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U.N. official’s claim that 13% of Japanese girls engage in ‘compensated dating’ angers government

from a objective point of view, the uno is trying to impose a modern fake-feminist male-homosexual-accepting western-establishment moralistic agenda on japan which has a different culture.

the uno should also do a report on britain's bestiality-doing, drugs-taking and genociding prime minister ( David Cameron Accused of Sex Act With a Dead Pig - The Daily Beast ) or on the number of drag queens in usa army ( Alaska's Joint Army-Air Force Base Promotes, Sponsors First Drag Queen Event for Families, Children | Restoring Liberty )... how is this all this unnatural and criminal act acceptable to uno but that component of japanese culture not acceptable??
Hey if someone wants to pay me to go on a date, why not! I promise I'll be a good date. Pinky swear!
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