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U.N. voices alarm about Myanmar after military threats, coup fears


Jul 25, 2013
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U.N. voices alarm about Myanmar after military threats, coup fears

By Shoon Naing, Poppy McPherson
4 Min Read


YANGON (Reuters) - The United Nations and Western governments voiced alarm on Friday over threats by Myanmar’s military that have stirred fears of a coup in the aftermath of an election the army says was fraudulent.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was following with “great concern” developments in Myanmar, where the army has said it would take action if complaints about the election are not addressed. An army spokesman on Tuesday declined to rule out the possibility of seizing power.

Australia, Britain, Canada, the European Union and United States, and 12 other nations, in a separate statement urged the military to “adhere to democratic norms”.

They said they opposed “any attempt to alter the outcome of the elections or impede Myanmar’s democratic transition”.

A military spokesman did not answer phone calls seeking comment.

Talks between the civilian government and army failed to ease tensions ahead of parliament’s opening on Monday, a ruling party spokesman said as pro-military protesters gathered in two cities.


Unpost gravitas that hoe is absolutely vile creature and I don't mean the Myanmar leader but the reporter she is proven to be nothing more then a parrot. She is the most unreliable news out there and she is as unrelieable as it can get. I won't even take news from Gravitas if they told me there is an asteroid to crush on earth and if it even was true I would never accept anything from them.

The original news came from Western sources and I would rather take it from them then a parrot wannabe cringe. She is one hell'va cringeworthy reporter
Unpost gravitas that hoe is absolutely vile creature and I don't mean the Myanmar leader but the reporter she is proven to be nothing more then a parrot. She is the most unreliable news out there and she is as unrelieable as it can get. I won't even take news from Gravitas if they told me there is an asteroid to crush on earth and if it even was true I would never accept anything from them.

The original news came from Western sources and I would rather take it from them then a parrot wannabe cringe. She is one hell'va cringeworthy reporter

The news is the same every where, there is one from CNA (Singapore)

Just so it's clear the media is blowing it out of proportion.
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