of China with yearly economic growth and out military strength. More like u are avoid admit UK and US are not able to beat China on their home turf.
WASHINGTON — American officials are intensifying efforts to build a giant stockpile of weapons in Taiwan after studying recent naval and air force exercises by the Chinese military around the island, according to current and former officials.

The exercises showed that China would probably blockade the island as a prelude to any attempted invasion, and Taiwan would have to hold out on its own until the United States or other nations intervened, if they decided to do that, the current and former officials say.

Great news. India too should supply MRSAM and Brahmos like missile to Taiwan to fight the uncivilized forces.
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