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U.N. accuses Israel of...not sharing Iron Dome tech with Hamas

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Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
The U.N. group listed among its reasons for making that claim that Israel outright refused to share its Iron Dome with the “governing authority” of Gaza — which is Hamas, Breitbart reported. Ms. Pillay also condemned the United States for helping to fund the Iron Dome for Israel, but not granting any such accommodations to those in Gaza.

“No such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling,” she said, Breitbart reported.

U.N. condemns Israel, U.S. for not sharing Iron Dome with Hamas - Washington Times

You can't make this stuff up ...those people in the U.N. are brain dead :rofl:
And why will somebody share it's defence system with enemy
This came from Brietbart which is a conspiratorial hate site. Reported for troll threaad.
Yup UN has lost it.Letting its facilities be used to store military equipment was proof enough of it.
This came from Brietbart which is a conspiratorial hate site. Reported for troll threaad.

It's a "Washington Times " link.Stop foaming around and troll people just because they don't agree with you.You're an annoying individual.
It's a "Washington Times " link.Stop foaming around and troll people just because they don't agree with you.You're an annoying individual.

You iteration of a retard it comes from Breitbart. Your own damn paragraph says so.
You iteration of a retard it comes from Breitbart. Your own damn paragraph says so.

So ? If Washington Times can publish it trusting it to be true we can have a thread in here without you screaming like you're giving birth to a 20 pound baby like you ussually do.

They have a UN member on record for God's sake ! Stop pollutting us Hazzy !
WTF is this? if the news source isn't from channel 10 I'm not reading. :rofl:
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